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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Ohhh boy, I had a lot of time left after finishing the 7th palace Had to pretty much sleep through two weeks 'cause there was nothing left to do... Compendium is now at 98% and according to a list I found I have to wait until I'm almost done with the story and NG+ to complete it. Other than that it's now just a matter of finishing the game. I also looked up how to create a powerful Persona and I found a useful guide. After a bit of fusing (and spending a shit ton of money) I'm now a proud owner of a level 99 Persona that can absorb a few elements and has a super strong physical skill. Haven't used it, yet, but it should carry me through the remainder of the game (I also have another level 99 Persona with access to a few elemental spells just in case).
  2. ...and the boss was, too. Talk about multiple phases SP Adhesive 3 is so OP...been playing the game on hard for quite a while and only once had some difficulty when Joker got enraged and attacked an enemy who reflects physical hits...immediately dead. With SP regeneration I can just spam healing spells with Makoto and every fight ends in a victory. The boss of the 7th palace just took way too long. Now I'm waiting for the end. Still have 3 ingame weeks, to go. Already cleaned up some trophies (fishing, infiltration tools, books, video games and also the infamous Passionate Listener trophy ). A few more requests, the Persona compendium, the final two confidant ranks (which I assume/hope I'll max out soon automatically sometime soon) and the story related trophies are left.
  3. Phew, palace #7 sure is a slog... Well, I have today off so beating it is on my list
  4. Well, a deal has been made A mate will buy my Switch. I bought it in 2019...It's only been 1 1/2 years. Aside from the myriad of roguelites and indie games I enjoyed, none of the exclusives made me think that the console was worth it...the only video game device that has given me buyer's remorse, which is a shame... I loved the N64 (even though I got it way after its time), GameCube and even the Wii... The WiiU was a horrible outlier but even that one had a few gems. For me, the Switch has a lackluster library of exclusives and bar Metroid Prime 4, there's nothing announced that interests me... I gotta say...I've fallen out of love with Nintendo and I doubt they can get me back anytime soon
  5. Palace 6 has been conquered... Man...thank goodness I stuck with Persona 5. What a game this is. I do wonder how the story will conclude, though. Seems like it'll just go through the motions, but I could imagine that... Well...sadly I won't be able to play more until Sunday. But I guess there won't be much left. Maxed out all of my confidant ranks aside from one and the few that you can't actually influence. I think I'll take a look at the trophies soon to see what I need to do before I reach the end. I will get the Platinum. Persona 5 deserves it
  6. The music of Returnal: an interview with composer Bobby Krlic Sweet mother of mercy, that track is awesome.
  7. Interesting. Looks like they need to sort a lot of things out internally, or it might become much worse in the future. For now, everything is fine, I'd say. PS5 selling like crazy, games are on the horizon, PSVR2 in the works. But more and more issues about how PlayStation is run are coming up. Right now, only us gaming enthusiasts know about it, but it could become huge if things continue like this for two or three years. Times are weird, man.
  8. Thinking about selling my Switch. It's been sitting in its dock for months and I have no intention of using it again in the near/far future. No games on the horizon that interest me. The only thing I'm "worried" about is: I'd lose my digital library if I never get another Nintendo console again, or if Nintendo won't make Switch games available on their true successor (not the rumoured "Pro"). But, one of my best friends might be interested. I could just give him access to my account. Anyways, used consoles still sell for 250-300 on ebay in Germany, but for my friend I'd go cheaper than that Would be great as there'd be no hassle with shipping, etc.
  9. Played and completed HITMAN I over the last few days. I tried it on PS4 back when all the episodes were given out for free and I couldn't get into it. Did it again with the PS5 version and as always: 60fps make a huge difference for me. Looks like I've become a 60fps snob Anyways, the game is very fun. Lots of opportunities and ways to tackle an objective. However, if you're not into playing the same 6 levels over and over again trying something new, you're going to run out of content very quickly. Which is what happened to me. Doesn't help that the story is lackluster. Still, had a fun time while it lasted and would recommend to stealth fans, but only if you can get it during a sale.
  10. Reached the 6th palace last night. SHIT'S GOING DOWN MAN. Currently sitting in the lab, waiting for some stuff. I want to be at home and play the game My plan for now is to complete all available requests in Mementos before tackling the palace, as is tradition Thankfully, it'll be a short day at the lab so I hope I can get a marathon session going later today.
  11. This is what I'm most interested in regarding sales. Personally, I don't give a crap about BC (further than last gen). If I did, I would've gotten an XBox this gen. And I don't see the (for a lack of better word) "casuals" caring about it for the forseeable future. But as you said, it could eventually be one factor to make PS5 and Series X/S sales equal, maybe even turn the tide. Maybe Sony will dial back on their stance and offer some form of "legacy BC", maybe not. Maybe XBox will stay leaps and bounds ahead, maybe not. Maybe the world will end. It definitely will end. Interesting times
  12. Well, I thought choosing the answers that would lead to love would help in increasing the confidant ranks. I did it for maxing out the ranks, not for love
  13. Gave Zombie Army 4: Dead War a quick go last night and I gotta say: It's not bad, definitely better than Remnant: From the Ashes. And yet my mates won't play the former with me Anyways, Dead War is pretty much everything I thought the Zombie Mode in Call of Duty games was before I played them...just a sequence of zombies attacking you from several spots instead of some cryptic Easter Egg crap. Will definitely finish Dead War's campaign and maybe play the occasional round of Horde Mode.
  14. That "Posts" section on the right side of the main forum also has to go. It shows posts from ignored users, as well
  15. Had a bit of a break from Persona 5 but just finished the fifth palace. Not he best. Great song, though. And a nice way to further push the overarching plot, even if it's just more questions than answers Other than that: Maxed out all character traits and a few confidants, Joker is an absolute ladies man and jerk (seriously...dating more than one lady at once? You're better than that ) and I farmed 6 million yen while also completing all requests I had available in Mementos. 45 hours in, halfway through October ingame and I have no idea when it's nearing the end
  16. Wooohooo, congrats @nightwolf You both look incredible
  17. Palace 5 has a banger track That is all. *goes back to playing*
  18. Top right, dropdown menu. The rest is self explanatory
  19. Really happy I stuck with the game. This is the polar opposite of my experience with Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Instead of going from a 10/10 to "urgh, get away from me" approx. 20 hour in, Persona 5 went from "hm, not sure about this" to "can't put it down."
  20. Finished palace #4. A very swift resolution to the issue at hand. Felt a bit too rushed. It was kinda sweet, though Anyways, made quick work of the palace, i.e. spent two days with it. I now should have quite some time for other activities. Managed to get Temperance to rank 10, create all Personas up to level 33 and get most of my character traits to rank 4 Can't wait to see where the story's going now. It's a shame that your (maybe full?) party gets spoiled by the boxart/PS5 game image. Still, it's gonna be interesting to see how these characters will get involved with the Phantom Thieves. 30 hours in, my bond with the game keeps growing stronger
  21. Yes, I'll post every single piece of information in here
  22. Thanks for that, my day started so well... and now it's ruined. RUINED.
  23. Wow, that worked Couldn't find it while looking up how to import the content I got to HITMAN III. You're a life saver (well, technically a temporary storage space saver )
  24. Weird, mine only downloaded the PS5 version. Welp, I started up HITMAN I in order to get the Legacy Pack. Did not know that you had to download all levels yet again...looks like I'll have to check again after work. No idea why IO Interactive made it this complicated...
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