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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Aaaand I bought it Seems like a no brainer for that price, to be honest. Lots and lots of content. I've only played Shovel of Hope so there's quite a lot of new content for me to enjoy. Will definitely play the original again first, though
  2. Alright. There might be an event for me to attend but I'm not sure if I want to be there. If I won't be there for some gaming I'll let you know.
  3. 6pm today? Saturday? 6pm CET or GMT?
  4. Thank Christ I've been studying biotechnology for the past way too many years
  5. Will do. Yeah, that's what immediately caught my eyes. There is so much crap that gets shoved in your face, it's unreal. I'd be fine if those games were buried beneath all the good ones, but the way it is right now seems ridiculous to me.
  6. I love the internet sometimes
  7. I was browsing on the eShop "for real" for the first time to see whether there's anything I haven't seen before that might be worth a purchase but fuck me sideways, the shop is filled with so much garbage. And why do I have to sift through said garbage to find good games? It really is very close to the Play Store...lots of shovelware and mobile-gaming-trash. I'll probably use other means to find games and only use the eShop to actually buy games...
  8. Just read up on the election and I understand your sentiment. Not a great day That would be great. But I'd prefer Hopp to win the Championship
  9. PS4 games sure have some sexy box arts.
  10. Didn't even notice that @Glen-i used the same expression. Not surprising, because I don't really pay attention to blue frogs.
  11. Caught up on the news and literally nothing exciting came out of this. One or two games are intriguing, but that's it. And since I don't give a wet fart about what game wins which award I'm glad I didn't watch the show
  12. A mate and I have been playing Borderlands 3 for 3-4 nights a week since the end of November. Such a joy to play. We encountered an incredible bossfight just now. So much fun
  13. Are you ok?
  14. Saturday from around 2pm 'til either aprox. 8pm or open-end. Sunday from around 2pm 'til 5pm.
  15. Only if you don't mind me not using voice chat or not having played this game before
  16. Yeah, did that but I just want that stupid screen to go.
  17. Is there a way to disable the annoying screen that pops up when you wake up the Switch? The one which shows "Featured News"?
  18. Tomorrow is the day we've all been waiting for: The 2020 PDC World Darts Championship begins! I think there are a couple of darts fans here? As is tradition for me, I won't be able to watch the first matches Luckily, none of the three German participants are playing tomorrow
  19. Guy who should check the fire alarms in our flat was supposed to be here sometime between 8.30am and now. "If you're not at home at the specified time you can call us and arrange an appointment at a different time. This will, however, cost you some money." (loosely translated) Well...I was here the entire time. Fuck it, I'm leaving for work now.
  20. NO, you're wrong. I completed Act 1 of Crypt of the Necrodancer and then played Slay the Spire.
  21. It's on sale for 4€ now. Guess I don't need to tell you guys what I did
  22. Ascension 7 unlocked with The Silent. Poison cards + Catalyst (especially upgraded) is the way to go With Corpse Explosion and decent defense it's quite an OP deck.
  23. Hm. I guess for that price I don't really think it's worth it. Maybe for 5€, if there's ever going to be a worthwhile sale on the eShop again
  24. It is, but performance is horrible (apparently the PS4 version isn't much better) and it's just not fun, in my opinion. Maybe if I didn't enjoy Monster Hunter World so much I'd like Dauntless more but as it is, the F2P game is just boring
  25. Decided to unlock Ascension 10 with the other characters before moving on with The Ironclad. Had one run (Ascension 4) with The Silent yesterday. It was quite a cool deck (pretty much "gain more energy for next turn") but I made several mistakes during the boss fight (against Donu and Deca)
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