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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Exactly. It's just as someone said: Fear is a powerful drug Overcome it and you think that You can do anything For several years I didn't have the confidence to "make a move". I always thought the women I found attractive were out of my league. But they weren't/aren't :p Now I'm in a relationship with the most wonderful and beautiful woman I have ever met. So, yay me. Oh...and yay you, Serebii
  2. If I'm reading this right it means that Club Nintendo still tells us we have a chance to get a CD although we haven't? I just started the game. And it left me speechless. The 3D is incredible. It adds a lot to the experience.
  3. I'm registering the game right now. It says I'm able to receive a CD, but I keep getting error messages -.- Edit: Yeah and now I can't register it anymore and try to get the CD...what the hell? Well...don't care too much about it, anyway.
  4. So, yeah, I will buy it in half an hour. I'm excited as fuck.
  5. I'll gladly wait and pay 45€ instead of paying 69€ at a shop.
  6. The third (I'm not kidding) time I've ordered this. First two copies haven't arrived...this time it has to arrive.
  7. drahkon

    inFAMOUS 2

    Same here...Amazon dispatched it two days before the release, still hasn't arrived. Loved the first game and really looking forward to playing the second, but "Deutsche Post" is fucking horrible these days.
  8. What a wonderful day. It's my girlfriend's father's birthday today. He invited me. All of their family was there. A lot of them I've never met before, but they seem nice Later me and my girlfriend watched the complete first season of How I Met Your Mother. And for dinner we had pizza. : peace:
  9. Ah the memories. It's an amazing game. My record on Pacifism is 509 million. I'm so proud. :p
  10. That's what I don't like. Right now it looks like something I don't want to play. If a demo can change my mind, great. If not, well...then it's a game I won't appreciate as much as others. :p
  11. Time limit? Really? Still looks slow and floaty...this game has just dropped from "must buy" to "might buy it when it's cheap". The music is good, though.
  12. That is one of the best things I've ever seen in a video game
  13. It is Bought those for my girlfriend. Will be part of her birthday present
  14. It looks so cool I might get one if my bank account is not below 200€. (shipping to Germany costs £7.50. Holy shit that's a lot...) Ordered Infamous 2 today. : peace:
  15. The only thing important to me is that they bring Roy back.
  16. It's a shame I was expecting a new Mario game in the form of Mario 64 or Galaxy. Now I'm a bit disappointed. I couldn't enjoy the New Super Mario Bros. games, so I doubt it'll be different with Super Mario 3DS. Hopefully a demo will change my mind.
  17. That's because I am a spoilt child. Apparently I'm not the only one having the impression the game looks slow.
  18. To be honest...I don't really like the trailer. It looks so...slow.
  19. Gonna show the trailer to my mum now. She will love this
  20. Any mention of DVD/BluRay support?
  21. The conference sucked big time... I hope in the next days Nintendo will clear things up and announce more.
  22. If that was real time...holy fuck. But it probably wasn't.
  23. That's actually an incredibly epic fail...
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