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Everything posted by mr_bogus

  1. The Sims 1, been playing for 12 years & still not found the final boss...
  2. You tell me I play for many bands & on my own, that one was a function band i played in for some cash over December...at a hall in Dumfries.
  3. Daniel: the animation makes it look like your girlfriend's slapping the guy with glasses while he's trying to touch her! "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" before our Scotland gig:
  4. Most sense anyone's made in the last page If someone prefers the colour "blue" to "green", why don't we call them a bluist, or better still, make it depend on the colour of that person to call them a "whitobluist" if they're white, "blackobluist" if they're black, etc. I guess in an ideal world people's sexual preference may just be described as "that person prefers men / prefers women / likes both". No labels.
  5. Yea i also thought ladyboys were TV... unless there's a mix of both / all 3 types? Doesn't bother me anyway, i'd do someone who was any part of the spectrum if i found them attractive
  6. Anyone ever play F-Zero AX in the arcade and unlock things by plugging in a cube memory card?
  7. I'm sure i remember Sting having made a similar statement to Björk's at some stage... I definitely believe it.
  8. This is 1 of the few cube games that support progressive scan (NTSC version of course, thanks evil Homebrew Channel) AND widescreen, and in 16:9 + 480p this game looks absolutely phenomenal, and i mean by today's standards. Graphics are flawless and framerate is as smooth as ever.
  9. How do you play tilt games using the gameboy player?
  10. How long's it been since the topic lost the "G"? Only just noticed that part...
  11. I did recently play this through and enjoyed it despite the flaws. Definitely a decent story that keeps the player's interest throughout. I hope you're talking about SMB Adventure, 'cos that's exactly when i thought when i was playing it
  12. On O2 here & my housemate complains about regular Mario Kart disconnections, despite trying different wireless channels etc. Let me know if you find out anything... Anyone ever tried one of these to boost the wireless signal? http://www.freeantennas.com/projects/template2/index.html
  13. Nice vids, thanks Boomstick!
  14. Placenta's used in some cosmetic creams etc. Gotta look out for it on the ingredients list if it grosses you out.
  15. Can't say something like that without another photo to back your mum up!
  16. ... and there i was scrolling down, expecting a picture of Bono.
  17. It seems like a Marmite game. I didn't really enjoy it (too much customisation getting in the way of gameplay, and it feels like you need to unfairly unbalance the game to get each jiggy) and know others who feel similar. Pity 'cos i've been a big fan the previous BK games. But then i know people who absolutely love it. These are the people who appreciate the customisation part, enjoy building & trying out different vehicles, and aren't too bothered about "just get on with the gameplay" like me. So the pattern seems to be: - If you enjoy customisation, spending a lot of time building new vehicles with new parts and trying them out, you'll love it. - If you're not bothered with messing about in the vehicle editor and would prefer more of a focus on balanced gameplay, you won't.
  18. 2 minds about the group sex thing, it's a double ended dild...i mean sword.
  19. At least Klonoa still has normal ears. *holds thumbs*
  20. Did you ask for some of his "hot sauce"?
  21. Small breasts ftw. I'm all for the androgynous type anyway. Irish accents are a bit of a turn-off for me, just reminds me of all the old Catholic priests & nuns when i was growing up.
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