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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. No official sales figures yet?
  2. So very very awesome, why on earth are they just dancing in their underwear???
  3. Body harvest was amazing, I loved that game, anyone else like it?
  4. Zelda ad is cool, still not as good as the Gears of War ad though, that's awesome.
  5. That is sweet!
  6. I sooo want this game to be good though. Why does it have to look like utter shit!!!
  7. I second that!
  8. It's sold over 7 million now, with Gears and the Christmas rush I reckon it won;t be far off the 10 million mark by Jan 1st. I've never had a non-Nintendo console, but this is seriously tempting me. So far I ahven't really seen too much on the PS3 that's raised my heartbeat.
  9. Wasn't this made by the same team that did Body Harvest on the N64? That game was awesome.
  10. Wow, great collection.
  11. That cable was really cool, but I've said it once, and I'll keep saying it - PURPLE!!! What were they on?
  12. Yeah, but ads are therefore ridiculously expensive! I think the shows they're picking to advertise around are the best for the people who they're trying to appeal to.
  13. Well all offical mags do this. The Zelda score is spot on, as are a few others, in fact Rayman is lower than expected. The ones they've gone overboard with are Wii Sports, Wii Play and Red Steel. This is bizarre, as they've gone with everyone else on the likes of Monkey Ball, which I'm sure will be better than the three they went overboard with, strange!
  14. HEADLINE: Nintendo#'s amazing lead in Next Gen war slashed... due to clerical error.
  15. hahaha, I thought Wii Play game FREE with a remote, not the other way around lol. ONM are ok, but you've got to expect high scores from an official mag. They've cleaned up their act a lot lately, think back to the days when it totally degenerated and there were only something like 20 words to each page. Anyone else remember that???
  16. Over rated.
  17. Saying that, and after reading up on the subject, many large companies are backing Blu-ray. HD DVD has the advantage of being cheaper and easier for manufacture, which could see a much larger take up rate by consumers. Plus, as has been said, HD DVD fits a lot better than blu-ray.
  18. I don;t think piracy harmed the PS2...
  19. Very true, all this about talk of 'consumer choice' is nonsense. People want to be able to walk into a shop and buy an HD DVD player/recorder without fear that it won't be able to play certain disks or that it might not see all releases on that format. I think we'll soon see which format is the most popular as within 6-12 months one format will have a far larger catalogue of releases, and I'm betting on HD DVD.
  20. I think Sony was arrogant with PS2, but they've been so ridiculously over arroagnt with the PS3 it's almost unreal. The blu-ray thing could be a huge downfall for them. After Beta, mini disc and UMD you'd think they'd have leaned lol
  21. No, not at all. I don;t count Generals and Zero Hour as TRUE C&C games to be honest, and I never played them. But I do have every single C&C game and Red Alert game + their expansion packs. I think the weakest game under EA was Tiberium Sun, and that was still ace. Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge were truly brilliant, I wouldn't even like to hazard a guess at the number of hours I've spent on them!
  22. I'm looking forward to Resident Evil and Final Fantasy. Battalion wars looks superb, I adored the orginal, I replayed it again a few weeks back and it seemed even better on the second run through, it's just a wonderful title. I reckon had that been on XBOX with a fully fledged online mode then it would have been seen as an all time classic.
  23. I love Daragon Ball Z, pleased it can be played with the classic controls too!
  24. I'll be getting a classic controller, still really pissed off it won't work with my Gamecube games though.
  25. Well hopefully they can sort out the horrid graphics in that time. As it's from Ubisoft it should look as good as Red Steel! :P
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