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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Tears of people who want a true new Starfox game...
  2. But why...why no true Starfox game...why oh why...
  3. It's called Trials Rising, though
  4. Ah, Starlink. I still want this game not to have those stupid toys...
  5. Love the theme of Transference
  6. He truly is a great composer.
  7. GRANT. YES.
  8. I might get Trials Rising just to crash those motherfuckers into everything I can find.
  9. Eminem's lesser known sibling.
  10. This is how you do an entrance Holy hell, quite the entertaining show.
  11. Yeah, looks that way. Seems to have a huge eSport following, too. Impressive.
  12. It was. Such a cool moment, actually. You could hear how happy she was
  13. Rainbow Siege 6 is bigger than I expected. Never followed the game so it's surprising to me how many people play this.
  14. Oh my, "WE NAILED IT!" That was cute.
  15. Ah, didn't know that. Would be perfect BGE2 seems very ambitious. But it also looks like it's very far away. Quite possibly a next gen game. Edit: Jesus, Mr. Gordon-Levitt. Interesting to see what incredible stage presence he has compared to most other presenters (which isn't to say the others suck; they just don't have the experience).
  16. Damnit. Might have stumbled into a Beyond Good and Evil spoiler there at the end... I should really play it
  17. @Glen-i you can join the likes of @Hero-of-Time: You're too slow
  18. This intro is what I imagine taking LSD must be like.
  19. There it is. Edit: And I managed to get the Gold Relic on the other "bridge level" with my first try
  20. Started going after the Relics today. Wanted to get High Road out of the way after a quick warmup with the first few levels. Well...10 minutes in and I'm already FUCKING ANGRY.
  21. I will. Here's the only thing I expect: Death Stranding gameplay. If this doesn't show up I'll be pissed.
  22. Whenever I hear the Dragon Quest music I smile.
  23. Oh my God...now we have a historically inaccurate Cyberpunk game. The gaming industry is turning to shit. It's all doomed. DOOMED.
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