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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise
Yes, i've seen it's still available for pre-order on GAMEPLAY.COM, and the release date is the 26/01/2007 which seems a little unrealistic, but would be nice way to start the new year.
Well, I suppose, especially as that would be most easily applied to George Bush, he's probably the most hated man on the planet, especially in places like the Middle East - but around half of all Americans will vote for him next time around lol. I'm not so sure of your media control theories though in places like the Middle East, as frankly TVs etc are not as common, and the media doesn't have the vice like grip on society as it does in the West. Plus like I said earlier, look to the example of the Soviet Union, that had the most controlled society in the world, yet that fell. As have many other regimes, maybe the fact that regimes like the Taliban and Iraq under the Ba'ath party weren't quite as unpopular as our media lead us to believe.
Yes, however reports seem unclear to exactly how much of this is classic platform action and how much is RPG style. I would go for 100% classic platforming action and a 100% smile on my face! I also believe this has now shifted development to Wii? Although it hasn't been officially confirmed?
The justification for that regime was that it held the country together, the violence that came after it did not justify it, what justified it was that the violence did not come during it. Yes he gassed sections of the Kurdish population, which is not right, but I feel the price that will ultimately be paid in the lives of far many more Iraqi dead will greatly outweigh that. Plus, as has been pointed out already in this topic, a large portion of the Iraqi population idolised him and backed him all the way. No 'dictatorship' exists without a sizeable percentage of the people in that country supporting it or it is quickly over thrown from within. I don't think pointing out that oil, and effectively western greed and materialism, was the driving force behind that war is teenie politics. I would argue the teenie politics is espoused by those who are screaming 'OMG the witch is dead, I believe he was the most evil man in the wold, yay he's gone'. I'm quite positive that over the next few days there will be propaganda pictures of Iraqis celebrating, all of which will not show the size and scope of any celebration, because any celebrations will be minor and/or staged. I believe that had Saddam by some miracle actually survived that war and driven out the 'invaders' there would have been much greater celebrations in the streets of Baghdad...
Sounds like nothing to me. I for one would just love a 2d mario on a home console again, whith beautiful modern graphics and classic controls, just souped up to the max with everything that made early Nintendo consoles great as well as plenty of updates and extra flair.
Indeed, but that is exactly the point. Morality is a subjective thing. The way of life in Western Europe and the States is VERY different to the way of life in countries like Iraq, everything is viewed differently - even life itself. In some Muslim countries women still get stoned to death for committing adultery. What we would see as oppressive and barbaric is normality, and it is not our place to go and tell these people they are wrong. Their circumstances are different to ours, there ways are different, their culture is different. By applying our morals and our democracy to their country, culture and ways of life we haven't helped them. We've simply created an unstable mess where death and suffering is even more commonplace. For true change to take place in a country like Iraq it has to be from the Iraqi people, like it was in Eastern Europe when the Berlin wall fell. What's more, Bush and Blair have done nothing more than replaced one dicator with another. They have put in place a puppet government that dances to their tune, it's not there to serve the Iraqi people, but to serve America's need for oil.
What nonsense, things must always be put in context. The context of this is that he was deposed, which has created far more problems than it solved, and he was deposed not because the people who deposed him thought he was particularly bad, infact they actually set him up and funded him - much in the same way they have done with many regimes, but because they wanted his oil. And to get the oil they created a load of fairy tales about WMDs, which turned out to be a pack of lies, at which point they then justified the invasion on the grounds that Saddam wasn't a particularly nice guy and the Iraqis needed Western democracy. So, Saddam used brutal force to keep the lid on a Society made up of different factions that would otherwise be slaughtering each other. Democracy is not a one size fits all system that works well with every culture that it's foisted upon. The 'liberating forces of the West' have hardly been met with open arms by the 'liberated Iraqi people' have they?
The problem is, everyone views the actions of others through their own eyes, and sadly as Westerners, we view Saddam's regime in very negative light due to our beliefs. However, there is more violence, more sectarianism and more terror now in Iraq than there ever was under Saddam's regime. The fact of the matter is that people over there may not have had all the freedoms we enjoy here in Briatin, but they were better off than they are now. The country is now on the brink of civil war. Simply trying to apply our beliefs and values to another country and it's people will never work, and it clearly hasn't here. What's more is that people keep whining on that he needed removing etc etc, well the war was never fought to remove Saddam. The war was fought over a faked dossier on Weapons of Mass Destruction that were never there in the first place. I love the way that our politicians try to re-write history, as if they completed their objectives and done Iraq a good turn. This war was a sham to gain control of oil. What's more who has killed more, Saddam or Bush and Blair, look at the innocent people that have died in Serbia, Afghanistan and Iraq at the their hands. Look at the servicemen who have lost their lives or been wounded fighting these wars.
Very very good post. The fact it's ridiculously ironic that the British (Labour) Government, who helped to depose him (illegally and at the cost of over a hundred British lives) despises the death penalty and whilst we have hundreds if not thousands of paedophiles, murderers and rapists filling up our over crowded prison system they're all alive and well, and under the politically correct system we live in will no doubt all get out on parole and be re-housed with new identities. How either Tony Blair or George Bush can call this man a murderer after all the people around the world that have been killed due to their decisions is beyond me. All the invasion of Iraq has done is thrust Britain into a conflict which has cost British lives. It's also pushed a country into a state of near civil war and further destabilised an already unstable part of the world. All for what, oh yeah, America to get it's hands on Iraqi oil.
Favourite ocarina place
Zechs Merquise replied to THE ganondorflol's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Gerudo Valley all the way, not only was it full of super hot chicks, but it was also the pincale of stealth gameplay, sneaking around the fort was awesome, Metal Gear Zelda! As a side note, Gannon was their king, and in their culture there is only one born every generation, the rest are women, he was King of the Thieves. I tell you now, if I was the only man from my generation, and was surrounded by a load of hot chicks, the last thing on my mind would world domination lol -
Now you're talking, UN Squadron was fantastic, can you remember Carrier Air Wing? It wasn't released on the SNES but was a CPS1 Arcade game? I may have played it on an emulator... naughty me! But it was awesome, like a refined and meatier UN Squadron.
Office 2007 more innovative than Wii?!
Zechs Merquise replied to flameboy's topic in Nintendo Gaming
lol awesome! What other stupid VS can we have, I go for the Wii vs Oasis's Greatest Hits Album! -
It's in the options!
Top Ten Gamecube Games
Zechs Merquise replied to Zechs Merquise's topic in General Gaming Discussion
oh, I forgot my Top Ten - 1) Metroid Prime 2) Resident Evil 4 3) Zelda Wind Waker 4) Metal Gear Solid:The Twin Snakes 5) Fire Emblem Path of Radiance 6) Battalion Wars 7) Resident Evil 8) TimeSplitters Future Perfect 9) Mario Sunshine 10) Killer 7 The one game I was going to add but didn't was Zelda Collectors Edition, because it's not really a Gamecube game, and also Zelda Twilight Princess, because I haven't played it though yet, and also because it's more of a Wii thing. -
I remember it, but never had it. Axelay all the way when it came to shooters, well that and Super Probotecter. Awesome, R-Type was cool too - but very frustrating as the power-up system was very unfair indeed, as when you died you lost everything and on the harder levels it made it virtually impossible to get back to a decent level to fight off the swarming hordes. Axelay was classic Konami. I remember seeing the Konami logo and knowing that was like seal of quality. The silver border on their boxes spelt out success. The SNES era was theirs, since then, bar MGS I don't think they've got that killer edge anymore. Bar a revisiting of the 2D castlevania games I really haven't seen anything too exciting from them since those glorious 16-bit days.
Yeah it was a bit sad, very well drawn but sad. However, I don;t believe the Gamecube is dead, neither are any of my Nintendo systems. They live on forever. And I don;t give a toss what anyone says, the Gamecube gave us more classics than the PS2 or the XBOX. Just look at the N64, it never won it's particular war, but hell, I reckon it's remembered in a far more favourable light than the PSOne or the Saturn, or the Dreamcast for that matter. The reason why Nintendo consoles live on is because they always produce classics.
Yes, but not this generation. Maybe next if Nintendo goes and produces a machine with cutting edge HD graphics, then I'd love to see it. Just to re-play what is the greatest game of all time, with literally perfect graphics, now that would be awesome. But not until then, maybe as a 20th anniversary thing.
Top Ten Gamecube Games
Zechs Merquise replied to Zechs Merquise's topic in General Gaming Discussion
No, everyone gives their top ten, and that would easily give at least a top 50, as I can't imagine if everyone on the forum gave their top ten that less than 50 games would feature. -
Office 2007 more innovative than Wii?!
Zechs Merquise replied to flameboy's topic in Nintendo Gaming
PC wprld are scum and have shite ads which are patronising in the highest. They are worse than GAME! -
RESI Evil Remake looks crap for anyone else?
Zechs Merquise replied to CompSci's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Yeah, I mean REmake had CRAP graphics, what an ugly game... Stupid comments like this make me so mad, it's one of the best looking games I've ever played, and I don;t care how crap you are at configuring your TV, it doesn't look like a PSoNE game. -
Super Castlevania (VC) READ BEFORE DOWNLOAD!
Zechs Merquise replied to ViPeR's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Ahh, I have the original! This game is a must have, although it was a first generation SNES game I don;t think it was ever matched really. The Mode 7 was amazing, on the VC can you save your progress rather than having to write down all the passwords? -
I've only played the Crystal Chronicles, which is great. So I'll have to say that. But I reckon FF7 will go down as the BIG ONE! Just look over on Gamefaqs, that one game has given rise to two of the most popular characters of all time (in their annual character battle). The others are Link, Mario and Samus.
I was wondering, now that the Gamecube is set to leave the stage with it's wonderful swan song the Twilight Princess, what are the Top Ten Gamecube Games. I was wondering if we could set a poll, whereby people e-mail in their top tens, their top game getting 10 points, the second game getting 9 points and so on until the tenth game which gets a single point. Then all the games are ranking by the total number of points they get when all the top tens are in. Infact this would give us the top 100 Gamecube games as voted for by the readers of N-Europe.com, N-Europe could do this officially from the homepage as a feature, or it could be done on the forums. If anyone else thinks this is a good idea, please add to this thread. It's something I'd be more than happy to help with in any way I can.
I reckon Metal Ger Solid: Twin Snakes and Battalion Wars or Fire Emblem. Can't go far wrong there.
Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles
Zechs Merquise replied to Zechs Merquise's topic in General Gaming Discussion
I'd be playing this now if it weren't for the fact that Zelda arrived on Christmas day. I think if this game had come out on eitehr the XBOX or the PS2 it would have been remembered far more favourably.