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Everything posted by bob

  1. How out of place was Jasmine's new song though? I was so confused as to what was happening. Good song, but she should have sung the whole thing earlier, and then had a quick callback when she was being held by the guards.
  2. That's the bomb defusing game right? Yeah, is available. I'm definitely going to get it for when I next meet up with a certain group of friends who will love it. I can definitely see the Quest being a big hit, perhaps even being THE thing this Christmas. I'm going to try and show mine off to as many people as possible!
  3. So I eventually got my (first) Quest on Friday, and eagerly took it home to try it out. Simply put, it is an astonishing piece of technology. i was really worried that I would feel sick or get headaches, but if you take a bit of time to properly position it on your face and find the sweet-spot in front of the lenses, I had no issues. I've spent a couple of hours with it on over the weekend, and aside from a bit of pressure on the forehead and general sweatiness, there has been no discomfort. The only problem i seem to be getting is dust and sebum smearing on the lenses after a while, but i've ordered some micro-fibre cloths to help out with that. They get much dirtier, much quicker than i was anticipating. The controllers are amazing too - the way they sense if your fingers are touching the buttons so it knows what to do with your virtual hand is pretty clever. Tracking wise, it seems almost perfectly 1:1 as far as I can tell. I actually started giggling in the First Steps demo when i realised you could pick up the table tennis bat and first started hitting the ping pong ball around - it felt so weirdly real. I really want to get a game like Job Simulator and properly play around with the controller physics I've only managed to play a few demos and try out a few experiences, but i already know which games i'm going to buy. Beat Saber is great fun, and my wife's family all enjoyed trying out Wander, which is like the stripped down version of Google Earth VR. I watched a few 360 videos on Youtube, which are ok, but the quality of them varies wildly. One of the best things i found was the Skybox app, which lets you watch videos. It instantly found my server, and let me stream movies off it, putting me in a giant cinema with a huge screen in front of me. I can definitely see me watching a film in this thing, although i rarely sit down and watch a film all on my own, so i don't think my wife would be up for that. As I mentioned, my wife's family came round for a BBQ on Sunday, and they all had a go with it, and by the end, my wife's parents said they were going to buy one, and her aunt seemed really interested too. My friend came round on Saturday, and after 10 minutes, he wanted to buy my spare one off me (sorry @Shorty). These things basically seem to sell themselves once people have had a go. Overall, I'm really happy with it so far, and I can't wait to try some of the proper games like Superhot and Vader Immortal. My one misgiving about the whole thing is that I do wonder if it is a bit gimmicky? I don't know how much i'll be using it in 12 months for example. I guess it depends on whether the games keep coming, and whether they are good enough once the amazement about picking up a crossbow or sword and swinging it around goes. We'll have to see, but I definitely think that for £400 the thing is worth it. I have always wanted to try VR, but the cost of entry was always far too high for me. £400 for the Quest might be the sweet-spot of price vs quality of experience.
  4. Saw Aladdin last night. I thought it was fantastic, really enjoyed it. Glad they made a few changes here and there to mix it up a bit, as the doesn't seem much point in copying the old film entirely. Most of the changes were positive, with a few odd choices. Will Smith was great, as were the rest of the cast, although I still think Jafar was miscast. Not that the actor couldn't act, but he really needed to be older. At one point, Jafar mentions that he spent 5 years of his life in jail, and you're looking at him like "Really? What is that, like a quarter of your life?"
  5. Because this forum is so Nintendo and Sony centric, I often forget that Microsoft haven't dropped out of the console business completely. It's always a little surprise when they announce a new game or something, and I go "oh yeah, they're still going".
  6. So, with Amazon refusing to give a solid date for delivery, I decided to cancel and get one direct from Oculus. I ordered that one, and then found out that Amazon wouldn't let me cancel the first one. Then an hour later I got an email from Amazon saying the first one has been dispatched, arriving tomorrow. Tried to cancel the second one, and it wouldn't let me do that either. So it looks like I'm going to get two...
  7. Does this look good? Or is it just weird?
  8. @Hero-of-Time right now
  9. Urgh. So Amazon fucking lied. Got an email the day my Quest was supposed to be delivered saying that they actually don't have any in stock and that they don't know when it'll be delivered. Sad trombone. I would cancel and try and get it elsewhere, but no-one has it in stock either.
  10. I can't believe that nobody has mentioned the Dallas, the show that ended in 1991.
  11. If Hunt, Gove or Raab get it, I might genuinely cry. When was the last time we had any actual competent politicians in this country?
  12. I won't be voting as I've only played one of those games.
  13. I'll definitely be posting my findings here, don't worry.
  14. Whoooooops, just bought it.
  15. Jaden Smith is his son, and apparently he's a rapper now, rather than an actor.
  16. And you still haven't. Not all black people are related @Sméagol!
  17. I hope it's more like S1 than S2. 2 was all over the place.
  18. I'd like to change my answer. Starting with my N64 games.
  19. What would you wear if you were in Hawaii? Shorts seem reasonable for a tropical climate.
  20. I have never sold any of the games that I've played. I keep them in boxes in the attic, even though I know I'll never play any of them again (don't tell my wife). Even if I did get them down and start them up, I know I'd be disappointed because they all look like arse now.
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