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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Now that's a console worth buying.
  2. I bought those as soon as I was able to (palace 2) and bought more once I had the funds. Probably the most helpful thing you can equip so far.
  3. It was about a week from me sending it to getting it back. I would recommend calling them as they didn't answer e-mails.
  4. For anyone interested, my left joycon was completely fixed by Nintendo and now works even from the other room. If you have a left joycon with a poor connection in docked mode I would recommend sending it off to them.
  5. Actually the word is actually, actually. Actually.
  6. Oh boy. Could not care less about that!
  7. July, eh? Winter or Q1 2018 here then.
  8. Pokaymon, Stardew Valley. Let's see them get to those.
  9. April 12 is basically like April 1st 2.
  10. Yep, I remember very well that they were blown away by the Pro as well. They basically love games and geeky tech so I can totally understand why they'd be positive about both the Pro and Scorpio.
  11. I really don't know what the problem is...this is the layman's translation of the much more technical article the DF guys published. It's also his job to show passion and enthusiasm for games and consoles that excite him. How do you know this is bias and not just what he thinks anyway?
  12. But was this announced shortly ahead of time only by someone on 4chan?
  13. Even if they patch the bugs and weird animations it sounds like the game has bigger problems like the writing, characters and fetch quests. I don't think I'll pick this up to be honest - Mass Effect 2 was a great game but a lot of that was down to the way the story was structured and the characters.
  14. It seems more like it's being criticised for poor controls, bugs and bringing little to the table/lack of imagination to be honest, not really anything to do with being judged differently to how it was back then. I'm also wondering whether it really does recapture the magic of the original game. Even Tooie couldn't do that and that probably had near enough the same staff making it.
  15. @Hero\-of\-Time I believe the relevant term is "combo breaker".
  16. Sweet Xbox exclusives...is that sarcasm?
  17. It is pretty weird tbh. Surely people with 4KTVs who want a semi-4K console experience will just have bought the PS4 Pro already? While this is a more powerful console you've got to wonder if they can make customers this late in the game care about that extra power. You look at the games on both systems too and it's like mid-to-late PS3 vs 360 era all over again.
  18. Not yet at least. Trophies are also a bit strange at the moment too (error code when loading up the trophies and they didn't appear on my list until I unlocked one). I was up until half 1 playing this. Veeerrry addictive.
  19. I got this case yesterday too. Waited a few weeks for stock on this (eventually went in stock on coolshop) as it clearly looked a cut above the rest in terms of quality. Very high quality case that stores the entire Switch with joycons attached. Would definitely recommend this to anyone still needing a case.
  20. Boxart is yum.
  21. My Simply Games order was dispatched earlier. Kinda crazy how this has gone out of stock everywhere.
  22. As it happens Shorty, about a week ago I got a pay rise and a bonus of just over 2k, which is why I was thinking of getting PSVR. Unfortunately though that Argos eBay deal sold out very quick and it wasn't listed as "sold out", so I didn't know til I tried to actually buy it...
  23. I had the issue. Completely power off your Switch by holding the button down (not sleep mode) and it should work when you boot back up.
  24. Looking forward to this, hope it comes early.
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