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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. That would suck. It would basically you can't play with random people, wouldn't it? Unless I'm not understanding it correctly
  2. Watched it today. Spectacular. I loved how the soundtrack was incorporated into certain scenes.
  3. As I mentioned, I won't be playing this due to lack of time. Here's something I remember from my childhood: I started so many new game files just to replay the moment you get your sword over and over and over again. I loved picking up the sword, feeling like a hero and hearing the music change to the overworld theme. Simpler times.
  4. If @Ike doesn't want to start one, you can do it
  5. I'm out for Link's Awakening. I'll be very busy the next three weeks and during two of them I will probably not be able to play video games at all.
  6. @Kav might want to add to that
  7. Do you attach your co-workers to gas tanks and send them flying for those odd looks?
  8. Oh, so you're the one wrecking havoc on Mediterranean islands. It's just a game...you don't have to live it out.
  9. It's awesome. Bought it on my PS4 and played it quite a bit. Mostly against CPU but I also played a couple of online games. Highly recommended.
  10. Played a bit of Duos yesterday. Didn't get a win sadly, but it was insanely fun. Couple of balance issues need to be adressed (Lv 3 Armor is too strong) but apparently the devs are on it. Looks like it's yet another year with CoD for me
  11. Jet hey hi Ook look, I am feeling good well adverb? Anyway. Hey. I'm good. Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool. Life is good
  12. Very, very stressful time in my life. I work 3-4 days a week to earn money. And I work 7 days a week for my voluntary activity. Organizing the introduction week for international students comint to our university and leading two workshops per week to prepare people to be freshmen tutors during that week. I'm lucky if I can get 7 hours of sleep once per week. It's stressful and exhausting but fun. My first experience with an event this big and I enjoy it.
  13. I wish I had more time these days. Really want to play this moooooore Movement and combat is amazing.
  14. What is a FOMO?
  15. Just watched the Halloween Episode of Season 5.
  16. No idea. Thing is: We met again a couple of times since then, mostly drunk and she is very - let's say - affectionate. I might just talk to her about the situation when we're sober. Not sure, though, as it's really not my thing anymore, you know..."chasing" (it's a little too strong but I don't know how else to put it) a lady.
  17. Managed to play two matches, one solo (7th place), one squad (1st place) just now. Really like it. The core mechanics I hate in "normal" multiplayer are perfect for Blackout. Map seems great from what I've seen so far. Each major location actually plays out like a "true" multiplayer map. Had a great final fight at the Construction site. 3v3v3. While my two mates distracted the enemies, I moved to a higher ground and picked off three. In the end it was us three versus only one. Easy I'll probably play this a lot over the next few days, if I find the time. Might swing me over to buy Black Ops 4.
  18. Never played this. What's it like?
  19. Blackout beta starts later today (closed). I'm actually looking forward to trying it out. I've played the regular beta some more and it grew on me quite a bit. Still undecided whether I'll go with Battlefield of CoD this year.
  20. Sorry, should have made that clear: you can end the vote
  21. Awwwwwwww Congratulations Kav
  22. I did not know, but thanks for telling me.
  23. Noice.
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