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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Where was the PS2/4-like third party support? Where was the PS2/4-like media (DVD) support? Where was the PS2/4-like console design? Where was the PS2/4-like release at the right time (ie. with your competition or before). If they could actually match what the PS4 did on every front and also have Nintendo exclusives...they'd be laughing.
  2. So a network may rarely go down...so what? The internet can also go down in your house...is that a good counter argument against having an internet connection and all the positives it brings you?
  3. That's a really tragic comeback, even by your standards lol.
  4. Smash Melee, MK Wii and Mario Party 2.
  5. Yes it would. If they had a PS4-style console with PS4-style third party support and exclusive Nintendo games...why wouldn't it?
  6. Why not? PS4 did, and it made it $100 cheaper than the competition - and the rest is history.
  7. Sony said they made profit on the PS4 by selling their console and a Plus subscription and game if I recall. If Nintendo had third parties to make money off as well as a network that they had invested in so they could charge for then they might be in a position to do a similar thing. But they haven't, so it's probably going to expensive, which will hurt their sales. Selling the hardware at a loss should always happen in my opinion - console games are more expensive than PC games so there should be some perks. They're going to make money from you anyway from the games.
  8. If they can make a very nice, snappy handheld with a great screen and build quality then I'd consider paying more for it. Comparing the 3DS and Vita, I really came to appreciate the build quality and spec of the Vita and felt that the 3DS was a missed opportunity that felt aged before its time. If they want to have a system stay relevant for a long time they really need to build a better machine to begin with.
  9. The artifact that reduces damage over time in the crucible makes me apathetic towards the weapon really.
  10. Guys, let's not feed attention seekers.
  11. Nice, we're all set for Sunday at 1 then.
  12. Ok then if you can both raid on Sunday afternoon, shall we say 1PM start on Sunday? I'll give first refusal to the people who had already signed up for the last one that didn't go ahead. 1) Eddage 2) Shorty 3) Sheikah 4) @Map 5) @Zell 6) @DriftKaiser
  13. Sorry if it didn't happen for you guys last night. I'm definitely up for doing a raid later this week (plus alts if anyone wants to do that too). How is Friday evening for people? If not then, I could also do Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon. Can't do tonight or Thursday though. I'm 379 now so I imagine it will be much easier and quicker.
  14. The PS4 Pro is for people with 4K TVs who want to play their games with improved visuals. It has nothing to do with any choice by a company to favour graphics over gameplay. It's kind of odd that you talk about graphics just getting better with this console when on the whole, that's what the Wii U has offered over the Wii. You don't seem to realise that making a powerful console attracts the third parties, which attracts customers, which in turn results in more games from more developers and therefore a bigger variety of games, including more new and original games. Witcher 3 is a good example of power allowing them to create a fully realised world to their specification; to say that power is stunting imagination or making gameplay take a back seat is really missing the point. Complaining about graphics being the reason behind a console upgrade is really strange as well, since that is basically the main reason for getting a new console, and always has been. Given the ability to patch the OS easily now there's no reason why new peripherals can't be supported via updates too, so the main purpose of a console upgrade is going to be the graphics.
  15. For £150 you can get a refurbished LG G4 which is very good (currently using it). The camera is great and it's loud, and it has a replaceable battery and microSD so storage/run down battery isn't a problem.
  16. That timelessness because of the visual style of the software, nothing to do with the hardware, which was the point originally raised. The Wii U is not a powerful machine and nothing put out on it is graphically more intensive than what the PS3 was doing in its prime; this was the counter point to somebody mentioning that the Wii U was a more powerful machine. It can very easily be grouped together with the 360 and PS3 as "about the same power".
  17. Nintendo are clever in the way they make their games - their style is cartoony and they make good use of effects so that even games like Mario Galaxy looked nice even though it was running on the original Wii. The Wind Waker remake again looks brilliant because of the graphical style - contrast this to the Twilight Princess remake and you see how much leeway a style choice lends you. That said, MK8 still ran at 720p and to me was still not as graphically impressive/intensive as the later Uncharted games.
  18. "Just like the PS3 version we previously tested, the base native resolution of Watch Dogs on Wii U is a restrictive 1152x648, with identical post-processing anti-aliasing to match. In terms of image clarity, the upscale process is unforgiving compared to the PS4's 1600x900 output." http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2014-vs-watch-dogs-on-wii-u Watch Dogs is not a good example anyway as it performed at a level far below what the next generation consoles were capable of, due to making the game for consoles that spanned the generations. Wii U is nowhere near the current generation; not even close. Compare Wii U games to current gen games like Uncharted 4 and you get the picture. I can't think of one Wii U game that has looked much more impressive than say Uncharted 2.
  19. I can't do tonight unfortunately. That said, I'm still up for doing the exotic quest later in the week with @Zell and @Map if Zell manages to get the quest started on his warlock. Weekend is looking more free for me.
  20. What he said is correct - it was in the same ballpark. He never said it wasn't more powerful.
  21. Nah it was doomed before it even released - Nintendo never listened to the third parties when designing the console which is why it was underpowered and lacked basic features to keep third parties around. It was overpriced and had a terrible OS at launch too.
  22. Speaking of the music in FF, just sat down in the interval at the Symphonic Fantasies concert in London. Coming up... Hell yeahhhh...
  23. Nah, it won't be that long. TVs now are shifting at 4K for very reasonable prices. In 5 years a lot of people will have upgraded their TVs, as people tend to, and they'll probably be 4K on anything above 40". It's just like how now all HDTVs being sold are at least 1080p (pretty much) and not 720p. Newly sold 4K TVs will completely replace 1080p.
  24. Confirmed I will be on!
  25. You can also move across the new artefacts, they're not class specific. They're a good choice to infuse things into.
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