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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. oooh yeah that samurai game that looked like a direct port from the DS! That one really supplied the eye candy!
  2. I got mine from GAME, they said it was new and I paid 19.99 for it. It was not new, they are arses!
  3. Well it has the best boxart that's for sure, I love that Penguin, he's awesome!
  4. Does anyone rememebr Star Wars Arcade by Sega? That would be awesome, with udpated visuals. You play all the best scenes out using the Wii-mote as a light saber or aas the sterring column from the speeders etc.
  5. Not seen it yet, and there's not much in stores yet, just the regular pre-order signs! Still no demo pods!
  6. Hmmm, I disagree, there's nothing liek the smell of opening a factory sealed game!
  7. I've never had an unofficial pad, I think they're just wrong!
  8. I think this game will be nice looking. I'm looking forward to this a lot, I loved MP and MP2, but the whole dark world light world thing didn't really do it for me, nor did the ammo system. But it was still great. My only concerns are over the controls. I wish the option of classic controls was in there too.
  9. I agree, it looks very poor and is not well done at all. Although considering the original ship was a kinda flying version of Samus' head, they didn't have much to work with!
  10. AAAh, I know what level you're on, that was probably the best level in the game I loved it. The puzzles were great!
  11. I'd love to see a MGS compilation of all three Solid games with Wii controls as well as classic controls. We deserve this as Snake is in Smash Bros!
  12. I loved the light suit, it was awesome, but the Phazon suit was great too! I'm not much for her in the blue skin tight thing though. I like the proper suits.
  13. He always lets me through! Methinks you're missing something!
  14. That was a game I felt had real potential, kinda Sim City with a Nintendo twist, but after poor reviews all round I gave it a miss.
  15. The whole issue with the classic controller is irritating, I think Nintendo have been lazy with it in both the sense of the rumble and the lack of GC compatibility.
  16. Awesome trailer, but sadly still no venom footage, they showed him at Comic Con this year so why not now
  17. the gaming world shakes! I will not buy a Wii now, I hate + and - lol
  18. Well Nintendo Europe are not known for their reliability. Sadly as we all know Europe is seen as the least important territory, and we all know how many times we've been given the shaft in the past.
  19. I try to get all my games new and factory sealed, I love the feeling of being the first person to open the box. I like everything in mint condition.
  20. I care, this is great news, I love the fact the DS is giving the PSP a good whipping! I wonder what Microsoft makes of the fact a 6 year old console is outselling the 360?
  21. I don;t think I've ever brought anything from Amazon, I usually go for Gameplay or Paly.com
  22. Agreed, it's almost as annoying as when people say 'We don;t need this franchise on the Wii' simply because it won;t be coming out on Wii as the graphics are too flash.
  23. Agreed, this is a game with potential, and it'll simply not live up to that if it comes out looking like this! Also, as it's gonna be released in a pretty well packed launch line up, it'll just be lost, I can't imagine anyone picking this up before the likes of Red Steel and Zelda.
  24. This is a bit lazy, but doesn't bother me in the slighest, the rumble annoys me and I always turn it off. I'm still more pissed off about the fact the VC controller isn't compatible with Gamecube games.
  25. When this was announced I was really hopefully for it, an existing, popular and successful franchise, coming to Wii with all new controls. But seeing as the Wii is more powerful than the Gamecube, and this looks very sub par and rushed I'm displeased.
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