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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I've been to an escape room a few years ago, was a fun experience.
  2. There's Meltdown which seems pretty close to where Zell lives (and much closer to the heart of London). Anyone been?
  3. Haha, cheers! Yeah, a week and a half ago. Switch is such an impressive machine. The best they've done since the gamecube for sure.
  4. I have been playing Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ and Mario Kart Switch on holiday with my wife (sounds weird to say this, having just got married!). Pretty much a game changer for me, being able to play anywhere so easily. I mostly have played my PS4 at home but the Switch has got some serious potential as an out-of-house machine. Also...everyone should get Binding of Isaac. The US physical version is being sold at base.com for less than £30. Such a great game. Looking forward to finally tucking into Stardew Valley when it launches on Switch.
  5. There is also Meltdown, which is apparently 20 min walk from Zell's house! link. I totally get what you are saying though. Other than drinking, I'll have a think about what we could do during the early day.
  6. I'd definitely be up for loading bar at some point. Me, Zell, Rummy, Paul and Marcamillian have all been and had top bants while gaming.
  7. Yeah I noticed the lack of delete post before. That would be super useful for someone like me.
  8. I got the US version new for £27.85 from base.com (still shipped from the UK so arrived quickly). Been playing the shit out of this once again, been nice to play the new DLC. Still my favourite indie game, so beautifully constructed. I recommend getting this version to people who want it rather than wait several months to buy it for what will probably be £40. [emoji14]
  9. Legit, as the online on this machine has gone backwards again.
  10. And also if you don't like change, just carry on using Tapatalk. [emoji14]
  11. Bwahaha. Saying that running app updates by the iOS and Android app review process will be quicker than if they did their own application is one thing. But arguing that phones are ubiquitous as a way to justify routing voice chat through them? I'll tell you what else is pretty damn ubiquitous for people trying to connect their Nintendo Switches online - the Nintendo Switch!! I can say with certainty that 100% of people in this situation have one! Why not try routing voice chat through that?
  12. You've brought this same example up a few times before and I'm sure you recall that a few of us who've also played the game over emulator said we never had this problem. It could be a dodgy install on your system. Really, you'd think Nintendo would be able to develop a semi-decent emulator for SNES and NES games given that this has been achieved so long ago by people without intimate knowledge of the hardware. Even N64 emulation has been achieved to an extremely high standard, years ago.
  13. I'd put money the other way. No chance of them doing it any time soon on any big scale. I don't think Sony see any advantage in doing it right now as they're currently winning the generation by a large margin. They've also gone with exclusive content on a bunch of big titles for the sole purpose of getting people locked onto their ecosystem.
  14. Why aren't you commenting on Undertale. Oh right, doesn't fit the agenda.
  15. Now you just look silly for reaching the wrong conclusion. I've no sympathy for a cross format because as has often been the case, these games tend to be gimped to the lowest hardware format supported. In terms of the other version, I don't see MH being as big a deal in the west so I can fully understand why they would want to focus on one version over here. I also think it would be fairly wicked for people to all get behind one game and unite the communities on here! The omissions or changes being complained about also sound fairly trivial. I can think of games with instant healing (Zelda BotW, Phantasy Star Online) that limit the amount of healing items you can carry and still allow you to be one shot fairly easily so that healing doesn't break the game.
  16. I have absolutely no sympathy for the loss of a Switch version in the west. It looks like MH is returning home and much for the better. This game could really be something!
  17. Couldn't it also be ice climbers?
  18. Well they did it with 2 games (Pokémon and MP4), whereas if I think you're making the comparison to one specific show, Sony did it with 3 (Last Guardian, Shenmue 3, FFVII remake). Only 1 less, and even then Last Guardian was released reasonably soon after so I wouldn't really even count it. I think the reason those 3 announcements defined the show was because they're games people have always wanted but never expected to actually happen. With Nintendo's show we'll never really know how their announcements went down but Pokémon and MP4 are generally much more expected to happen. Either way as I've said before it makes sense to let people know as soon as possible that these games are in development, even if people have to wait a while to get them. Companies want to be convincing potential customers that the games are coming to give them confidence to buy the system.
  19. This does look very good. A day 1 purchase for me most likely, looks packed full of charm. I was far more excited about this than the Metroid Prime 4 announcement.
  20. I swear they make one of these every year. They never look like they change either.
  21. I can think of why Sony don't want cross network play. They have got Microsoft by the balls this generation and so long as the systems can't play together, people will probably​ only be picking up one core system on account of the cost of the hardware and subscriptions. If you're looking to buy a console and all your mates have a PS4 (and multiplayer with them is important to you), you've got to get the PS4. If the games you mostly want have cross network play, you could get an Xbox if you wanted and still play the games with your mates. Obviously very anti-consumer either way but then so is securing exclusive content and timed exclusivity, which they're also all doing.
  22. Announce it on 3DS, sell some, a while later announce the enhanced version for Switch. Why make them pay once when you can make them pay twice...
  23. Totally agree. What a cunt that monkey was, lol.
  24. Agree word for word. Have two series - one for the powerful and developed online consoles and one for the portable.
  25. Is this like Triple Triad/Tetra Master?
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