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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Basically if you have good games to show, live event is the way to do it. Honestly, look up some of the live reaction videos to Sony's E3 2015 showing (the triple - Last Guardian, FF7, Shenmue 3). Unreal.
  2. I don't see any point to that. For one, Switch is first and foremost a handheld console. Second, they'd then be splitting their development teams across two systems again and potentially halving their output for each. Seems more like to me that they're trying to squeeze the last pennies out of people before it's dropped I'm sure the GBA Micro came out quite close to the end of its life too. Personally, I think the sooner they drop the 3DS brand the better for everyone.
  3. Do they need to find a way to make it way cheaper? PS4 has sold gangbusters ever since it released at the more expensive price of 350 quid. I think it's more software than price that is stopping people jumping right now. I'd also say they're targeting the same people. Even though this new 2DS is half the price, that doesn't mean people who would buy this couldn't also afford a Switch. But I do think that anyone buying this might then not pick up a Switch until later down the line.
  4. Looks cool but aren't the Switch and this basically targeting the same customers?
  5. And his other LMS PS4 that he already owns.
  6. I no rite, let's go Twilight Princess 8.8-gate all over again.
  7. I got a PSVR recently due to finding it on sale somewhere and getting a bonus. It's really, really cool. I was just playing Thumper last night and was impressed with how immersive it makes the game feel. My only negatives for the system is the resolution and that the lens gets steamed up often, but other than that it's a really enjoyable piece of kit. The Playroom VR platforming level is indeed nothing short of genius. That bit where you go through the cave and the vine comes close to your face is unreal.
  8. Yeah I meant more that the person who was trying to sell a job to someone while also mentioning their staff work all hours isn't doing a great job advertising it.
  9. Oh wow, your people work til 10PM? Sign me up! What a special kind of fucking idiot lol.
  10. Very underdeveloped characters and a story that doesn't capture you in any way like in previous FF games. I remember walking away realising that some characters in your party never even really talked to each other in any cutscene/part of the game. A lot of the dungeons were more like those found in Final Fantasy XI, i.e. an online game with vast but pretty soulless levels. The battle system is probably the strongest point but at the same time the goal is essentially to make the game play itself (not kidding), so you kinda wonder what your role in the battles is after a time. A real lack of awe-inspiring 'epic' moments that you'll remember as well. Like most of the cutscenes in VII or VIII - so many of them were memorable and left you with impressions about those characters. There's little like that in this game.
  11. Well if you start with XII it can only get better.
  12. Both excellent recommendations.
  13. Maybe they just realised SNES is where it's at?
  14. It's a handheld games console. That's not really off TV play, it's something we've seen Nintendo do successfully time and time again, and people love handhelds because of their portability. 'Off TV play' is what the Wii U and Vita were doing, both of which bombed (which probably summarises just how much of a wanted feature Off TV play was for most - I don't doubt it was useful for some, but generally this wasn't heavily demanded). If you're playing a Switch in handheld mode you are basically just playing a handheld console. Otherwise I have been 'Off TV playing' back since the Gameboy.
  15. What this guy said. You can't compare the Switch and the Wii U gamepad. If you could then we would need to be asking as well why the Vita didn't sell when it could do same room (or even internet) second screen play of games for the massively popular PS4. Most people don't want a greatly toned down experience, which is what both the Wii U gamepad and Vita remote play were doing. Switch is the real deal.
  16. If I'm going to go through monotonous noughties-era fetch quests then at least let it be in an always online, connected universe with an Iron Gjallarhorn reward that I can use to blow n00bs' faces off.
  17. The controls for practically every single part of this game are just terrible.
  18. I've put a few hours into this on PS4 and honestly I find it a little boring. This game seems to have magnified problems that were present in Banjo Tooie rather than return to the much tighter focus of the first game. The main problem being the size of the worlds, which are just too big. Like, much bigger than Tooie, with far more stuff to collect in them. Similar to others I think more worlds that are much smaller (and with less verticality) and far less things to collect in each would have been better. As the first world stands, I find it's easy to forget where you are and where you have or haven't been. Quills are also very spaced out for the most part. In BK I'm sure there were often many more together so it was less arduous, and obviously there were also fewer per world. Then there is the backtracking. I'm already coming across a lot of things that I can't do yet - one of which required a considerable investment of time before I realised I couldn't go any further until later. Although some backtracking happened in Banjo Kazooie, it became a much bigger problem in Tooie and DK64. And here the problem is magnified to the extreme, where you have to exit worlds to expand them and return to them, as well as wait until you acquire new moves in later worlds. I'm finding there's also a fairly... 'cheap' feel to the design of the first world. Some outcrops of rocks that seem like they should go somewhere lead to nothing (even after expanding the world). It feels like it's not mimicking BK in ways it would do well to as well - having a guy who sells you a list of moves for notes isn't as good as scouring for individual mole hills for that new move. Having a stamina bar is also pure trash...being able to Talon Trot whenever you wanted in BK was great. It seems to refill after an arbitrary amount of time as well, which is kinda annoying to wait for. Another thing I noticed about the roll - if you're already slipping down a hill then it seems like you can't initiate a roll, unlike in BK where you could talon trot if you realised you suddenly needed to. You have to slide down the hill before you start rolling up it again. Silly QoL issues like that can be pretty annoying. I'm not too impressed with the game if I'm being honest. Even the platforming feels a bit off - something about the way the character jumps doesn't feel quite right when compared to BK. It seems like he wants to overjump, or rather jump faster, and it feels less precise.
  19. But what about voice chat?
  20. At least we can feel safe with the Wii, because the Wii Mini already happened.
  21. I guess my point was "here, Nintendo put out all their big games in one go". Nintendo don't necessarily think about long term or spacing. In fact, I'm sure they've released big games at exactly (or near enough) the same time before. It wouldn't surprise me if this had some Switch functionality.
  22. You mean the same year Nintendo are releasing Zelda, Mario Kart and Mario? Yeah, you better believe it.
  23. I heard this from my post-announcement source as well. Cheers @Hero\-of\-Time :wink:
  24. I'm getting flashbacks to Derren Brown and some lottery numbers here.
  25. Why didn't you tell us before?
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