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Everything posted by bob

  1. Well I would have to have some first...
  2. Trying my first proper fast day today. I think i'll try a 2:5 to begin with, and see how that goes. So i'll do one today, and then maybe another on Thursday perhaps.....i should organise it properly really. I'm not really that fussed about losing weight, i'm only interested in the health benefits of it. Planning on having beans on toasts tonight i think, which is around 500/600 calories. @Raining_again what do you typically eat on one of your food days? Do you seriously just eat anything?
  3. Yeah that's what i thought they were going to do with Freddie. Would have looked cool, but i bet it wouldn't have been as good in the stadium. I thought Jessie and Russell did quite well really. EDIT: Apparently Bowie has been in retirement since 2006, so there you go. If they don't want to perform, you can't make them! I suppose that goes for a lot of artists (i can imagine Ozzy Osbourne turning it down) My favourite bit was Fatboy Slim on the back of an octopus.
  4. Yes you're quite right, they should have got John Lennon and Freddie Mercury to do it.
  5. Ha! NBC just had to inform it's viewers that that wasn't Batman getting out of the Reliant Robin, but a folk figure known as 'Del Boy' who is kind of like Robin Hood.....
  6. Here you go Moogle.
  7. I'm in. Please.
  8. bob


    I like pretty much any fruit other than bananas, so i'm enjoying the banana hate by some people in here. Unfortunately, when i use to live in the Caribbean, my Dad actually worked for a banana plantation company and got free bananas all the time, and i would refuse to eat them. Gross. They are just awful. And Jayseven, they indeed a herb. Speaking of bananas, all you banana eating fools have probably been opening them wrongly all these years. BOOM! More minds blown.
  9. I lied for the purposes of the joke. I'm not actually very good at Welsh, although i did do it for 7 years. But, like people have said above, if you never use the language, it leaves you, and i never had any need to speak welsh, so i've forgotten most of it. I used to live in North Wales, on the Isle of Anglesey, which would make me a Gog, if i were actually welsh....
  10. What a Conte.
  11. Botswana (a country quite close to my heart) are doing well on the whole atheletes to medal ratio. They only brought four atheletes, and the silver medal (their first ever) in the 800m gives them a 25% medal to athelete ratio, secodn only to the USA. Woohoo!
  12. bob


    I miss the pun thread.
  13. Barcelona 1: Shall we buy a new player? Barcelona 2: Sure, let me ring up Arsene.
  14. This review on Amazon is pretty funny.
  15. I love my girlfriend. She is THE BEST. I'm not sure what love means though, although i'm pretty sure me and her are perfect for each other. In seven years of us knowing each other, we've never had an argument. I'm not very good at expressing myself, but i'm fairly certain that if she was gone, i would be sad.
  16. That's amazing! I actually think it would be pretty easy for me to switch to this. I have been skipping breakfast for about 6 years now, i just can't be bothered. Then a few years ago i started skipping lunch too, because making lunch was too much bother, and it was too expensive to be spending 4 or 5 pounds a day buying sandwiches. So i made do with a snack around 11 every day and then eating a huge dinner in the evening. I can see it would be pretty simple to just skip the snack on fast days and then curtail my dinner in the evening. I tried yesterday, and made it through the day fine without eating, i just caved a bit and eat far too much for dinner. I was amazed when Mosely said he lost a stone etc, but was a bit skeptical as he didn't mention what he ate on his food days.....but now i've had confirmation that it works for someone else.....i think i may do it too!
  17. bob


    I was reading up about bread because i'm a loser, although keeping bread in the fridge will stop it going mouldy for longer, it actually speeds up the staling process, so you have to make a decision as to whether you want stale bread or non-mouldy bread. However, i think it becomes stale far quicker that it becomes mouldy, so probably best to just get a bread-bin. Egg-wise, i don't really eat a lot of eggs. In fact, the only eggs i eat nowadays tend to be ones cooked in cakes by my girlfriend. I like scrambled and boiled eggs, but fried eggs i'm not that fussed about.
  18. Ok guys, don't scare this one off, she looks like a keeper...
  19. Time to have your mind blown again. If you thought the 'why did the chicken cross the road' revelation was too much, look away now:
  20. bob


    Some very friendly food being eaten round here... I read that putting cucumbers in the fridge actually makes them last shorter than if you leave them at room temperature. This goes for lots of other vegetables, and bread too, although that is to do with staleness rather than going bad. Nothing to do with eggs, but when is a thread about cucumbers ever going to come up?
  21. I saw this, it was incredible! I may try it.....see how it does.
  22. bob

    The Hobbit

    Hopefully i'll be able to see both, so i can compare. I doubt they'll bring the HFR version to my town, but if i did get the chance, i think it'd be worth a few pounds out of curiosity.
  23. Oh yeah, and if you could all send me a copy of your photo as well as you do them, so we have all the photos in one place, that'd be swell.
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