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Everything posted by mr_bogus

  1. Couldn't pick out only 3, there's too many good ones!
  2. In a stupid mood one day, when i saw a friend of mine with a friend of hers i hadn't met before. She introduces me, i stupidly speak my mind and say "You're niiiiiiiiiiiice!" - the friend turns away and ignores me. The crap part was what happened after that - my friend tries to break the awkwardness by turning it into a joke & says "I'm Astrid" and in my stupidity i try follow on the joke and say "you're not niiiiiiiiiiice"... then realise how it came out sounding. She stopped talking to me after that too.
  3. Thanks Optimus, also tried Freeloader (1.6b) and it worked in both 60hz and prog scan Played P.N.03 for the first time ever in 480p last nite, woohoo! Apparently AR lets you force PAL games into progscan, is this true? How well does it work?
  4. I almost did, kept dying at the final boss tho.
  5. The "black border" syndrome is because NTSC has less scanlines (as in vertical resolution) than PAL. My TV shows the Hz if you bring up the "picture" menu, and it still says it's in 50Hz mode. So basically it's displaying a y-resolution of 480, but on a display of 576. This was visible in a lot of older games on Amiga etc (look out for some SNES games showing "PAL borders" when you play them on VC). I'll try freeloader this evening if i get a chance, but i'm assuming it changes to 60hz to fix the border. Has anyone managed to get NTSC games to work in progressive scan? (hold B when it starts, like you would for PAL games to run at 60hz). When i tried choosing it on both Resi 4 and PN03, it just crashed.
  6. This sounds a bit wrong to me if it's actually how all freeview boxes work, but the customer support person once mentioned if the box's receiver is too strong, it picks up a source further away than it should, and get a weak / intermittent signal. Doesn't sound logical tho...
  7. It's a drama in much the same way Ally McBeal was, they have comedic bits but it's still about the characters & their emotional issues.
  8. One that springs to mind is Robocop - the buggy FPS from Titus that got 2/10 reviews. By the time i reached the end i was convinced i'd actually played further than any of the testers at Titus itself.
  9. Agreed totally, ever since i once wondered "What if Big Brother went on long enough that someone could have a child in the house, and that person grew up knowing that as their world, then they went on to have more kids etc?" Then a South Park episode came out which had the same idea, and in that episode, the audience had lost interest and the "show" was going to be cancelled, ie. the world was going to be destroyed
  10. At first i found it a bit meh, but the more i played it, the more it grew on me until eventually i totally loved it (except the desert level, that's still the zenith of evil). Now i wish more cart racers have the 2 player option - love the strategic element of choosing a good combo of characters for their special weapon's sake (i like using birdo + toadette for the combo of mushroom boosts & homing eggs) and being able to swap characters to store things like boosts for the right moment. I also liked that the championships could be played through & unlocked in 2 player split screen mode, rather than only allowing you to do individual races on tracks you've already completed as single player.
  11. Oops that was ambiguous, what i meant was "they can't get the devkits out quickly enough, because of the high demand". Indie developers are encouraged by the smaller budget & shorter development time, not the shortage of devkits as my crap grammar suggested!
  12. Some IGN Sonic review scores : Sonic Adventure : 8.6/10 Sonic Adventure 2 : 9.4/10 Sonic Heroes : 8/10 Sonic Wii : 6.9/10 "The blue hedgehog stars in his best 3D game yet..." -IGN. Go IGN.
  13. Reggie commented (which was backed up by an article on watercoolergames site) that they could not get enough Wii devkits out to meet demand. A lot of small team / indie developers see this as an opportunity to make games that they can afford on their budget and team size. A big reason there are so many original & experimental games on the DS, compared to PSP, is development cost. There's the possibility of making a 2D (or simple 3D) game that still sells a decent amount. On PSP the game is expected to be around PS2 quality and complexity. Similarly, a large budget cinematic Xbox360/PS3 project needs teams of 40+ members, a few years and a massive budget, where a team of 20 or less can make a Wii game in a year or 2. This is one of the reasons the DS is beating the PSP despite being a generation behind graphically, and 1 of the things Nintendo hopes to accomplish with the Wii.
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