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Everything posted by mr_bogus

  1. Bi's are just those who never learnt the rules. Think a footballer who never learnt about offside, or which goal's which
  2. Supposedly a girl gets most horny at that time... unless that was just catholic teaching
  3. If by "dropping the bomb" you mean pooing yourself...
  4. I wonder why only the Jap version...?! Probably on DS, there's 2MB of RAM compared to the 256k on GBA. Although with the updated graphics i'd imagine it takes up more. But nothing stopping them including the original emulated arcade version for download play!
  5. GentleBen after what you showed me at the DS meetup, i never want to set eyes on it again. Having said that, i can't believe you managed to play that far to actually get the unlockables - you must feel like i did after playing Titus's Robocop, that you're probably the only person apart from the game testers who ever played it that much! The GBA version of "Bubble Bobble Old & New" had download play (albeit only the first 12 levels off single cart) so not having download play on the DS version is a step backward. I know it's a completely different developer but they should've at least tried putting in the effort.
  6. Does freeloader still work on US Wii's?
  7. Actually, 3 looked decent. But i agree with you about all of 1 & most of 2, they looked v washed out. I got DK Jet on the Wii and, once you get over the whole "it doesn't support bongos" thing, it's actually a v fun racing game, they've compensated by adding extra moves etc that wouldn't have been possible with the bongos limited buttons/actions. I like the scenery and the rock solid 60fps helps too.
  8. Placebo's version of "Running Up That Hill" is drop dead amazing. I like Kate's as well, but will give Placebo the thumbs up since hers now sounds quite dated & 80's. Ever heard Tori Amos's version of "Smells like Teen Spirit"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWnuYzH7QfY
  9. lmao
  10. That's nothing, i once found Margaret Thatcher's wig in the gutter and am still wearing it to this day.
  11. Takeo makes a cameo appearance! All rise in the presence of the thread starter! (pun not intended)
  12. That angry face hurt steggy, just as you promised! Can't remember if you can get a suit with automatic from the beginning, it may only be after a mission or 2 that you can afford it. Automatic lets you hold down the fire button to shoot continuously. Try this at the beginning (outdoor sandy area) - move until you see the targeting circles around the guns on top of the building in the distance, then stand still and press A a whole bunch of times, then just use L or R to strafe out the way once when their fire comes toward you - a couple of these and it should explode. Use X to change to other targets. To pull off the special moves, you need to do the sequence on the digital pad (IIRC the first one's right, left, A) with around 1/3 - 1/2 second delay between each. I recommend this when you have those fast speeder bike thingies circling around you. Once inside the building, find stragegic places to hide, where you can jump out/up, shoot a few times, then go back in. Pillars against walls are good 'cos you can use the L/R triggers to jump out / back in. If you find something you can crouch behind, use Y. You could also roll forward/back/sideways while crouching by using up/down/L/R. If you try more and still don't feel it, at least you can say you went in with an open mind unlike 95% of the reviewers out there As a last resort, try looking at a few videos on youtube, you may pick up on techniques you didn't think of before...
  13. Sacriledge
  14. Some weekend fun for sports admirers: http://footballboners.blogspot.com/ :P
  15. Guys cut the religious bashing in this topic. I can't believe my parents could possibly have had sex as many times as there are children in our family.
  16. Totally, everything about a condom seems like a turnoff - the feel, the smell, the crinkly sound it makes... i wonder if it's something you can practice regularly & get yourself used to?
  17. steggy if you think of the gameplay as doing a sequence of moves (a bit like dancing i guess, but i'm crap at that), you won't just think "why can't she move and shoot at the same time" and instantly hate it like so many reviewers did.
  18. Interesting, there's also a P.N.03 discussion today on " Relatively unknown or overlooked Gamecube games that you should own" - think i (and a couple of others) just convinced steggy to buy it! Bad reviews FTW :P
  19. FTL indeed. It probably means "whatever you want it to, so long as it makes them feel guilty enough"
  20. I think it's almost impossible to find anywhere nowadays...
  21. I won't lie - nervousness WILL be an issue, so accept it. It's not freakish/embarrassing, happens to everyone! At the same time tho, you'll have fun with the whole discovery thing
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