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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. 15 minutes is all it took to wear me out. Squats are not my forte... Wanted to give it another go yesterday but my thigh muscles are in agony This is exactly what I need, and even though I paid full price, I hope I see some results over the coming weeks.
  2. This is still my favourite version of the Moon theme. Crazy to think it's already ELEVEN years old! YouTube originals
  3. Here are our top 10s of the decade. Starts at 55:19.
  4. The demo asks you a few questions when you first boot it up (you probably know this from the original) and according to my answers, CUBONE is my Pokemon. He's in the game
  5. Shameless bump. Given that this thread had a lot of traction back in the day, the N-E Cafe podcast is going to revive it. The gaming backlog is constantly growing, so why not throw something else on it? I'll post again over the next few days with 3-4 of choices for February's game. We were thinking doing NES / SNES Classics or cheaper indie games so that as many people as possible have the chance to take part, but we're open to newer games too. If anyone has any suggestions in the meantime, I'm more than happy to hear them!
  6. Our podcast goes live tomorrow and has the top 10 of the decade from myself, @nekunando and @londragon. Quite a fair bit of variation between us and a couple of surprises. Give it a listen!
  7. Rolled the credits on my second game of the year - Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD. Such a mixed bag of feelings this game. At times it feels like SMB at its best, at others, like it's purposefully trolling you. The camera is absolutely abysmal and makes hard stages infinitely harder. Me an @nekunando discussed it at length on this week's podcast and go into way more detail (end of plug). A fun game for the most part and it was nice to play this Wii classic again, no regrets purchasing it. Cobalt Cavern's music is fantastic, upbeat goodness. I think I'll put it aside for now, but will probably go back for the medals and the final two worlds. Props to @Josh64 for the Twitter tips for the final boss. Thanks, I was pulling my hair out.
  8. As far as I know it’s the only way (apart from e-shop cards) too add money / pay if your bank card doesn’t match the region.
  9. You need to spend it unfortunately. I’d recommend buying something cheap and topping up (over $2.19) via PayPal if you need to.
  10. 9 out of 10? Makes me wonder what a 10 looks like in "Shane's" books
  11. I started the New Year as I mean to go on! Beat Shovel Knight (main quest) on the plane back home last night. Lucky that I was on a plane as it prevented me from blurting out a tirade of expletives on the final boss. Two days gone, one game down My Switch backlog of 80+ games will hopefully take a hammering. But I'll be happy if I manage to hit 50, a game a week seems fair. Xenoblade 2 is (still) almost done and I picked up a lot of shorter indie games over Xmas, so here's to a strong January start
  12. As someone who’s moved around a bit, the process is pretty painless and easy to do. You basically have two choices: 1) Make a separate account for each region. You can have up to 8 on one Switch, I think (You’ll need a separate JP NSO sub to download the NES / SNES apps this way, if that’s what you want to do AFAIK). 2) Change your region on the My Nintendo website. Next time you log into the shop, you’ll be logged into that region’s shop. I’ve done this loads over the past three years, switching between the U.K., Russia and Latvia. Gold coins are tied to your region but don’t disappear. So if you have, say 600 gold coins in the U.K., you can’t spend them in another store, but you also don’t lose them, so they’ll be there when you switch back. Option two is better in my opinion as you’ll still only have your main account on the Switch and everything will be tied to only one Switch / My Nintendo account. Edit: The e-shop is completely determined by your region settings, not your physical location. Card payments must be made in the local currency, but PayPal is also supported if you don’t mind losing 2-4% on a pounds > local currency conversion. Super edit: NSO sub transfers between regions, so you might actually be able to download the NES / SNES app with method 2. I’ve never tried it.
  13. Couldn't agree more. How much of your shoulder blade being in front of the defender actually constitutes gaining an advantage? There should be a blatant advantages in my opinion, visible immediately on VAR - daylight or no? This way we won't need people with a higher maths degree spending 25 minutes looking at lines and angles and Pythagoras equations. And the refs / assistants need to call it immediately or let it go. None of this IT guy sitting in a room saying he might have seen something the ref might have missed.
  14. VAR seriously needs binning. Ruining the game. The equivalent of a left testicle hair is a ridiculous measurement for offside. It should be daylight between.
  15. No spoilers. I'll reveal my top 10 of the decade (along with @londragon and @nekunando) in our Jan 9th edition of N-E cafe Tune in !
  16. I think three models is right on point. A powerhouse, a cheaper model and a “disc-less”, maybe streaming only, model as you said. I think this is the sensible way to go for the gaming industry. Scaling is easier to do now. “Generations” being replaced with a more iPhone style cyclical approach where the oldest models gradually drop off out of support seems much more sensible and profitable than having a new expensive system (and incremental half-gen upgrades) every 6-8 years. I’m hoping the Switch will follow this too. The fact we’ve had an un-switchable Switch hints they are maybe doing it, but Nintendo gonna Nintendo. Who knows what’s coming next. Microsoft’s approach is genuinely intriguing. I never thought a “Netflix for games” style system would ever work, but here I am complementing dipping into Game Pass on PC. As someone who’s only interested in a few select games on Xbox One (namely Rare stuff and Forza), the fact they’re adding select original Xbox and 360 games to it makes me want to pick up a cheap One S. Interested to see where this leads and how it affects AAA development. I’ll always prefer to own my games physically, but I went from ignoring MS to considering becoming a subscriber. Personally, I think they are onto a winner and fair play to them for leading the way and striving to innovate in a new direction.
  17. Winner winner chicken dinner.
  18. I'm surprised no-one's guessed the transition tunes this week. The game has been laughably cheap on the e-shop a few times. It's one of my most played Switch games, I know @londragonhas put in a load of time. @nekunando has it as well but hates it . Game is out on PS4, Xbox and Steam. Indie smash-hit.
  19. The amount of hype I have for this game is unreal. That trailer was fantastic. Loved the Bait and Switch with the Ni No Kuni style anime. I don't care if the gameplay is average, love me some Travis Touchdown.
  20. The best thing to do is check after it updates every Thursday. There’s usually only 20 or so games added a week (still too many!). Just add anything interesting to your wishlist and then you can see when a nice discount comes along with relative ease. The fact you jumped in after almost three years means that you will have to go through the sea of shite (tm) to find what you want, but I’d recommend having a look online at “the top XX e-shop games” and adding them manually. My wishlist is now a very healthy 60+ games 🤦🏼‍♂️ This certainly helps when it comes to wanting something that looks interesting but not wanting to bite the bullet at full price. Wishlist is pretty decent though, make use of it.
  21. Is the exit poll at 10pm GMT or 11pm? Im two hours ahead so probably not going to pull an all nighter like I did last time. But I might wake up early and try and catch the end of it. I moved away from Labour in the last couple of years, given up my membership, but got my mum to proxy vote for me as they’re the best chance of taking the seat away from the Tories where I used to live. It’s very close, think there was only a 2% margin in it last time. I’m much more to the centre right now, but I absolutely despise everything about this Tory government and Johnson is a car crash. Easily the worst PM we’ve ever had. I hope he gets the boot he deserves. The country needs fixing not even taking Brexit into account.
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