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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Awesome news on Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, been interested in that for a while.
  2. If anyone is up for an alt one after that, I'd be free on Sunday.
  3. This seems like what Christmas is for. Definitely asking for contributions to this...
  4. You're not doing yourself any favours by giving quite a childish response like this. Rather than put your hands up for running your mouth again you just carry on...it's poor form.
  5. Inexcusable means literally that there is no excuse for it. If they didn't use the USB standard then I would agree they there's no excuse for it; that doesn't mean people are angry about it though.
  6. Either is fine for me!
  7. Yeah you are. We can only assume the wow factor of Ronnie's graph was to show how much the NX is being discussed relative to the competition. Well, he put in a term that didn't even exist in the public domain (pro) until a certain point; as shown by Cube, if you put in Neo then you see a different picture. This is also a good lesson in 'garbage in, garbage out '. As soon as you put in a proper term (PS4 Pro) instead of a term people don't really use (PlayStation Pro), you see on Cube's graph that the Pro trends above the NX since its announcement to right now. That to me goes against the idea that there is some unreal hype about the NX that everyone can't wait to hear about. Although I don't think much of this graph, it would actually suggest more people are interested in a technical upgrade than the NX...which I'm sure is not the point he was trying to make.
  8. I've had that a few times - I've always thought it was when I leaned back and something slightly blocked the signal (e.g. the edge of the sofa near me).
  9. I assume most people overlooked your post Cube given people are still saying the NX is impressive, lol. It's not even called the PlayStation Pro, why are people giving the fudged data any time of day?
  10. Rather than hating Nintendo, maybe they just hate the profits to be made by making special versions for Nintendo consoles?
  11. Unless it's Red Dead Redemption, which never got released on PC at all.
  12. @MilaGi can also never do the Tuesday either so I would suggest a different night as the standard raid night. Quite busy most of this week but could do Sunday evening.
  13. The PS3/X1 game was a third person open-world shooter borrowing mechanics from GTA, set in the wild west. It was pretty darn amazing.
  14. The thing is...Sonic also has a fucking strong recognition factor, but it doesn't really mean much for dedicated console gamers. Unless Nintendo can make their games relevant and not just mostly retreading old ground then they are going to have an uphill struggle with the NX.
  15. I am thinking about asking for this as a pooled Christmas gift from my family. The other systems are out of my price range and this sounds like good fun, it's making me really want one!
  16. You said Nolan clearly hadn't seen how American parents react to things when he is an American. How more wrong can you be? This was an unnecessary and somewhat condescending/passive agressive post. The reason that topic was setup was because certain individuals in here begin shitposting whenever negative opinions are posted about Nintendo. It's not a simple case of ignoring people since other people still respond to the problem posts and the discussion tends to derail. And generally speaking, through lack of Ronnie, the other thread actually works.
  17. Yep, it's been there the past few days. I was tempted to queue as the queue wasn't massive, but I passed on it (it was getting a bit late, plus tired).
  18. Nintendoland only has a couple of good games in my opinion. I actually had more fun playing the minigames in some of the Mario Party games.
  19. I think what you meant to say was "sorry for talking shit".
  20. You do realise that more than half of Wii U owners all own Mario Kart 8, a graphically spruced up sequel that offers very little new to the series, while it's something like a quarter of PS4 owners own Black Ops 3? You make it sound like other consoles just make the same games with prettier graphics/more power (when this is actually pretty much what Nintendo do with over 80% of their games) and that they only buy the other consoles to play one or two games (when in actual fact, Nintendo has some of the biggest sellers that most people with the console seem to buy).
  21. Ahahaha. That made my day.
  22. How has Wii Sports 'changed the game'? Same question to something like Kinect. They are dead and gone, vanished as fads do. A game changer is something that has a profound and lasting impact and redefines how games play out. I would say Mario 64 did that for 3D games, and for all we know Rez could do this for VR, if VR continues to grow and improve.
  23. Nobody talks about Wii Sports now.
  24. People rushed out to buy a PS4 when it didn't really have exclusives. Meanwhile, Nintendo has more exclusives than anyone. More people are buying PS4s to play the big games which aren't even exclusives.
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