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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. First of all...no, I will not give a fuck about that baby. I will not worry about it. I hate when babies cry. It's fucking annoying. It's the main reason why I HATE Yoshi's Island. FUCK YOU, BABY MARIO. Ok, let's eat the baby. Ehem...Secondly, I'm a bit worried that I haven't seen any guns. I wouldn't enjoy taking out those Mule bases with the strand every single time. Sometimes I like to go in guns blazing, somtimes I want to pick off every enemy with a sniper rifle. Not a huge issue, but if there aren't different weapons in Death Stranding I'll have to take away some points in the end But yes, the footage I've seen makes me want to play the game right now. However, I might not be able to play it until December
  2. I've always adored Shinkawas artwork.
  3. The Decima engine is a thing of beauty.
  4. That has to be one of the best reviews I've ever seen. Is he always this good at reviews? This is pretty much the attiutde I wish everyone had with this game. Death Stranding seems to beunique and with people complaining about how the gaming industry is becoming more of the same people should definitely try it out. Oh, really? Never would've guessed I'm looking forward to your impression.
  5. Thank god, it is. People tend to hate on Kojima (and I get some of the reasons) but there is no denying that he keeps trying to push boundaries. He wants to take video games to the next (or "another") level. And from what I've read, Death Stranding is another successful attempt.
  6. Been reading Christopher Hitchens' god is not great. Such a great read. Ordered these for when I'm finished with it:
  7. The Outer Worlds, man. Travelled to one of the next areas and spent 3 hours just talking to people and doing some side quests. The writing is exceptional and very engaging. I'm trying to be mostly a good guy but occasionally I tend to just fuck people up if I don't like 'em Looking at the Navigational Map, it doesn't seem like there are a lot of planets to explore, i.e. the game probably won't last for 100+ hours. And that's good. Games like Skyrim and Fallout tend to overstay their welcome if you do everything. Sometimes it's nice to do that but right now I just want to experience a game like this for 40-50 hours while doing most quests. Because I'm a moron, I bought the three classic Doom games on PS4. Never played them before. Played two levels of the first one just to see what the fuss is about. It's exactly what I expected: Mindless shooting
  8. PlayStation.blog Nioh is amazing. Already have it, though. Outlast 2 I will not touch with a stick because horror games are not for me.
  9. I hope so. If only as a big "FUCK YOU" to Konami I'm hyped as all hell. Probably won't be able to play it on launch weekend, though
  10. You don't have to wait long. Embargo lifts on Friday.
  11. Ah yes. Knack 3, baaabbyyyy!! Another mastahpiece on the way.
  12. Is Kojima Productions a 1st party studio? Always thought it's independent, only with some support from Sony.
  13. Impressive numbers by Sony. I don't think they'll struggle very much with the PS5 unless they royally fork up the price.
  14. Woke up way too early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to get back to The Outer Worlds. After now 5 hours of playtime I'm ready to leave the first area. Wonderful game. Writing is hilarious at times, choices are in a moral grey area, combat is fun (especially now that I'm utilizing more damage types), the RPG elements are cool (Í usually don't go for dialog options, but I had to do it with this one) and it's just pure fun Can't wait to get back from work and start sneaking my way through the next town and steal ALL THE THINGS.
  15. Hm, makes sense. While I still don't agree with the wording of "rewriting history", you do have a point. As do the people disliking the mission and its protrayal of events/bad guys.
  16. But this is not "rewriting history". I just don't agree with wording it like that. Maybe they make for good action and entertainment? This may sound dark, but to be honest...that mission was fun. Fair enough. Maybe I don't really get the controversy as it's not something I'm educated about. As I said, in Germany we don't really learn a lot about any other country's history.
  17. Campaign is done. What a ride. I've already talked about it in the "Your 2019 Gaming Diary" thread, but here I go again on my own, goin' down the only road I've ever known: Modern Warfare's singleplayer offering is one of the best I've ever played in an FPS. The bombastic shooting sections are perfectly placed between quiet moments of suspense. Certain scripted setpieces don't feel scripted the first time you encounter them, which is quite impressive, actually. For an entry of the Call of Duty series it's quite varied, but in the end it's still Call of Duty. Don't go in expecting something different (especially storywise). It does, however, deliver the best CoD singleplayer experience I've ever had. Now, the topic of "controversy". The game tip-toes around a moral line but never really crosses it. Yes, some scenes are a little "sickening", especially if you keep in mind that these things happen somewhere, right now. But there's no "real" controversy because the moral line itself stays untrodden. Do I wish that there was one "fucked up" situation? One thematic step into the darkest corner of war? Not sure, because what I've seen in this campaign sometimes actually made me stop and calm my emotions. Which is quite a compliment to the devs and actors, I guess? Edit: Pretty much while I was writing this paragraph Eurogamer released an article which highlights a controversy regarding the story (spoilers in that article, of course). I don't know anything about US military history (mainly because we're not told about that in school as we in Germany tend to focus on our own history literally 99% of our entire education) so this issue is entirely new to me; and to be honest: I don't really care. There is, however, one statement right in the opening paragraph of that article that bothers me: ??? Yes, this game takes inspiration from real world events, but the events of the campaign are entirely fictional. And while it is, at times, certainly patriotic, it's still fiction. How anyone can say "the game rewrites histroy" is beyond me. Why can't we just enjoy things without complaining all the time. Anyway, I enjoyed the campaign a lot. It ranks up there with Titanfall 2 as the best FPS singleplayer offering I've ever experienced. It was entertaining, audiovisually impressive and most importantly: It was pure fun. That's all I need from a video game. Back to The Outer Worlds I go. And of course Modern Warfare's multiplayer. I sure hope a balance update for the Spec Ops mode will be released soon.
  18. Indeed, and I feel like I should elaborate: Modern Warfare's campaign feels like an interactive movie at times. However, it's top-notch gameplay, even in those instances: Some of the scripted moments don't feel scripted the first time you play them, in my opinion, which is quite a feat. The rest is a greatly executed mix of action-packed all-out shooting and insanely good stealth sections. The pacing is awesome. As I said, Titanfall 2 plays very differently. Much more "open", so to speak. But Modern Warfare brings the same amount of enjoyment as Titanfall 2 did while being an entirely different type of shooter/game. Obviously, this is just my opinion and results may vary Oh yeah: Audiovisually Modern Warfare is breathtaking. Acting is great, too.
  19. Holy shit, the penultimate mission of Modern Warfare's campaign is incredible. (at least I assume it's the second to last mission) One of the best missions I've ever played in a shooter. The entire campaign's been one of the best singleplayer FPS experiences ever for me, so far. It's up there with Titanfall 2's singleplayer. They play very differently, obviously, but they both are pure enjoyment. Presumably one more mission left. Will complete it after lunch.
  20. I completely forgot this game is out next week. I just bought The Outer Worlds and there's no way I'll finish it in time. I'll buy Death Stranding anyway, won't I? Just gotta keep telling me this:
  21. Will I watch it? Have been avoiding spoilers except for two trailers and about 5 minutes of gameplay. Then again, Kojima's launch trailers are always masterfully crafted and very enjoyable.
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