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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Can someone explain to me why this isn't like Monster Hunter? Having only really played MH3U, this looks like a massive improvement. I've always felt like MH series took baby steps with each iteration what with being fixed to the decrepit 3DS and always having those interconnected loading zones. The combat in that video looks fairly similar to what I remember in the game too, aside from having a machine gun.
  2. There was nothing this year that was particularly exciting - Beyond Good and Evil 2 had potential but it being a prequel (and that monkey being really annoying) somewhat dampened the excitement for me. The best news to come out of this is Undertale coming to Vita and PS4 (been waiting so long for this), the Ni No Kuni November release, and the home console MH game. The fact it'll be on systems with good online, nice graphics and no borders between map segments makes the latter quite cool.
  3. If your current job doesn't pan out I reckon you'd be a great addition to Ubisoft's PR team, the next time they launch a game and outline their microtransaction plans.
  4. I agree with this. They're really focusing on the wrong thing - it should be software over specs at this point. There are a lot of decent exclusives already out on the PS4 and in the pipeline and nothing of that calibre out or said to be coming for the One. I'm just way more interest in FFVII, Shenmue, Ni No Kuni, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Dragon Quest XI (the latter of which at the very least isn't coming to the One). I fail to see how they're going to deliver on games enough to make lots of people want to buy this.
  5. The Zelda tie-in is so out of place. None of that looks remotely like it belongs in the Elder Scrolls universe.
  6. No the pro model is a Big Mac. It has three tiers to it.
  7. It's £30 on the store, so it's still over £2 cheaper on ShopTo.
  8. Putting it here too since it's a good deal: 12 month PS Plus card for £27.85 from ShopTo.
  9. 12 month PS Plus card for £27.85 from ShopTo.
  10. I very much agree with you. Pokémon is a lazy ass series. It amazes me how people buy every game...I typically buy one maybe every 3-4 games/generations, after I've not played one for a long time. Be the Pokémon Master...again! I bet they couldn't believe their luck how popular the (awesome) first games were. All they have to do is rehash the series every time and they continue to make big bucks.
  11. I agree, Brotherhood was the pinnacle of the AC series. It also introduced multiplayer which was fantastic.
  12. Well didn't it just get listed as being for Switch on their own website and then The Pokémon Company had to backtrack and deny it? Sounds almost like it may have also been planned for Switch but they missed a deadline or something.
  13. Fucking hell. The sooner they let the decrepit 3DS go the better. I was really expecting to see a Switch version of the latest main Pokémon game! Massive levels of disappointment. Epic fail guise.
  14. Of course it will be. They saw you coming, remember.
  15. I agree that removing thanks for just the gaming forums would be the best way, if it's even possible to do it just that way.
  16. I quite like the timeline view and push notifications that Tapatalk does to be honest.
  17. I am happy with whatever as I use Tapatalk. So long as that still works, I'm good.
  18. I stopped using ShopTo ages ago since they aren't the quickest to ship anymore and their prices aren't that competitive. I think SimplyGames are the best at the moment.
  19. Pinch me to end the nightmare. Pinch me!
  20. Sounds very unbelievable to me.
  21. You're not into much, are you?
  22. Sheikah


    Do it! Such a great game, and really great value. Gets lots of content updates absolutely free.
  23. Oh man...E3 2013 is always amazing to watch the highlights of. I'll never know what was going through the minds of the Microsoft execs but it essentially sealed their fate four years ago. This is why live presentations are king. So much rides on them.
  24. Sheikah

    Destiny 2

    I've preordered because I know I should.
  25. Help me out here Jimbob, I'm getting scared, where's the bit of at the end of your post ripping this scheme to shreds and calling forth a plague of locusts to carry away GAME upper management?
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