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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. It's ok you can forget that name it's not important.
  2. Ironically i've been trying to get out of a shop job and into something proper and permenant. I've been applying for loads of jobs but still to no avail. It's probably due to lack of full-time job experience rather than my educational achievements. All you can do is keep trying and don't take rejection personally, if the managers of these companies are anything like at my current place of work they don't know their arse from their elbow... quite literally.
  3. I can only judge the console when I play it for myself, however so far nothing has caught my interest. Last game I bought because it looked 'pretty' was Halo and I was pretty dissapointed. I made a point from there on to get games, which I can play and enjoy, regardless of how they look. As for the 360, well it's way too pricey for me to simply buy on faith. I can only do that with a Nintendo console, what can I say i'm a fanboy guilty as charged. I only bought an Xbox because it was cheap. At this time in my life price really is the determining factor for me, not graphics.
  4. Great kid! don't get cocky!!
  5. So, back to dukkadukka's original point. Why? Is it the meaning of life? Do we reach enlightenment? Who made it?
  6. Only in your mind, my very young apprentice.
  7. Yes indeed, the original one i'll have you know . I recall the Doom avatar, welcome back.
  8. I possibly could if I knew what ± meant.
  9. I see the constant sponsors for C4 comedy, plus I saw the Mario Kart ad at some point yesterday but forgot which channel. Though i'm also noticing places like Woolworths and Argos advertising the console, that so wouldn't have happened with the GC so they must be doing something right. All we need now is more shelf space.
  10. I'll have to do a 'day after tomorrow' trek to work, woo!
  11. I'm in a blizzard... AHH HELP!
  12. Wow, I must have missed the competition where the people who post the most get mod status...
  13. I also noticed the mention of 'kid icarus'.
  14. Haha spring clean... nice picture though.
  15. I never have either. I simply forgot of its existence. Plus there's Ebay.
  16. I'm just not. It's not that late. Well actually it probably is for most.
  17. I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding, they forgot to put 'wish' before 'list'.
  18. Basically yeh. I don't watch it because I find the people interesting it's funny to watch them shit themselves and endure pain and suffering.
  19. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Admittedly only the easy way but meh.
  20. I stopped using them ages ago. It wasn't anything major but I pre-ordered Timesplitters 2 from them about a week before release. A week after release i'm still waiting for it so I buy a copy from a shop. A few days later it arrives in the post, I send it back and get no refund. So yeh, sucky deal.
  21. That would be a very impressive launch list, if it were true.
  22. It'll be an EA game, which is clearly shit and has been advertised to the max.
  23. You'll get used to it. It's the way things are done around here...
  24. The irony being more sales were probably produced by under 18's. Damn controversy sparking publicity. Well it's really the way forward, it should have been done years ago.
  25. Scientists are never wrong, they said the world was flat. Wait... they lied to my face!
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