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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'm the cat with the bass and drum. Going around like bom bom bom!
  2. My mum was saying the other day that she has absolutely no idea where her ex-husband is or what he's doing with his life. Strange considering they were together for a few years, that she has had no contact with this man who she had agreed to spend the rest of her life with. Luckily she remarried today and is very happy. This bit is not true.
  3. I agree with the facebook children thingy. Not because i don't want to look at them ( i just block that person), but the poor baby might in later life resent having his naked baby pictures broadcast online. When i have children i think i'll probably restrict their presense online until they are old enough to decide for themselves if they want it. This really pisses me off for some reason too. People wearing a disability aid as a fashion accessory. I think it's good that glasses are less of a stigma now, since some people have to option but to wear them. People with perfectly good eyesight can fuck off though. They'll be wearing fashion hearing aids, and rolling around in wheelchairs next.
  4. You are an alien, that too is strange.
  5. Yeah if it fails to charge everytime, it shouldn't be too hard to prove it's faulty to HMV, and they'll have to give you a new one. Welcome.
  6. Just pre-ordered this: and bought this:
  7. I've been doing ADF for a few weeks now and it's really easy. I do tend to get some food related mind wanderings during the day though. I find myself daydreaming about fish and chips and curry (not together, i'm not that hungry), but otherwise it really isn't that hard. I was actually surprise to find out how many of the meals i used to cook are around 600 calories (providing i only eat a normal amount of it). I'm wondering though about switching to the one where you do a 24 hour fast, and then eat a normal meal on your fast day, i.e you eat a normal meal around 8 the day before, then don't eat anything until 8 the next day, and then have a normal meal again then, rather than only 500/600 calories. If that one works, i'd much rather do that one. Thing is, i don't know which method works best. I'd be willing to try both out, and see which works best, but i don't have a set of scales and no way to measure cholesterol etc, so it's hard to tell if it's working or not....
  8. What are you doing at University? I'm pretty sure you've said before, but i can't be bothered to go and check.
  9. I generally just do the achievements that look fun/achievable. If it looks tedious or too hard, i probably won't bother. I remember i spent ages trying to do the long-drop-assassination achievement on Halo Reach, and i still never managed it. I swear it was broken on mine. I spent ages trying to get all the purple tokens on Spiderman 2 on the Gamecube. No achievement for doing it, i just loved exploring that game so much i realised i'd found a large majority of them and so tried to find all of them. Eventually i had to resort to cheating, and even then i couldn't find the last one. I knew where it was supposed to be, but it wasn;t there. I think it was a glitch. Yeah so basically i'll try to get some achievements, and the ones i can't get, i'll claim the game is broken.
  10. This makes me sad indeed.
  11. I'll have a go at this the next time I have a look at my Wii games. I'm not even sure i have 10 games, but i'll rank the ones i do have...
  12. If i had the choice i would get it on 360, but the guy i play it with wanted PC. Sorry dude.
  13. Wow, you really liked Super Mario Galaxy 2. But not enough to put it in your top spot. Only 6 and 9...
  14. Alas I'm getting it for the PC because I was bad in a past life.
  15. bob


    Yes, and for those who still haven't worked it out, i'm not Jimbob.
  16. My mum always uses it, it didn’t occur to me that it wasn't in common usage...
  17. Don't get too excited. Don't get too excited. Don't get too excited. Don't get too excited. Don't get too excited. Don't get too excited. Don't get too excited. Don't get too exciITS GOING TO BE SO FUCKING AWESOME!!!
  18. I appear to have won a game.
  19. No. Just no. I can't even imagine how many hours i spent waddling around, arse-banging on the floor of that sandcastle, only to discover i'd missed one of the letters halfway through the word AGOLDENGLOWTOPROTECTBANJO or LOTSOFGOESWITHMANYBANJOS. Ridiculous cheat system. Rest of the game though = good.
  20. I don't remember any philosophy. Shows how much of a pleb i am..... You should read it anyway, as the film comes out later this year (i think) and it looks amazing.
  21. Really, they should have just looked at this: http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/the-billion-dollar-gram/ Pretty much puts it all into perspective. On that chart, Avatar and the Mars rover combined are about the same as the amount spent on Erectile Disfunction (per year i assume).
  22. Can i just explain that I posted the same comment in both threads, expecting one of them to be locked, and then they just got joined together, so it looks like i posted the same thing twice while having a senile moment. This is not the case.
  23. So the US has a trial, and Apple wins it, and the judge tells Samsung to pay Apple $1 billion. Then Japan has a trial and Samsung wins, and Apple are ordered to pay Samsungs legal fees. But what's to stop this happening in every single country? And what if loads of juries in those countries all say Apple wins, and they all come up with a ridiculous amount for Samsung to pay Apple. Couldn't apple sue samsung in loads of countries and they all order $1 billion payments and.......i've confused myself. I don't understand how the specific countries laws work, and who choses where to sue who.....
  24. I just assumed that it would get explained in a future flashback. While i still thought that the child was Bane, I assumed that he got the mask after he escaped. Did they say at any point that he got it while in the prison?
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