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Everything posted by bob

  1. I found it rather derivative, and not at all your best work. Also, it didn't exist.
  2. This game is easier than i thought. Not as funny though...
  3. Well my work will still be here in 2 weeks time......
  4. Unfortunately you did. Watching the Olympics while at work. There's just so much of it! I can't possibly watch it all! Got two streams open already, and struggling to follow both.
  5. Chronicle is good, i haven't seen Iron Sky though. Looks like it might be quite good in a B-movie kind of way.
  6. Nice, but i would cut those fiddly dangly bits off right away. Can't be doing with anyone's dangly bits on my arms.
  7. The term 'school boy errors' always used to annoy me when i was a school boy. Poor school boys, they get blamed for everything.
  8. Isn't that basically the demo system? That's what i do on xbox live right now!
  9. Got my email about the Fantasy Football. Are we doing that again this year?
  10. Despicable Me wasn't tooooo bad, but it came out the same time as Megamind, which was amazing and one of my fav films. I think it suffered because of that. Hop, i never want to see.
  11. I'm excited about all of the sport, because i like watching sport, and yes, I enjoy watching sports that normally you don't get to see.. What really pisses me off is the journalism during the games. Literally every point on the news last night had somehow been linked tenuously to the Olympics. And it was all that overdramatic, sensationalist nonsense, asking random people what they thought about traffic etc. I don't care, i just want to watch some sport.
  12. I'm not sure that i do......
  13. Are you sure none of you are getting paid for any of this?
  14. Did anyone here get tickets? My friends and I are off to see the football, some horsing, and a bit of Greco-Roman wrestling. How did we score such high profile tickets, i hear you ask? I know someone on a commitee. Unfortunately it's not the Olympic commitee. They are shit tickets.
  15. Really enjoyed all of Brandon Sandersons books, so bought this: Hoping it to be similar, or at least as good.
  16. The last minute of 'Rises'. Eeeeermageeeeerd!
  17. Most of what i thought has already been said, but:
  18. Well any that happen near your Uni should be on the Uni website (probably in the careers section). Otherwise you could just choose a large company in the area you're looking at and see where they are displaying in the next few months and follow them. Assuming the big companies will go to most of the Fairs...
  19. Yes but if you enjoyed Goldeneye, (and who wouldn't) then you would pay for each level, and end up having paid for the full game. However, if it is a shittier game, like Sonic 2006 (to steal from another current thread) then you may well give up after the first level having not paid anything. I don't think that's too crazy. With the film analogy, if you walked out after the first 20 mins of a film, and only had to pay for that 20 mins, you would be 'quids in' as some people (not me) might say.
  20. I wouldn't mind doing it this way, if the overall cost of playing the game was in-line with the current cost of a full game. That way, if i liked a game, i'd play it, and i'd spend around £40 doing so. If i didn't like it, i'd only have spent £5 or so playing the first few levels, and i'd have saved myself £35. Clearly the reloading thingy is ridiculous though, that'll never catch on.
  21. To be honest Animal, i'm amazed you managed to find friends with such strange names. You really need to make up with this 'C' person, otherwise you could end up with being friends with A, B and Greg or something similar.
  22. My friend and I are always on the lookout for co-op games, so we just bought Brink in the steam sale. I've heard bad things, but we'll give it a go.
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