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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. YES! Held off on playing this after I'd heard about new content. Can't wait. All of you Switch people: Buy it!
  2. Watched Game Night just now. One of the best comedies I've seen in ages. No childish sex-jokes, no unnecessary profanities or annoying side characters. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously; it's simply a fun ride with a surprisingly good story. The acting was spot on, as well. And the soundtrack was incredible, weirdly enough. Would recommend for an enjoyable 100 minutes of black comedy.
  3. Thanks. Can those emojis be a little larger?
  4. Had a lovely day. Took half a day off from work to help the ladies who move away ( ) repaint their flat. Was a lot of fun. The best birthday I've had in years Now I'm back home and will just binge watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine until I fall asleep
  5. You need a PS+ subscription to play online (there are exceptions but you'd have to look up which games can be played online without PS+). Party chat exists. Edit: Fucking Christ, the irony But it wasn't actually my fault. The browser fucked up and actually made two posts
  6. Before buying a PS4, learn how to edit posts You need a PS+ subscription to play online (there are exceptions but you'd have to look up which games can be played online without PS+). Party chat exists
  7. Played it some more on Tuesday. Two more bosses are dead. The battles were so much fun. Didn't have time to play yesterday and not sure if I find time today I really want to, though. Such a great game.
  8. Phew, I was quite close to buying Iconoclasts in the current PSN Flash Sale. Onrush was fun for two races during the beta...I might give it another chance, though. SOMA...love the premise, hate that it's a horror game One day I will be brave enough to play a horror game.
  9. Not a good day...two of my closest friends are moving away and I have a hard time dealing with that. We met only a couple of months ago but they both grew very dear to my heart and it sucks that they are gone soon. Even if they just live a 2 (or 4, respectively) hour train ride away it still sucks... Good thing is that we already made plans for December. One of the ladies will join me on a trip to Budapest and I'll visit her two days before Christmas. And we will all spend New Year's Eve together. Something to look forward to
  10. 3 hours in. What a wonderful game. I've beaten 2 bosses (maybe 3? There was one enemy that had a name displayed at the beginning of the fight) and acquired certain new abilities. Died once so far because I'm a moron and thought: "nah, you don't need healing right now". Needless to say I died to a weak enemy Spent a ridiculous amount of Geos on a lantern because I've encountered two dark areas. Not sure whether I should go back now or keep exploring what I assume is the main path.
  11. And I just booked flights to and from Budapest. Going in December for a week to meet a friend and party with some other friends who will be there, too 42€ total for the flights.
  12. Well...not sure how I should take that Anyway, just started playing it. It's beautiful and the music is great. Farmed some money to make the map more useful and now I'm ready to explore some more.
  13. You know what? I'm going with the other two descriptions here Sounds great, thanks As if a high difficulty could stop me Downloading now. TAKE THAT, @Hero-of-Time !
  14. Soooo, Hollow Knight is now 9€ on the PSN store. People here seem to like it. What makes it so special?
  15. Oh nekunando...what are we supposed to do with you and your weirdness.
  16. Quick anecdote from my life: Yesterday I went to a local store to buy a LAN cable. I knew it was "Black Friday" (or the equivalent in Germany...there are like 800 names for it) but I didn't really think about it. I walked into the store, pass the checkstands and it was a sight to behold: Switches and PS4s being bought left and right. Holiday season is gonna be huge for Sony and Nintendo.
  17. Probably my only Black Friday purchase as I can't afford too too much right now. It was only 13.50€ and I've been meaning to buy it for quite some time
  18. Read that too (not the tweet but the news). It's insane...Sony and Nintendo will be on fire this holiday season
  19. It doesn't but thanks for rubbing it in
  20. Pretty much what I do with women. Anyway, I keep reading that Pokémon Ranger games are great. Sadly I have no way of playing them...
  21. Because I'm an idiot I bought two games that are on sale in the PSN store: Kingdom: New Lands You are a king/queen with the goal to build up and create a kingdom. The playing field is a two-dimensional landscape and there are various gameplay elements to discover (how to collect coins, what to spend money on and the various intricacies that come with certain investments). It's very enjoyable to figure out what every investment does and whether it's worthwhile to go for it depending on your kingdom's progress. There are trophies to collect which are: "Survive 10 days", up to "Surive 100 days". I managed to survive 33 days on island one and I fail to see how it's possible to survive longer than that given the lack of resources/manpower in the endgame. I can only assume there are more islands to unlock and maybe more upgrades for your kingdom. Enjoying it so far. I love micro management so it's quite the game for me Second game I bought: Hammerwatch It's a hack-and-slash adventure. No skill trees, just buyable upgrades. Simple, addictive, fun, and difficult. Love it
  22. What is this madness. She Wants Revenge might be back after an indefinite hiatus. Love their new song. So sexy.
  23. I'm just happy Hero-of-Time is back home.
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