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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Have a Birthay!
  2. Bumsnakes needs to be put in the dictionary!
  3. I've been having some odd dreams recently! I had one the other Night involved Haggis and I going up by train to this fun fairground type place, which had a completely blue Cinema! The film we watched was a mix between Charlie's Angels and Pokemon! Then another dream involved me being on a boat with my parents and an oldman who realy wanted to drive the boat as he had learnt how to on this simulator but he soon figured out that the controls where completely different! So we got this woman to take us out to the sea instead! Next we jumped off and swam and realised underneath as was a 72ft deep cavern my Dad started to swim down but my mum stopped him next thing I know we are on this island at the edge with Crocodile type things bursting out of the water at us... There was some more stuff but it is hazey now! Finally last night I had a dream... Coolness Bears Dream: A Visual Tale 2 It started off normal enough as I was sitting in a: I was next to my friend. Anyway the movie began and it was apparently a movie I had watched before as I commented on this. About 5-10 minutes into the movie a lot of people including my friend began to leave the cinema disgusted. After this commotion Paris Hilton got up and answered a phone call: and apologised to the stewardess for doing so! The next thing Paris Hilton was on her: Everyone was just watching her now and not the movie. My other friend walked over and I said to him "See Paris Hilton isn't so bad she has a mac" Anyway the scene changed to me on There was a BBQ going on outside. I went into the: in my: and started cracking On one of the surfaces. Then someone burst in and commented on the fact that "They couldn't believe Paris Hilton was here and how she annoyed them" I replied and said "I could listen to her voice all day" I then cracked another egg and scooped it up with a spatula and put onto the guys plate.... THEN IT ENDED! : peace:
  4. I know no one cares but Miley Cyrus is touring in the UK in December. Tickets went up today! I was all set to buy one for the 02 centre BUT I'd still be in term time in University so I don't know what would be going down. meh.
  5. Woo! Poke a Pillow! My day has been A OK. Revisions in the morning. Then I watched a movie which was fun. Also watched some Hannah Montana on the big screen downstairs which was Pro and increased the hilarity. :p Also played some Gears of War and Pokemans! Good day, tomorrow mah friendo is coming over in celebration in him finishing his exams!
  6. I'mma change my tactics for the next game. Keep it fresh and surprising!
  7. I'll give you mixed! :p This week I've been listening to She & Him: Volume 1 which I love, very relaxing. I've also been listening toWe Are Smug which is surprisingly awesome! You can download the album for free here http://www.wearesmug.com/ if anyone is interested. Also on the cards has been Holly Valance and Paris Hilton, which are just fun! Finally I've listened to the new Black Eyed Peas album which I really enjoyed! Along with Glorior Belli a black metal band I think. I need to get used to the genre but I liked what I heard, not as like arrrgh as you think.
  8. Flameboy! have an nICE Birthday! Hope it's cool. :p ....wait I did this wrong....
  9. I need to get Gold again. I miss playing Left4Dead with randomers screaming in my ear TAAAAAANK!!!!!!!
  10. YESYESYES! I love me some cartoons and Futurama is up there for me just behind The Simpsons but then I an an absolute Simpsonswhore. But really... Season 5 of The Simpsons? nothing comes close for me. :p I loved the first two movies. They could have been better but I feel the length was what hindered them actually putting them back into 20 minute episodes I think will really work. I need to watch the second two movies yet.
  11. General slowness, seriously. There is a great line in the official document but I cannot remember it. It takes me ages to write things down (way below average) and make coherent thoughts, so they make sense on a page.
  12. My day has been nakedness on toast. So I had an English Exam today! The first question took up ALL my extra time as it took me ages to get my head round what I wanted to say. It sounded so pretentious once written down on paper! Second question was much easier, like floating on a cat. It was more of a paint by numbers question BUT BEWARE THE TRAPS! There were a few so I stuck in some quotes and a critic and dusted my hands of the matter. You aint catching this bear in yo' net! Anyway I just had Pork for dinner... and it was good! Played some Smash Bors. and been relaxing to some She & him. Next stop Snailsbury!
  13. Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian This one seemed to lack the heart of the first one but I much prefered it overall for some reason. I started watching it but started falling asleep. :p so took an hour and a half nap and finished it afterwards. I was basically watching the whole movie waiting for Aslan to appear! The children kind of annoy me though. The action and fights I enjoyed at the end and the storming of the castle. The problem is it would have worked better as a darker movie I think. I never felt the peril they were facing as no one really got hurt. I've just realised not many positives in my review but I liked it. 4 Bears out of 7. Yes Man I love me some Jim Carey. He looks a bit old now but I still love the guy and he does these kind of movies the best. Different to what I thought it was going to be and overall I think I prefered the story, though not as funny as I would have liked. It focused more on his relationship with Zooey Deschannel who is awesome in this which I did like. Her character is great and they gel well together. I nearly cried when she said "I think I love you.." It was just so sweet. Even though it is your usual predictable flick. It was predictable in a good way! 4 and a half Bears out of 7.
  14. He has Stolen my... *dramatic pause* INNOCENCE! *flicks back his hair* and scene.
  15. My day has been interesting. I woke up early this morning for a spot of revision before my exam at 9. Went in took my Psychology exam messed it up and confused myself with the questions but I think what I put down was ok. It's alright though as I have a C to full back on anyway, I just need to do well in next weeks exam! Then I waited 35 minutes in the cold for my dad to pick me up because he had forgotten me. During that time I concucted a short story which is too drab at the moment for my liking! Once I got home I had some lunch and proceeded to watch a film but one hour in and my eyes were pretty much shut so I took a quick nap. I've just woken up to the sound of my mum returning home with loads of snacks. This evening will probably consist of The Hills and Pokemon Platinum. (and finishing the movie I started)
  16. Right I lost my first ever match. Time to re group men!
  17. Sorry I've not been talking, I have been following the game I've just haven't garnished any information during the evening's even though I have been trying to. So kept my head down until I got some News! Also I was going to post in here earlier but I just took a quick nap after my exam this morning. :p So what kind of information do you have Moogleviper? and I'm glad to see you are well Dyson.
  18. Yes? I know that harks back to what I said earlier about something but I'm sorry I've already forgotten. I'm so confused. :p
  19. Same here with me and it wasn't anywhere near dark enough for my liking! Iron man Surprisingly good. Quality entertainment. It was a solid effort and did what a Superhero movie should to which is thoroughly entertain me. 5 and a half Bears out of 7 Pink Panther 2 meh. I strangely wanted a terrible comedy starring Steve Martin as background noise while playing Pokemon, this fit the bill. It is so stupid. 2 Bears out of 7.
  20. It was probably me at least 3 times. :p
  21. Don't cry for me. I'm already dead...
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