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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. Dunno, but you should pre-order soon, or you'll end up without a copy, as Play.com have stopped taking preorders.
  2. I think sonic died a long time ago... with the Mega Drive
  3. Just been into GAME in Leeds, they had a guy in there all day doing Wii demos, and th queue to have a go weas big, there was a right crowd gathering to watch as well, it had really caught everyone's attention. Theguy in there said they had totally sold out as well.
  4. haha, you just knew this game was gonna be piss poor.
  5. Too right, SNES > Mega Drive, especially when it came to 2D beat-em-ups. I loved Killer Instinct too. Street Fighter 2 Turbo was THE definitive Street Fighter game on 16-bit consoles, plus the Mega Drive version looked like a load of cack!
  6. I don;t think Rare will ever 'return to form'. Goldeneye was like a 'perfect storm', everything was in the right place at the right time, the team was perfect, so was the revolutionary controller and it brought many things to the FPS genre we hadn't seen before. Since then the team at Rare has changed dramatically, many of the key Goldeneye programmers went onto form Free Radical. I personally don;t ever think we'll see anything like this again, it was special, very special.
  7. yeah total dicks, the IGN regional scores are a waste of time, IGN was better off without them. One game, one score
  8. I find it very hard to believe that the Japanese see Zelda as a second rate franchise, I'd put it up there with Final Fantasy.
  9. They're only selling it online, best bet is Play.com
  10. AHHH, the wonders of shopping at GAME - damn I hate that place!
  11. The best thing is the Australian reviewers, they always go a point higher on the big releases, see Gears of War and Zelda lol
  12. hahaha this really puts things into perspective! The only game I had trouble with this generation was F-Zero GX, that was brutal on the higher difficulty settings. But I never played Ikaruga.
  13. Never played the original, and you're right, after playing this I have no desire to either.
  14. When they called it SSX Blur, were they refering to the horrid blurry graphics lol!
  15. Thanks! I agree with you on the aliens too, I preferred the human targets in PD, the first few levels in the Sky Scrapper were good, but by the end I wasn't as hooked. I never played PDZero, but I really want an XBOX360 to play the hi-spec FPS games, and I do intend to get it.
  16. Awesome cartoon.
  17. Personally, I think ths will score higher than the Wii version, I can't wait for this one, I really can't.
  18. Wow, I really can't believe anyone thought this game wasn't totally awesome. I loved it. I loved the graphics, the gameplay and all the over the top cutscenes. I was hooked from start to finish, for me it was one of the best Gamecube games out there, I adore it!
  19. Apparently their allocation has been fully preordered already, which is good, a Australia is a place where Nintendo have never done so well.
  20. This looks great, and as I actually loved the play and style of Killer 7, I can't wait for this one!
  21. Whilst by all accounts it was a great launch and all hardware units sold out, Wii Sports and Wii Play outsold Zelda!!! Now I didn't see that coming.
  22. I think PD was better in Multiplayer, but I the single player, whilst truly amazing, just didn't feel as good as Goldeneye's. Goldeneye just had a slightly better 'feel' to it. I remember going back to Goldeneye levels and playing them countless times, and although the Perfect Dark levels were superb, I just didn't want to replay it over and over as I did with Goldeneye. Plus, the first time you picked up Goldeneye it was like being taking into a real new experience. It just felt like something had changed.
  23. I still think Nintendo should've kept hold of Rare, if only to see their back catalogue on the VC
  24. I reckon it will score higher, it should do. The graphics should score higher as they're the pinacle of Gamecube graphical ability, I doubt the anyone will moan about the controls, and it'll be the same great Zelda game in terms of story and gameplay. I reckon it'll get 9.1 on Gamespot. I would really like to see at least one incarnation of the this game in the top ten of all time.
  25. Unlike either Sony or Nintendo, I don't think poor sales will harm the 360, I think the 360 will always exist and always be supported, after all, it's Microsoft.
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