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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. I saw the video, it didn't look good to me, it looked like Die Hard Vendetta - ie rubbish.
  2. I think the reason Sonic has had so many problems in 3D is because what he used to do in 2D does not work in 3D. When Mario took the jump from 2D to 3D he also started doing things differently. The make up and gameplay of the levels was different. However Sonic on the other hand tried to recreate the speed and loops in 3D, this simply doesn't work, and it works a lot less well due to a terrible camera.
  3. Well I reckon we'll definately be getting the Wii version in Europe.
  4. Well, I didn't pick up Pikmin at the time, so I'm looking for that, and I also want RE2 and RE3, Star Fox Assault and Crazy Taxi. I tend to browse through eBay a lot and look for deals. I have about 25 games, and I think I've got most of the classics.
  5. Sad for people who won;t get their Wii, but ace that there is a strong demand for the Wii.
  6. I've played both Sonic Adventure and SA2: Battle, both were poor and ruined by the terrible camera. Also, I simply didn't think the style of fast play that worked well in 2D translated particularly well into 3D. I hope these issues are resolved in this title.
  7. Another piss poor and very cheap looking attempt at a game, it could easily be on the PS2.
  8. Exactly, no one's saying it should be in hi def or anything, just that it shouldn't look like something we saw during the first generation on the Gamecube. It's pathetic, and games that look this bad give a negative impression of the console itself.
  9. The graphics are appalling. For a next gen game, it looks poor, very poor. It reminds me very much of Die Hard Vendetta on the Gamecube. If the Wii has the power to create decent looking games, people should be using it.
  10. I think Wii is a great price, I didn't think so at first but I was in HMV with my girl, she said WOW! Wii is only 179.99 with a game, that's the same price as PSP! So i reckon people will lap it up even without a bundle!
  11. I used to love split screen, I was the Goldeneye king at my school, but I think online is the way of the future, just look at PSO and Halo, as well as the huge PC folllowing for MMORPGs
  12. Good call mate You won't regret it! It's a true gem, and although it's only text, it's still one of the most compelling and enthralling games I've ever played!
  13. I'm trying my best to get through without losing any of my party! Titania is my best sao far, I also rely heavily on Oscar, Ike and Boyd.
  14. I think Zelda will be one of the fwe games to ever live up to this level of hype. One thing I'm pretty sure of!
  15. I started on Normal, I'm already on Chapter 11, I love it, I try not to play things on Easy as I like to get my value for money!
  16. Well they were beautiful and really well done. I think they add a lot to a title, it's nice to see it all unfold rather than just having it read it whilst looking at in inanimate cut outs. Still one of the best Gamecube games ever, but it could've just been such a blockbuster.
  17. If Fire Emblem is anything liek the Gamecube one it'll be ace! But please Nintendo, if you're listening - release it in a year or so when you've managed to put in proper cutscenes and not just reams of text!
  18. I think Red Steel will be a major seller, but we will also hundreds of preowned copies lining the shelves in a week, I think it will also recieve far less favourable reviews from the rest of the gaming world. I think the following games will all flop/sell poorly: Happy Feet Rampage: Total Destruction Gottlieb Pinball Classics Super Fruit Fall Cars Barnyard Spongebob Squarepants: Blazing Angels Squadrons of WW II GT Pro Series Monster 4x4 World Circuit Open Season I think most people will pick up 2 games with their console, some three (no including Wii sports) I can't imagine anyone NOT picking Zelda, I think a lot will buy Red Steel and other popular ones will be Rayman, Monkey Ball, Call of Duty 3.
  19. As always the Bard speaks the truth! This is a surprisingly high score, I was expecting 80% give or take 5%, this is probably an example of a Nintendo mag giving a high score to game that they've been granted an 'exclusive' with. We all know they do it. My tip for the day is wait until both IGN and GAMESPOT have reviewed these games.
  20. no, I'm with you, never even been tempted.
  21. The battering was done before it was packaged, there were small cuts in the transparent plastic that houses the sleeve. It looks like I'm not the only one who's had this problem either. I've also ordered from both Gameplay.com and Play.com, both who sent out the games in their factory seal and they were MINT. I suggest people beware of ordering from GAME's online store, if like me you like things to be perfect, caution is well advised!
  22. I recently picked up Fire Emblem for the Gamecube from the lovely people at Paly.com (great value check 'em out!). What a game, it's awesome, I'm onto Chapter 8 now and so far the story has been great, the characters brilliant and the gameplay very compelling and fun. In fact this game has all the hallmarks of a true blockbuster, a game that should be remembered for years to come by the whole whole gaming community. But this is where my gripe lies, this wonderful game with it's great story has been sold short. At points the game switches to beautiful anime style cut scenes which are simply breath taking (the point where Greil fights the Black Knight is a stunning instance of this), but for the most part this game is content to tell the story in statc scenes with reams and reams of text. This whole game should have been done with these cutscenes, they're awesome, it should have been a real showcase for the Gamecube, but instead we're left with a true gem that was never developed to it's full potential. I would recommend to every serious gamer out there that they picked up this title. I would recommend to Nintendo though, that when they have pure gold in there hands - which they do with this magnificent series - that they polish it up and develop it into the blockbuster it should be.
  23. If I had to do a top 20 Gamecube games, then both RE4 and REmake would both feature, utterly brilliant games, you can easily pick up REmake for under a tenner now too!
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