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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. To be honest, I don't have Volume 2 and I've never played the PSP games. But I loved GoW 1+2 in HD and with trophies so I will definitely get the PS3 version some time. I'm still waiting on the announcement that the PSVita will be able to stream PS3 games...
  2. I made a Blue Mage, called her Bluey (heh, very creative...). Others are a thief, a mothman and a heretic. I'm not someone who thinks about names so went through "random names" and picked the names I liked. You can dispatch 10 characters into battle, right? And is there a limited number for characters you can create?
  3. Why not spend some more bucks and get them with the GoW Collection Volume 2 for PS3? Has HD and trophies
  4. That's what I wanted to ask All Characters in battle will get the Bonus EXP? Also: EXP from chests. Does the one opening the chest get the points or everyone? I hate Prinnys...Their voice is just annoying (both Japanese and English). Speaking of which: I can't decide with which language setting I should play. Sometimes the english dubbing sounds awkward, but the game is more fun when you actually understand what the characters are saying.
  5. I still don't have the time to play this as much as I'd like to, so I can't really say anything more than: "It's fun" Decided to delete that freakin' penguin and created a thief. The problem is, though, that the thief is level 1 and the others are between level 13 and 16 Should've started to create characters earlier...
  6. I've made a thread for Disgaea, so I will post any question there. I hope I'll find more time to play this weekend and next week.
  7. Thank god it's a prequel, so we don't have to deal with 'pussy-Kratos' (for those who haven't played GoW III there will be spoilers now)
  8. Well, well. Since I didn't want to post in the PSVita thread everytime I have a question or something to say, I thought it might be a good idea to start a new thread. Unfortunately I don't have much time to play this, but today I entered the Item World (inside a Power Belt ) for the second time, just to try. And damn it can be hard. Without an item to exit the world it got really tough in the end. Had to skip the last three stages to get out there alive. I'm having a hard time to really understand every mechanic of the game (Geo Blocks, their effects, Lifting/Throwing, etc.) and every stat. The game tells you a lot, but it seems that it also keeps several things away from you. For example I don't know which inhabitant of an item has what kind of effect on the item...
  9. I thought of that, too, and I guess that must be it, but it's weird...between the first number and the last two there is quite some space (which I can't show here) It just looks weird...
  10. Disgaea arrived yesterday and to be honest I'm quite overwhelmed. Never really played any tactical RPG before, but I'll get into it. There's one thing, though, that I really don't understand and that's the Item Collection Data. I can't figure out how the percentages are calculated. Let's say I view the sword collection. This is what the game shows: Sword 1. 82% Common 6. 00% Rare 0. 00% Legend 0. 00% I have 3 swords, all common. So what do all the numbers mean? Maybe this is a stupid question, but I really don't understand...
  11. Apparently the stores in Germany already have the game for sale, and my copy from Amazon is about to be dispatched. If I'm lucky I'll get it tomorrow : peace:
  12. Has Disageas release date been pushed forward, because Amazon has a 13th April date?
  13. Yes, please! I hate the art style. It just doesn't fit to a 2D Mario platformer...
  14. Day one for me. I played it to death on the Game Boy years ago. I loved every bit of it.
  15. Playing PS3 and the Vita being just next to me makes me wonder: Wasn't there some talk about the PSV being able to stream PS3 games?
  16. I've always wanted to get a Disgaea game and the Vita installment will be mine when it's released. Especially since all the DLC from the PS3 version seems to come with it.
  17. I won't bother with the DLC then. Don't want to pay just for a battle and one team member. About the monsters: Each monster has several attributes like "Late Bloomer", etc. Does it vary by monster type, or can one type have different attributes every time I tame one? E.g. my "Hoplite" is an "Early Peaker". When I release him and tame another one can this monster have, let's say, "Late Bloomer" instead?
  18. Yeah, I got my second ring. Now the question I asked seems stupid I'm having trouble navigating through the Shrine. I can't get further down 'cause I have no idea where to go...
  19. Been playing this game for a while now. It's pretty good. I freakin' love the music. Is any of the DLC worth buying?
  20. Been playing Ys 1 for 2 hours now. Set it to nightmare difficulty. At level one I died a lot. Mainly because I needed to get used to the battle system. Now I'm level 6 and I entered the first shrine. Found the Shield Ring, which is awesome. But I have a question about it: The ring is equipped and in the lower left part of the hud it is in the "R icon" or whatever it is called (hope you know what I mean). Now my question: Is this just an info that the ring is equipped or can I do more with it? Pressing "R" - which seems logical - doesn't do anything, so I guess that's not it.
  21. I've read about it yesterday. Sounds all very nice, but it's Notch...the question will be: Can/Will he deliver everything he promises?
  22. Anyone else having problems downloading the latest update (1.66)? Everytime the download's finished I get an error message... Edit: Nevermind, 7th time's the charm...
  23. Journey is awesome. Worth the money. And because I am a rich son of a bitch I'm gonna get a 20€ PSN card and buy Ys 1&2 and Tactics Ogre.
  24. Thanks for the info Ike. Tactics Ogre and the Ys games don't really appeal to me. Maybe I'll spend the money on Journey instead.
  25. That sounds incredibly boring. No tactics involved? Just running into enemies? The trailers do look good, but I can't imagine the battle system to be fun.
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