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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Impressive given that Persona 5 also released on PS3.
  2. I remember working in Tesco part time during uni. It really is a bit shit isn't it...working weekends and for small money.
  3. If only Nintendo repeated this mantra when designing their new consoles.
  4. I had a mega drive back in the day. That said, as soon as I got dat N64 I was really into Nintendo's games.
  5. @Rummy I've seen it in eBay sub £20 if that helps.
  6. Yeah quite looking forward to this. I feel like they have been given an amazing setup from the recent Top Gear series, which was really bad.
  7. For FIFA I'd say it's a fucking lot. I mean, how much do they actually change game-to-game? I reckon they make so much that a subscription model instigated by another company is not going to interest them (hence why they have EA access). Their games sell bucket loads, no need to involve more middle men. They're perfectly reasonable demands. Nintendo reveal nothing and give little; it's a recipe for discontent.
  8. Well your comment was: "I'm just perplexed how they think a console like this was necessary or a good idea." If it is going to make Sony a few quid, as you put it, that would seem to answer your questions quite nicely. You are aware businesses seek to make money? The people they are targeting are also ones with deeper pockets than most.
  9. But it won't do big numbers you said. If it won't do big numbers, what are those big numbers it won't do that cause you to think this was a waste of time on Sony's part?
  10. So in other words you have the gall to say that the Pro was unnecessary and that that you have no idea why Sony is making it, yet now you don't have the balls to go on record for saying how poor you think it'll do. There's a U-turn hiding in plain sight.
  11. Did you even read the tweet kav posted? It quite clearly summarises why it's outrageous. Stop comparing companies/consoles like for like when the situations they find themselves in are not the same.
  12. Sheikah


    I'm not saying that you will have any memory or you will still be you. I am saying that parts of what you are presently made of have every chance of constituting a life form again. The fact you are viewing the world now through your eyes is testament to this coming together of material. It's why I personally do not believe we should readily assume that death is nothingness.
  13. I get the feeling that no matter how well it will do, you will shrug it off as being small. Care to quantify what you think will be small numbers then and how long to achieve them?
  14. Yeah bit of a joke but for a £45 or so sale price, they're getting a damn lot of that.
  15. Can you do that example again but replace £2 with £40?
  16. Sheikah


    I don't understand why some people don't consider there can be life in some form or another after death. You are made of stuff, and somehow this translates to a consciousness. When you die, some of that stuff will no doubt constitute other life forms again at some point. Of course any transferral of memory is out of the question, and the specifics of what constitutes a consciousness are difficult to identify, but I wouldn't rule out the idea so easily that we (purely in the atomic sense of what you're made of now) can't be incorporated into a living thing ever again (thus be 'always dead'). Most certainly at least the idea that you'll rot in the ground forever cannot be true. Forgive me if I sound like a retard in that oversimplification but consider my points a little if you will - it's something I've spent many an hour thinking about and have discussed it on quite a few occasions.
  17. I think there might be some apps on the store that can help clean up system data (or at least identify what is doing it). It's weird, the reasons you give for not liking android are similar to the ones I have for disliking Apple. Putting aside design, price and generally low spec for the money, I had software problems with my 3GS - apps like Tunein simply stopped working properly after OS updates, not even too long after it had been replaced. Since going Android I've never had any problems like that.
  18. Same, had Indian Trophy Hunters. Thought it was odd.
  19. And also except for "Sheikah" or "Zell" came online notifications...right guise?
  20. 80 dollars? That's just as crazy - 960 dollars a year!
  21. The problem I had with it was that it didn't dare. It was very safe, and took elements from the 2D games that I didn't like (e.g. the map for the overworld, less open levels). While the Galaxy concept brought some rather novel and major ideas (namely gravity), this brought almost nothing.
  22. Eh...tell me you don't actually believe that? Nintendo really did not overshadow anyone by revealing an app runner game and a Pokemon Go Apple watch app. If anything, they have worked up a number of their core fanbase (evident in the thread on this forum at least). Meanwhile, news about the thing people do want to know about, the NX, has still frustratingly yet to materialise. There may be people not enthused by the Pro but it was never meant to appeal to everyone; it is a device aimed at people interested in top end TVs with deep pockets (think Xbox elite controller audience). It was basically reported beforehand what the specs and purpose of this machine would be so I don't see how anyone can really be disappointed - it delivered on what it was said to do. It wasn't a games reveal so it was never going to have the impact of an E3. I don't understand what Nintendo's current plans are with regards to revealing this thing - they should have done this by now. Surely they should have used some of the conferences to reveal details on the NX.
  23. Hows that not a pro? A PS4 Pro. Yeahhhh.
  24. Well of course it would be, there's a lot more people on the PS4 network. Throwing punches. I'll be here all night.
  25. By your own confession you haven't been following this - Ronnie has been doing this over and over for the past day. He's coming across way too eager to make a point that nobody is buying. He has made the same point while also saying how happy Nintendo must be. It's embarrassingly sycophantic. To answer your point - it's not actually called PS4K, and some games will support native 4K (while some won't). I think Microsoft's machine will be considerably more expensive based on the spec - if not, Microsoft are taking a big loss. They're also a lot slower to get it to the public, so I think Sony have definitely made the right move, although time will tell on that one. Based on the Digital Foundry impressions, it seems that what they saw was almost as good as native 4K because of the effects Sony managed to achieve. It was pretty much a game changer.
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