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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. You know, the PS4 can miss folders forever. It's still the best console out there and will likely be until the next generation. see, everyone can bait
  2. The games will be out today. Broforce doesn't have a platinum. And it had such great potential for one. Not sure if I'll bother with this, then Assault Android Cactus looks much more interesting, anyway. Will probably get that and download Flame Over on my Vita : peace: Edit: AAC won't be out 'til next week
  3. Little drahkon (5 years old at that time) wanted to steal things in a video game because he knew it wouldn't have consequences like it would have in real life. So my younger self tried to figure out whether you could shoplift in Link's Awakening. As most of you know: It's possible. I remember being very happy when I managed to run away with the bow What I didn't realize...it did have consequences. Because later, when I was in desperate need for bombs, my return to the shop ended with some kind of kamehameha-beam-of-punishment I was shocked and never stole from that guy again Actually, I did...I stole bombs... That is probably my most favourite moment of my Zelda experience. And now for some embarrassing news... When my mom found my old GameBoy and the Link's Awakening cartridge I booted it up to see if it still works. And there it was: The realization that little drahkon thought Zelda was the name of the little green guy.
  4. Another great episode You made the best of the slow-news-week. : peace: Love the Community Topics section. A suggestion for that: Maybe don't show the threads/posts that often (and if you do, slow down the scrolling speed a bit), instead just show us bullet points with what a couple of the forum people say. And maybe try to create polls about certain topics and give us the results. @Kaepora_Gaebora I don't need to tell you this again, but I'll do it anyway: You're so good at this. Keep it up
  5. Accessing trophies might be the one function that takes the most time to load up, but it's nothing to worry about (at least on the PS4, on the PSVita it takes a bit longer). And you'll get it
  6. No problem. I was just surprised Yeah, that's pretty awesome : peace: Long barrel on Argus is insane, too! Looking to reach Prestige 3 today. 5 more levels to go. Should be doable.
  7. That frame :p I just don't like it. Still, looking forward to the next episode : peace:
  8. @kav82, I joined you today. We ended up on opposing teams. Had an awesome match but you left Anyway, reched level 51 (Prestige 2) just now. Tried out some weapons: Sheiva, Pharo and Argus. So awesome
  9. The PS4's UI is much worse...no folders, no activity log. Just kidding. :p Great purchases there. PSVita and a PS4. Can't go wrong : peace:
  10. February is at its end and it's time for another GOTM award As expected, I haven't played/finished as many games as in January. But last month has been a great gaming-month nonetheless : peace: The Wolf Among Us, another story and choice driven game I've completed and I enjoyed every second. The plot was great, the pacing a bit off at times, but the conclusion...did not expect that. Got the Platinum for this one In between all the games, I've played the Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer a lot...like 48-hours-a-lot And that one weekend...9 1/2 hours in one sitting. Good times. A nice, relaxing and very casual game to play while watching some football matches, you ask? Why let me tell you something about Peggle 2: Possibly one of the most casual games in existence, nice to look at and very relaxing. Hook your Vita up via remote play and there you go, a couple of hours spent with a cool little game. Managed to grab the Platinum for this one, too. Crypt of the Necrodancer...I've been waiting for a release on PlayStation systems since I've heard about this game a year ago. It arrived early February and everything about it haunts me. The core mechanics' simplicity, the beautiful pixel art, the incredible music (seriously, the music is insanely good), the difficulty, the different characters and their game changing play styles...The best rogue-like I've played since The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. My girlfriend has been playing a lot of Crypt of the Necrodancer, too. She already knows she won't be able to complete the game with certain characters, but she is determined to finish a run with several of them Speaking of my girlfriend, we have played and completed Super Mario 3D World. It was a good playthrough, we had fun, enjoyed it for what it was. Not too much to choose from and I'm pretty sure many of you already know which game I'm going to pick
  11. Not sure what the general consensus was, but I found it to be perfect. Reveal the console before E3 and at E3 reveal/show games. I see points for both sides, but personally I'd like to know what the NX is before E3 and Nintendo to do a live E3 conference with games, games and more games.
  12. I do it. Like, a lot. And it works. :p In all seriousness: It's awesome. I've played many games via remote play, the latest: Peggle 2. A (not complete) list of games I've played via remote play: Watchdogs - worked great, easy to control. Destiny - not really useful if you want to do PvP, as the precision is lost with the Vita's control sticks, but I finished the story with 1 character via remote play The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - tried it for a couple of runs just to see what it's like (the game's out on Vita so remote play is not necessary); worked great Diablo 3 - incredible; inventory text is a bit small, but it's not a huge issue Divinity: Original Sin - same as Diablo 3 It works for most games. Games that require precision and quick use of controls, like Sheikah said, should be played normally. For the rest: remote play is great : peace:
  13. With Crypt of the Necrodancer and Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer I don't find the time to play anything else Finished an All-Zones-Run with Cadence on Crypt of the Necrodancer just now : peace: Next step will be unlocking a new character. Reached Level 40 (Prestige 2) in CoD: Black Ops III Multiplayer. Having such a blast with this. Best shooter I've played in years. February is almost over. Haven't finished as many games as last month, but that was to be expected. Next two game's I'll buy will be Dark Souls 3 and Uncharted 4. Until then I probably won't start a game from my Backlog. Maybe Shovel Knight. Finished this once, but looking to get the Platinum some time.
  14. Coming early 2016 to PS4/PSVita, already out on PC. Have played the early access on Steam quite some time ago and enjoyed it very much. Fucking awesome that it'll come to PlayStation systems. Day-one for me : peace: My PSVita turns into a rogue-like-machine
  15. Lord of the Rings
  16. Galak-Z is pretty awesome. Shame there is no Platinum, though..it's what annoyed me when I bought it. Since then I always look whether a rogue-like has a Platinum or not as that trophy increases the replay value by a lot (if you like going for a Platinum) for rogue-likes. PS3 games don't interest me (already have Super Stardust HD, anyway and played it to death years ago). Flame Over is a rogue-like I've never heard of until now...it looks cool Reality Fighters looks horrible...probably won't touch it. I think Broforce and Flame Over make this a great month for me : peace: Is Broforce crossbuy? Is it even coming out for Vita?
  17. Sorry if I already asked, but do you plan on getting a special Platinum as your 100th?
  18. Jesus Christ, @Animal. Great job, man On that note: I've reduced my weight from 68kg to 64kg in the past 3 months. My goal is to reach 60kg.
  19. So, the game I can't stop talking about: Crypt of the Necrodancer I have completed Zone 4 with the first character just now. I think it took me at least 15 hours to beat the 4 zones with her. I consider that as completed, because I got to see the credits with a cliffhanger "The End...?" moment Now I don't know what to do next. Try to beat All-Zones-Mode with the first character, or finish each Zone with the newly unlocked one? Anyway, favourite game of 2016 so far. : peace:
  20. I'm at a loss for words. We haven't talked much, but ever since you've told us what you're going through I've kept thinking what an amazing person you are. To view life like you have...just as S.C.G. said: it's a true example to us all. Take care, MadDog.
  21. Would be a great idea for the next NES
  22. That's what I thought when the announced the Wii U...
  23. Can't belive I'm still the only one here playing this. You guys disgust me :p It's genuinely one of the most creative games I've played in recent years. Such an awesome title. I'm always amazed at how my girlfriend keeps coming back to this. She has lots of problems with games I find appropriate for her "video-gaming-skill" and generally loses patience. Crypt of the Necrodancer, a game which continues to own me...she keeps getting better and better at it. And she keeps playing it even when she dies a lot She has beaten Zone 3 yesterday. My god, she was proud Now we're both at Zone 4. I managed to reach what I assume to be the final boss, but the game decided to change things up and I had to readjust...close battle, but I died This is video game crack. I love it. I can also imagine some kind of expansion coming for it. With Crypt of the Necrodancer you decend further into, well, the crypt. So why not use ascension for an expansion? Would be amazing. Tower of the Skydancer (yeah, I'm not the creative type) or something
  24. I think the game mechanics (except the shooting mechanics) are much better than Destiny's. But that's just personal preference.
  25. A myriad of glitches of the "fall-through-the-earth-kind" prevented me from progressing... I was able to do the two beta missions and a couple of side-missions. The game grew on me, but a couple of things annoy me: Loading screens after matchmaking...whenever you join a group for a mission you get a loading screen. 20-30 seconds. In that time your group progresses through the mission and you have to catch up. If you choose to fast travel you get another 5-10 seconds of loading. The cover mechanics are a bit too clunky in hectic situations. Maybe it's just a matter of getting used to them, but in my playtime I found them to be quite hindering sometimes. Yeah, the glitches/bugs. But those are likely to be fixed in due time. I won't pay full price for this. If the local Gamestop has a deal (trade in two games, pay 9.99€ for The Division) coming up, I may consider it.
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