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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Happy Birthday you big rock-loving guy! Hope you've had a nice day!
  2. I really think Perfect Dark should be much higher up in that list - that game was perhaps the definite N64 experience. Never has a game done so much on one console.
  3. King V is probably your best bet for this...although his diet is perhaps a little too extreme
  4. I think you take the pill very soon after the trauma has occurred. I doubt it gets rid of something from years back but then I'm not entirely sure?
  5. I was most pleased to wake up to read that important bit of information this morning! It made my day (I'm actually being serious!).
  6. Rogue Squadron arrived but it's at the Post Office, I'm too ill to go and get it...can someone get it for me
  7. I'm still with Jav on this one, you're just making sweeping generalisations about "types of women". The point is, it's a "type of person" thing, as blokes are probably just as bad. Sure some are women are like that, but you make it sound like there's an entire "class" created just for these women - I doubt this is a problem that affects the majority of women, it's not an illness for crying out loud. You're just taking what King said and your own personal experience and making it almost sound like a fact. And Iun if you want a grown-up conversation about it then fine, I'm all for it but it helps when you don't say stupid things in the first place.
  8. That "Post Your Websites and Forumes" (or however it was misspelled) thread was fucking hilarious - just been laughing my head off to it!
  9. I just don't think you should rely on drugs to just make everything better. Sure, I imagine people in these sorts of situations would want pills like this but something to me just doesn't seem right about taking a pill and erasing all the memories. It's not natural. But you're right, if I had the problem I'd probably end up changing my mind over this, lol.
  10. Agreed. Whoever says that N64 games averaged around £39.99 is wrong - I've got numerous game boxes downstairs that say otherwise.
  11. They had a court case about this in Boston Legal, exciting stuff! I'm anti-pill, you need to deal with the bad things in life and move on from them. You'll be a better person for it.
  12. Despite already owning this classic for PC, I have no joystick and can't find the game! I've really felt the need to play this great game once again lately - I need something decent to play and fast! Got it for £6.70 including postage, not a great deal but I was determined to beat some nob on ebay for it!
  13. Ugh, I'm still ill - got that weird thing where everything tastes funny as a result of my cold. That's been enough to put me off eating all day! I felt better earlier and then once I got back from uni I was suddenly freezing despite wearing 5 layers and a duvet. Been sleeping most of the evening! Hope I'm better by tomorrow
  14. Happy Birthday Tys, hope you're having a good day (not beating too many people at Brawl I hope....lol). Although I said it earlier, Happy Birthday to you too Maase!
  15. Yeah, if you can get Twitterfox - it pops up in bottom right hand corner of the window and you're able to update from it as well. It'a pretty useful!
  16. In the words of Jurassic Park: "Clever girl."
  17. May I ask, where are you buying the N64 stuff from? I really want Rogue Squadron, but at a good price! Also, severely lacking a RAM pack as a cunt of a "friend" stole it and claims it's not mine! Gamestation have stopped selling anything past Playstation 2 right?
  18. Hmm...you play a tough bake friend...perhaps I shall delve into my culinary past and create the finest cookies, so fine that not even Zeus could eat them for they are too delicious, therefore causing the heavens to part, which in turn causes the lightning bolt of the infamous God to strike the earth with great might, creating in the process, none other than: El Pookiablo - Baker of Awesome "He's so good, he just takes the biscuit"
  19. I think it's depends on where you put it? You've just reminded me that mine is on the floor at home (it's been embarrassingly donated to my mother for she got Wii Fit for Christmas...) but I imagine that my OCD parents have the lounge vacuumed frequently. Otherwise, my Wii is usually on some sort of cabinet or shelf and I've never had any severe problems - maybe they're still waiting to happen? Something like this should be like the jackets - free to acquire for existing customers and packed in with new consoles - if they're selling games that are bound to pick up such a fault then they really should make provisions for it!
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