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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. You know what? I think they must be giving them out for free in the streets or something because this is really out of control.
  2. Alien 5: More akin to the first and second films, scrap the 4th because it was bollox. Excitebike 64: Brilliant game, all the other 64 games had sequels why not this? Jet Force Gemini: What Kopo said. Clone Wars: A cartoon but based on the events after Return of the Jedi or even between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Thundercats: A new series, simple as.
  3. Calm down luv, 3 times more powerful than the GC. That's 3 times Resident Evil 4 so I can't say i'm too bothered. It depends what you want from the next-gen really, graphics only help the gameplay they aren't two seperate things. The gameplay of the Revolution is going to be unique regardless, i'm not missing out on an oppurtunity to try it just because the graphics aren't CG.
  4. LMFAO!!!!!!!!! I could say exactly the same for Daisy. "HII! I'm Daisy!". Shut the f*ck up you turd coloured whore!.
  5. Main Entry: 1sprout Pronunciation: 'spraut Function: verb Etymology: Middle English spruten, from Old English -sprutan; akin to Old High German spriozan to sprout, Lithuanian sprausti to squeeze, thrust intransitive senses 1 : to grow, spring up, or come forth as or as if a sprout 2 : to send out new growth transitive senses : to send forth or up : cause to develop : GROW Nothing about being a genius, I found the 2nd point mildly amusing though.
  6. People who ask really stupid and annoying questions at work. People who ram into me with trolleys. People who let their kids run riot until they smash something, then reply with a sheepish "Ummm sorry".
  7. Maybe there is no name. We could go back to the days where people refer to playing on their 'Nintendo' instead of Nintendo Uber Super Nes Station.
  8. Blue Shadow and Donkey Kong Classics.
  9. Wow that looks really awesome, loved the first one. Should be good.
  10. I wanted to but apparently it wasn't 'big enough' for my local cinema. DVD it is.
  11. Maybe this will teach people to stop looking forward to things like this.
  12. You wouldn't be saying that if you lived here believe me
  13. Haha i'm all on my lonesome at the bottom. Damn Cornwall.
  14. Super Mario Bros. 3: The best Mario game of all time. It was my first ever proper game and what a game it was. Platforming to the max, chasing Bowser through the desert, the sea, over the ice and even up into the sky, over 8 worlds of madness. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: What do I need to say about this game that hasn't been said. Nothing. Brilliance. Metroid Prime: Fanastic adventure right until the end. Beautiful environments, great story. Goldeneye: 4 player multi-player heaven. License to kill setting with pistols, good times sneaking in a shot from around the corner and hitting a mate in the back. Greeted with an abusive response to the likes of "You f'ing bitch!" Super Smash Bros: Melee: The best multi-player ever. Enough said.
  15. I second that. After 2 failed attempts I finally passed on my 3rd. Though it was my awesome driving not luck... honestly.
  16. Couldn't have said it better myself. I completely forgot about that old design, I remember the hoo-hah about the changing of the B button.
  17. Jesus, people complain when they're supposedly kiddy and now they're complaining because they're trying to attract a larger audience. Sort it out lads.
  18. Well i'm going by the friends I know who i'd consider casual gamers. They're looking at buying Xbox360's as their one and only choice of console. They, like me, know hardly anything about the Revolution. Only one has actually seen the controller. I don't see them changing their mind and looking towards getting a Revolution if they have to wait until May just to find out basic info. Obviously for those hardcore gamers who are going to buy more than one console, releasing information at E3 isn't so bad. However we know of like, 2 games supposedly in development, that isn't enough to get my casual gamer mates excited and once their into one console it's very unlikely they'll buy another.
  19. If they wait to reveal absolutely everything at E3, well it isn't going to work. They have to reveal things such as specs, game details, price, final name etc, beforehand otherwise how are people going to make a decision on what to purchase. Especially if they're aiming for a worldwide release in the same year, people need to save up.
  20. Well i'd have to agree with you on the part of not dissing other consoles, I have owned and still own the consoles of this gen and have tasted pretty much what each has to offer. They're all different and unique in thier own right, however it is down to personal preference and just because you don't like the games on another platform doesn't make it bad. It's the old 'your opinion doesn't equal fact' argument. The fact that I sold my PS2 was not because it had bad games, it just let me down on the technical side way too often and I couldn't be doing with its tempermental attitude anymore. I would have liked to have played some of the games it had to offer but it was not to be. I believe unless you're super rich you can only really afford one or two consoles and their games in one gen. For me it was the GC and Xbox. As for the old graphics over gameplay argument, sure graphics help make a better experience. However the game has to actually be good in the first place otherwise it's just a pretty piece of shit (True Crime anyone?). I define gameplay as the factors, which contribute to the overall experience. I suppose graphics would be considered part of the gameplay, along with sound, controls, presentation etc. Graphics, for me, aren't a defining factor in a purchase though and never will be. I do agree though, there is no definate graphics over gameplay argument. People seem to use it as an excuse to pass off shit games with good graphics and vice versa. I mean you never get people saying "I bought Hitman 2 because the orchestrial score rules!". As far as they're concerned it's much easier to compare how something plays to how it looks, which is wrong. They should both be considered as they are both a part of the gameplay.
  21. WTF, sod E3 I want information now. We were told before the end of the year... END OF THE YEAR I TELLS YA!!!
  22. Damn another year where i've already bought everything I want before Christmas, damn impatience. Might ask for Sonic Rush or Battalion Wars, but i'd be quite happy with the standard feast, a tree and lounging around watching Christmas TV/Movies.
  23. LOL! I saw that, I started watching Family Guy and American Dad last week though i've seen Family Guy quite a lot on my mates DVD. Out of the 3 I have to say I prefer the Simpsons simply because it's the one i've seen the most of and there is some comedy gold amongst the mountains of episodes about Lisa and some crusade against something.
  24. It'll probably just be a speech... about the future of gaming...
  25. Yeh I usually play a Zelda at some point, usually OOT itself or Master Quest.
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