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Everything posted by bob

  1. 100% decreasing prices now. Thanks Obama.
  2. I dont mind the mechanic, but the iron ones you craft should last much longer than they do. Fair enough a flimsy rod or net you made it of sticks lasts for 20 uses, but a steel spade or axe? That should last for hundreds of uses! Does everything else you craft have similar longevity? Do I need to worry about how many times i use my bed?
  3. My chances of anything other than 'decreasing' are themselves 'decreasing'...
  4. So rather than play any of these to any great degree, i instead picked up Civilization 6 for free and bought Batman VR to try out on my Oculus. I also remembered i got the Uncharted Collection for free on the PS4 that I've always wanted to play that will join the rest at the back of the queue [emoji24]
  5. Being to pick and choose which villagers are allowed to stay and which ones get booted out sounds very authoritarian. Luckily i dont have that problem since if you dont build the campsite, they stop showing up. Now all i need to do is find some way of getting the others to leave, my island will be perfect.
  6. Civilization 6 available for free on the Epic Games Store from today until the 28th.
  7. I'm a simple man - i see Nolan, i ejaculate violently in my pants.
  8. Does that include the free version that Epic gave away? Or is it that physical copies only?
  9. I think he was asking why people would pay money to see Cats at the theatre, rather than theatre in general.
  10. I have unfortunately fallen off the excessive game-buying wagon recently. One of my New Years resolutions a couple of years ago was to stop buying so many games that i was never likely to finish, and to only buy new ones once i'd completed the old. For a year or two, i've managed to keep this up, but this year i've kind of lost track and it's all fallen apart. The problem started when i bought my Oculus Quest, and instantly bought several games for it. I've played and completed a few of them (Superhot, Vader Part 1, A Fisherman's Tale, I expect you to die), but others i haven't the time, or the play-space to complete (Robo Recall, Virtual Virtual Reality, Real VR fishing). Then for Christmas, i got BOTW, God of War and Star Wars JFO. I started BOTW, and played quite a bit, but then got distracted when Animal Crossing came along. I started God of War a few weeks ago, but only got past the first chapter. I haven't even taken Star wars out of the box, and have kind of lost the desire to start it. I might just sell that one to be honest... Then it only got worse when i managed to convince myself i needed a new laptop, and the devil on my shoulder told me to get a super (duper) fancy one with a good graphics card. Now with a PC powerful enough to play it, my mate bought me Borderlands 3 to play through together, and I also downloaded GTAV (for free at least) to see how it looked with the graphics all fancy. Now I have an urge to play the story on that. Additionally, the new laptop has allowed me the possibility to play loads of PCVR games that I didn't have the option of before - so i'm currently resisting the urge to buy several of those that'll i'll try once and never play again...
  11. I bought at 108 and sold at 129 because I'm such a high-roller. Trying to work out what to spend my gains on...
  12. I've had that damn hedgehog set up her stall again for the fifth day in a row. How do i tell her politely that i don't want her there? Can i ask to see her license?
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. I tried out the Marvel Spider-Man VR game last night. Obviously it's just a glorified tech-demo, but damn if it isn't satisfying launching yourself around with webbing. It's got a real learning curve as well; at first you find yourself slamming into buildings like Peter does, but then you learn to guide yourself around them with the other hand, and you can get a bit of a rhythm going. Ultimately though, while it is fun having a go at swinging, i don't think Spider-Man lends itself well for a first person type game. It's too acrobatic a character for someone standing still in their living room. If you look down at any point, you can see Spider-Man's body contorting itself around while your head looks straight ahead.
  15. *Waits around the back of@martinist bins for him to throw away the old one...
  16. We got vouchers from British Airways (and i believe they have to offer you a refund instead if you want it, you just have to find the right section on their website) so i think you should be ok there.
  17. I don't think YOU understand what a lot of triangles that was!
  18. New laptop arrived. Spent most of the day setting it up. Tried playing Borderlands 1 on max settings, and it was sooo smooth! Love it. Might try some VR tonight, and maybe The Witcher 3 if it downloads.
  19. That's a lot of triangles!
  20. That's a lot of triangles!
  21. That's a lot of triangles!
  22. That's a lot of triangles!
  23. I use Maps, YouTube and Drive occasionally to transfer files, but i Gmail is the only one where i would lose a lot of stuff if they stopped it. I don't have anything stored in any of the others. I agree though, those aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
  24. I've got a VR capable graphics card now, so I'm looking forward to getting stuck in to all the SteamVR games and demos. Not sure if i want to spend the money on HL:A though, as i don't know if i have enough room or time to play it properly, but i do want to see what it's like.
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