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Everything posted by mr_bogus

  1. Raid on the River next please...
  2. Usually as soon as i realise it's a dream everything starts "crumbling" away around me until i wake up.
  3. Maybe if you got the hair & eyelashes to go with it... Rokhed, think you should give him a makeover!
  4. welsh_gamer wins. Best idea i've heard in ages Btw was it the Wings version or the GnR version?
  5. I hardly ever have hot drinks, but when i do it's usually in either a Kameo mug or 1 that looks like Monkeyball (but isn't).
  6. Completely off topic but just saw your Kate Bush avatar & playlist chairdriver
  7. I definitely go through phases, think there's no right & wrong tbh... sometimes you might go off a certain kind of food, or don't feel like watching movies, etc. I was always made to feel strange while growing up, being the only one in the family that didn't love outdoor sport, and equally weird being the only one that loved staying in & playing video games. When people find each other's sexual differences/preferences strange it gives me the exact same feeling... Would if i wasn't working tonight... what time you around Bham? Still gonna be here tomorrow?
  8. New subject: Pics with your favorite glass/mug/cup! (Preferably grinning & making a thumbs up or Japanese V)
  9. mr_bogus

    De Blob

    New trailer, AND a release date http://http://www.gametrailers.com/player/38288.html
  10. The 2nd one should be on The Very Best Of Myspace. Not even gonna try the emo thing, so just snapped a random pic on the webcam instead a couple of minutes ago. Bad hair & all.
  11. Just had an hour long nap & dreamt that i came onto n-europe forums and found a dream thread. So when i woke up, i did Anyone here have regular videogame related dreams?
  12. Nah, it's everyone else that's putting stupid rules in place - to eliminate 50% of the surrounding scenery without even looking at it. A lot of people probably felt the similar to how you feel now, when it wasn't socially acceptable to find someone of a different race attractive, or age range, position/status, etc. (Going back decades or even centuries here). You do get my sympathies tho for having all these feelings combined with late teens hormonal rollercoaster. Give yourself another 5 or 6 years and you'll likely feel a lot more comfortable with yourself than most of the supposedly straight people around you who have never approached themselves about these issues.
  13. I think that should be posted in the "Post Your Freakiest Jack Nicholson Horror Film Grin" thread. And if there isn't one, make one.
  14. If you can find I-Ninja or Scaler, those didn't come out in EUR either, both great platformers. Came out here on other platforms. The US only movie-tie-ins may be worth keeping an eye on, if they get good reviews they'll probably be worth getting now & flogging on ebay later. Already GC Twilight Princess is starting to show its value (not that i expect those you mentioned to be anywhere near as polished as TP tho!)
  15. Rokhed adds "coloured hair" to the requirement list!
  16. Wow, that Saffire demo looked impressive! Pity they didn't turn it into an actual game.
  17. But then how would we know it was him? Cool pic regardless!
  18. Just thought of a couple more: Banjo Pilot (3D version) for GBA, before it reverted to the mode7 Diddy Kong Pilot hack: Fire & Ice - megadrive version, here's some gameplay of the Amiga version. Apparently the megadrive version was completed but never found a publisher.
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