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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'm starting to think this Pokémon malarkey isn't based in reality at all.
  2. If you breed the haunted cup Pokémon, does a smaller haunted cup hatch out of an egg?
  3. I'd never heard of him, but that's quite the legacy he's leaving behind. It sounds like he died quite suddenly too. Probably one of the best ways to go at that age.
  4. Yeah the people who vote on IMDB tend to be fairly miserable.
  5. If it helps, I don't think you're supposed to find any of them hot.
  6. 5.7% is actually incredibly high. Even for a fairly positively skewed normal distribution, the scores over 9 tend to be https://distributionofthings.com/imdb-movie-ratings/
  7. Finished watching it last night. I loved it! I was a bit apprehensive about some of the changes they made, but i tried to turn that part of my brain off and just watch it, and I realised i was getting really excited about the next episode, and really getting into it. Overall, i'm really happy with how it turned out. Not perfect by any means, but i'd give it a 8.5/10, and i'm really looking forward to the next season!
  8. The first one (I haven't read the others) is batshit insane. Some proper old school sci-fi writing. A bit Iain Banks imo. It was a bit too weird for my tastes, and I heard that the rest of the series just gets weirder.
  9. Surely it's better if there aren't barriers to being able to develop for a console? If it means more developers are able to bring their games to a console without having to code workarounds, isn't that a good thing?
  10. I can't see there being much wild Pokémon battling in a city though, unless it's all Rattata and Pidgeys and nothing else.
  11. LMAO, quite a few replies of "It's the deciding factor of whether I buy one or not" ".... obviously I'll still get one to play first party or reeeeally good games"
  12. Did I say Minions? Autocorrect. I meant Moomins of course.
  13. I watched the first episode last night. Very pleasantly surprised. I thought it captured the feeling of the original pretty well, and didn't come across as a fan-made film or a parody or anything. It did feel a bit low budget in places, but that's always going to be the case for a TV show compared to a blockbuster film. My only real gripe with the first episode was the actress playing the old woman in Wolf Cove was pretty bad. Her line delivery was terrible. I'm trying not to read any reviews or reactions online (at least until i've finished it), but dear god some of the people on Reddit are unhinged. It's not a shot-for-shot remake of the cartoon and is therefore absolute garbage.
  14. I'm really looking forward to it, but tempering my expectations. The Avatar subreddits have all started going insane. Everyone snapping at each others throats over every tiny thing and agonising over every detail.
  15. I've started watching Demon Slayer on Netflix. I watched the first half of episode 1 a while ago, but it didn't grab me. However, i'm 10 or so episodes in this time, and I can see the appeal. I did start to wonder though, as i was watching, why anime is given a pass on certain things that we probably wouldn't accept if it was any other sort of media. For example, some of the dialogue is just arse. Some of this can be down to translation issues, but I don't think that's the entire reason, since often the dub and the sub differ quite a bit, and neither one are any good. Similarly, anime has this trope where they just outright explain what they're doing, because they can't be bothered to find a way to show you naturally, i.e. "the demon detected that I was going to feint one way, and then adjusted his stance to counter my attack! Oh my!" I get that maybe a lot of this comes from it being an adaptation of a manga, but is that a good enough excuse? Would we have accepted Aragorn shouting out explanations during the battle of Helm's Deep to help the watcher know what was going on?
  16. I reckon some sort of Minions game will be announced.
  17. I'm telling my uncle (he works at Nintendo)!
  18. How are you playing these games if there's no official way of getting them?
  19. I actually really like the fact that the Cindaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion line is really ambiguous in what sort of animal it's supposed to be. For one, I think it's quite clever to be able to design a set of animals that kind of morph between one species and another and make you go "well obviously it's a.....er....it's got to be a.....is it a shrew?" I also prefer it because it makes them seem more like real animals in the Pokémon world, rather than an exact facsimile of one of the real animals from our world, except it breathes fire or whatever.
  20. Yeah, I'm happy to concede that it's just me. I've never seen anyone else complain about it either. I've just never had any issues with any other anime (and I don't have fave blindness in real life). I think I just don't like the way they draw people in AoT.
  21. Well that looks fantastic.
  22. Maybe a price cut incoming? I would totally buy a PS5 then.
  23. I kind of want to go and see pod racing on the big screen again.
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