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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Phew. I'm at home winding down. This week has been absolutely crazy. I'm impressed that I managed to stay alive Definitely one of the best weeks of my life. I've met so many awesome people from all around the world and it's likely that I will meet even more this semester. Tomorrow we'll go on a hike and have a nice little picnic. After that I will just fall into bed and probably sleep for two days straight
  2. well...I'm back home...this week is crazy. And wesome. AwESOME. I finally managed to write in here. But I have nothing to say...parties, people, fun. ThatÄs it. Good night
  3. It's a lot more intense than I thought I've been drunk for 80% of the time since Monday. I don't know if this is sad or not. I'm having fun, so I guess for me it's good
  4. Wonderful news to wake up to. Looks amazing
  5. Agreed, most of the sidequests are pretty crappy. There are some with kinda sweet stories involved, those I liked. but the "mechanics" to complete them are stupidly tedious.
  6. I'm in the same boat. I'm taking a break from gaming in general this week due to some responsibilities (i.e. fun and games with students ) but even when I'm back to gaming next week I might just take a longer break and go for the remaining trophies at a later date. I may just wait for the DLC to drop.
  7. Tried it last Saturday but couldn't do it 5, 4, 5, 3, 4 reps. But it's a start. Sadly I won't be able to go to the gym until next Sunday. Might have to deload a little. We'll see.
  8. I'll be a tutor for students coming from outside of Germany to study at the university in my city. Which means: A week of drinking is about to begin. See you next Sunday.
  9. I knew you'd write something like that about your play-through after I spent 10 hours with the game. Closing in on 65 hours played. Average level of my party is 70. There aren't many things left to do. Still haven't looked up a guide so I have no idea what the two remaining hidden trophies require me to do (I might look up the trophy description soon). Need to find some more skirmishes...this might be a pain.
  10. I see. @Hero-of-Time might appreciate the advice, too I can't stop playing...managed to fully level up my Kingdom except some facilities. Just a matter of time, now. Don't need too many researches, either. But for those I need some citizens to level up their skills which takes quite some time. I've neglected a lot of battles and exploration for higgledies because of Kingdom Building Oh, and I've beaten the story because of post-game stuff.
  11. I've started the final chapter and could finish the game. There is a point of no return, however, if I understand things correctly. As always with JRPGs: I'll do as much as I can before finishing the story. Edit: @somme In case you want to go for the Platinum: Don't spend any money. Seriously. It's not necessary anyway unless you intend to fight monster much stronger than you (meaning you need lots of healing items). You need 500k guilders at the same time. As mentioned above I'm at the final chapter and still only have 370k. I spent a little (maybe 30k) and haven't sold anything (yes...I'm a hoarder in RPGs ). No idea what my items are worth but I could maybe be at 450k by now. Edit²: Saved my game and sold all the materials in my possession...they were worth 403k Got the trophy and reloaded. Time to spend the moneeeeyyys
  12. I think it's time for me to never read this thread again...it's killing my mood.
  13. Have you never played Grandia before? This thread surely made me realize that you are a horrible person...a horrible, HORRIBLE person.
  14. Spent a considerable amount of my free time with this over the last two days...Now at 40 hours Well, 3 of those I've been idle to collect Kingsguilders Speaking of which: I love upgrading Evermore. Managed to build quite a lot. My Kingdom is at level 3 I've also reached chapter 8. Not sure how long the main story is going to last. But I still have lots of sidequests to complete and areas to explore.
  15. I'm reading reddit comments on that chapter. They are hilarious
  16. I'd say stop playing and sell it. Pretty sure it's not going to change. I for one enjoy all the little stories that you play through in the kingdoms. I even like some of the side quest stories.
  17. Phew. Had a major session yesterday. 27 hours played in total now Finished Chapter 6 and the game opened up even more. Still loving everything.
  18. Good ol' annoying Germans...I hate 'em
  19. I'd love to get it but I already spent 100€ for a PS4 Pro so no new game for two months for me. Well...I still have Ni No Kuni II to play @Hero-of-Time @Tales Did you have a go at the Arcade mode?
  20. What a hassle going back to your room to wipe your ass... #bobjoke
  21. Eleven, 11 damage, Dragon Quest XI (11). The number 11 three times...3...Half Life 3 confirmed. YES, I DID IT.
  22. Oh, Draconian Drahkonian Quest. Nice. Can't wait for this. My most anticipated game right now.
  23. @Hero-of-Time You're too slow.
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