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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. There should be an "E3 for hardcore gamers" without all that casual stuff.
  2. Same here. Might wait for a price drop, though.
  3. The one thing I wanted Sony to announce was PS1 games to be playable on Vita. They did, me happy.
  4. -.-' Do not like the new style.
  5. Fuck me, that's awesome! Always wanted a 'sequel' to Burnout Paradise and here it is
  6. My god. Absolutely amazing and beautiful.
  7. This is how you do a trailer. Depeche Mode ftw! Can't wait for MGS Revengeance. I love the MGS universe and I love Bayonetta. PlatinumGames will do a great job.
  8. Does anyone have Pure Chess? Worth the money?
  9. That wraps up the most unnecessary, unfunny, useless and predictable season so far.
  10. drahkon

    Diablo 3

    If anyone has a spare guest pass to give away...I call dibs!
  11. drahkon

    Diablo 3

    You aren't. I've started playing Torchlight a few days ago and I love it. Can't be arsed to buy Diablo 3, because I don't have the money/time to invest. Maybe next month.
  12. Bought/seen it yesterday and it is one of the greatest movies I've ever seen.
  13. Downloaded the Techniclauncher. What is the difference between Technic and Tekkit? Is Technic like Tekkit but with other things?
  14. Thanks =) To be fair, the theoretical exams are mostly multiple choice tests, so checking them does not take long. I have 5 more months at the academy with one theory and two practical exams. If I pass those I'll start the so called 'on the job training' at a 'real' work place, which will take 18 months. So far everything I'm doing is simulation. When I'm out of the academy I'll work with real aircraft/pilots/passengers and hopefully after 1 1/2 years I'll get my licence. A long way to go. And it's not that unlikely that I won't pass the final exam. It's quite difficult and the success rate is not too great. But I don't really worry about that now.
  15. Should have mentioned that I'm not in university (at university?). I'm a trainee at German Air Navigation Service to become an air traffic controller. And we normally get the results of an exam several ours after we've finished. By the way, I passed Now I have more freetime in the next 2 months
  16. Had an exam today. Although I don't know the result yet, I'm pretty sure I've passed Hope we get the results later today.
  17. Great little handheld game, although I don't really get every little aspect/detail of the game/HUD. If I pass the exam tomorrow I'll have more time to play. During the weekends I might even have the time to do some online gaming.
  18. I bought Everybody's Golf, played the first Challenge. It's good fun. But I hate how the game doesn't give you a tutorial...and I also hate how useless those instruction manuals are that come with Vita games.
  19. I think my girlfriend is about to break up with me...we'll meet later... Don't know what to do...but I'll try fucking everything so I don't lose her...
  20. Seriously? So instead of a maximum of 7-8 hours singleplayer we get 5? I remember beating every God Of War game (except the PSP ones which I've never played) between 5 and 8 hours. I keep repeating myself but I hate how developers always assume that great single-player games need multiplayer. Mass Effect, Assassins Creed...now God Of War. Why not ditch multiplayer and instead make a GOW that has 15-20 hour singleplayer?
  21. Anyone tried the demo yet? It plays quite well, to be honest. Climbing onto a huge Griffin and stabbing it while it flies around is really fun. The three AI party members also do a good job. I'll probably pre-oder the game next week.
  22. But it is...and to be honest I'm angry that Sony can get away with that (no, I'm not a fanboy of any company, I own a Wii, PS3, Xbox360, N3DS, PSVita, Game Cube...), because so far it has nothing that might make me say "cool, that's new". In the end, I'll probably get it, though
  23. Woop, woop, rumor alert. PSone games compatible with PSVita soon? As seen on reddit.com
  24. Boring...
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