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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. Complete bollocks, Metorid Prime, Battalion Wars, Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime Echoes, Final Fantasy CC, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Resident Evil, Resident Evil Zero, TimeSplitters 2, Killer 7, Rogue Leader, there are more as well, it was a great console, and I reckon the best Gamecube games were far better than the best PS2 games, the only thing I wnated on the other consoels was Halo and Halo 2.
  2. Rare was the result of a 'perfect storm', all the right elements in the right place at the right time, and thus the results were spectacular. Once people started leaving it lost that special feeling. It's finally gone now Tim and Chris have left, they were the founders and the heart of the company. A sad day, but one that was always coming when Nintendo let them go, they never really felt the same under Microsoft. Some companies work well together, I believe Silicon Kinights will work better with Microsoft than they did Nintendo, as they are more suited. Rare on the other hand were far to close to Nintendo, and their creative genius went hand in hand.
  3. Top post, they showed great promise, and supporting the Wii was great, but when the games turn out to be shite, then it's no help at all, in fact quite the opposite.
  4. I thought it would've been funnier if he'd just pointed out the crap bits of the game without swearing as much and drinking the beer. The one about top gun on the NES was good, cause that game was even more solid that the turtles! But he tries a bit too hard to be funny, and thusly isn't - a bit like Charlotte Church, now her TV show was FORCED lol
  5. Exactly which Zelda is the shit one???
  6. Hell you've got the curious orange as your pic! I loved Lee and Herring's comedy genius! Turtles was avery hard game, although he was admittedly total crap at it!
  7. Late in the MEGADRIVE's life Konami released a Probotector game, it was not the SNES one, so I'd love to see that.
  8. One game I loved on the SNES was Metal Marines, it was a one of those games that I'm sure a lot of people have never heard of. It was a like a cross between Sim City and an RTS. You built a base on an island then sent over missiles and troops - which were Metal Marines (huge mechs) to your opponents island. It was one of the few of this type of game on home consoles at the time and was superb. It was Produced by Namco and had a great story and great characters who interacted with you via a live satellite link, before, during and after battles. It had a lengthy single player campaign with 20 missions and it kept me going for a while. Can anyone else remember this great game? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Marines
  9. Nah the best game was voted Ocarina of Time
  10. lol awesome post, I've seen them too, so a guy hanging from a bit of rope like an old haggered tampon isn't gonna give me any sleepless nights. Further to what you were saying, Saddam saw himself as a social revolutionary and a modernizer, following the Nasser model. To the consternation of Islamic conservatives, his government gave women added freedoms and offered them high-level government and industry jobs. Saddam also created a Western-style legal system, making Iraq the only country in the Persian Gulf region not ruled according to traditional Islamic law (Sharia). Saddam abolished the Sharia law courts, except for personal injury claims. Domestic conflict impeded Saddam's modernizing projects. Iraqi society is divided along lines of language, religion and ethnicity; Saddam's government rested on the support of the 20% minority of largely working class, peasant, and lower middle class Sunnis, continuing a pattern that dates back at least to the British mandate authority's reliance on them as administrators. The Shi'a majority were long a source of opposition to the government's secular policies, and the Ba'ath Party was increasingly concerned about potential Sh'ia Islamist influence following the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The Kurds of northern Iraq (who are Sunni Muslims but not Arabs) were also permanently hostile to the Ba'athist party's pan-Arabism. To maintain his regime Saddam tended either to provide them with benefits so as to co-opt them into the regime, or to take repressive measures against them. The major instruments for accomplishing this control were the paramilitary and police organizations. Beginning in 1974, Taha Yassin Ramadan, a close associate of Saddam, commanded the People's Army, which was responsible for internal security. As the Ba'ath Party's paramilitary, the People's Army acted as a counterweight against any coup attempts by the regular armed forces. In addition to the People's Army, the Department of General Intelligence (Mukhabarat) was the most notorious arm of the state security system, feared for its use of torture and assassination. It was commanded by Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Saddam's younger half-brother. Since 1982, foreign observers believed that this department operated both at home and abroad in their mission to seek out and eliminate Saddam's perceived opponents.[citation needed] Saddam justified Iraqi nationalism by claiming a unique role of Iraq in the history of the Arab world. As president, Saddam made frequent references to the Abbasid period, when Baghdad was the political, cultural, and economic capital of the Arab world. He also promoted Iraq's pre-Islamic role as Mesopotamia, the ancient cradle of civilization, alluding to such historical figures as Nebuchadrezzar II and Hammurabi. He devoted resources to archaeological explorations. In effect, Saddam sought to combine pan-Arabism and Iraqi nationalism, by promoting the vision of an Arab world united and led by Iraq. According to Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, torture was systematic in Iraq under Saddam's regime.[15]
  11. Damn, back at my parents I've got an old copy of Mean Machines with a review for this in it, if I was there I'd scan it and post it up for you. It got a good score.
  12. How about games that never came out on the 'Cube making their way to Wii? Like a Time Crisis or Point Blank collection with the Wii-mote used as a light gun? Now that would be awesome.
  13. The only thing that annoys me about this game is the amount of people bitching about it. Ok there are minor bits and pieces that aren't perfect. I have the Gamecube version, I don't like it when you run over rupees and the game stops as if you've picked up a game changing item. But it's pathetic the way some people are trying to take these tiny minor bits and acting as if the game is terrible because of it. It's a joke.
  14. I remember it! It was a fine, but over looked game.
  15. Rocky Balboa - awesome! Recommended to all, 8.5/10
  16. Hey, sorry, I didn't realise this had been done before, I really hoped that this would've been picked up and maybe rolled out by the staff here at N-Europe so anyone who reads the site could e-mail in and participate. It would be a nice final send off thing for the Cube.
  17. Try http://www.gameplay.com, or any GAME store, or eBay!
  18. I was hardcore Nintendo at that time so it would have been against all my principles to play a sega game, let alone like one lol I have played through Sonic 1, but never Sonic 2. Sonic was decent in 2D, but it never had that thing that just hooked me like Super Mario World. I think Sega has really killed off Sonic, all his 3D games are appalling.
  19. My lord, the electric seaweed was sooo frustrating. I certainly didn't hate this game, but one thing the Nerd got right about it was that there really wasn't enough from the actual series in the game, it didn't have foot soldiers or anything, just bizarre enemies.
  20. Awesome! I can remember what a complete bastard of a game Turtles on the NES was. It's one of the few games I never finished. Now that was when games were a challenge!
  21. If they do remake it has to be a long way off and for a special anniversary. And I persoanlly wouldn't want to see it knocked off the top at Gamerankings.
  22. 3D castlevania would be aesome if the remote acted as the handle for the whip!
  23. Well i think it seems to have more to it and more emotion than some of the other Zelda Games, especially Wind Waker. The characters are very enagaging and the temples are brilliant. Plus I love the enemies they are like a marauding army rather than just big bugs or bats etc.
  24. Very interesting post, makes a change for the juvenile 'the witch is dead posts' One thing that Bush and Blair aren't too quick to spill the beans on is that both the Uk and the US funded him because as you stated Iraq was a Secular state and was not a Muslim state like Afghanistan or Iran. Same is true of Bin Laden the West funded, trained and supplied him and his terrorists, that's why they are effective and have such good resources. They were originally helped by the US when Afghanistan was occupied by Soviet troops.
  25. Excellent post! Place your bets here... my money's on Iran, under the pretence of their nuclear tests and for the actual reason of oil. North Korea is a difficult call to make, and China is a no way.
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