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Everything posted by bob

  1. Oooooh, Borderlands 2! MINE.
  2. Shall we do predictions e.g top 5 and bottom 5? Then we can point and laugh at the people who got it wrong later on?
  3. bob

    Red Dwarf

    I think it looks cool apart from the sofa. The sofa just looks out of place. Maybe they'll explain where it comes from in the new series?
  4. Quoted because I agree with this comment.
  5. Last night i spent £85 on a rental car. And £16 for airport parking at Edinburgh airport. That's right, it's Edinburgh festival time!
  6. I should probably say my team is 'Enter team name'.....i realised it doesn't have my username in it...
  7. I didn't even know there were people in mid Wales.
  8. It's depressing to think that i'll never be even half as rad as those kids were then.
  9. I'm no expert, but i don't think he was following the rules to hopscotch...
  10. I was told that if your train is more than 10 mins delayed, you can reclaim your money back. However, this is not stricly true. Firstly it depends on which compant is running the train. Virgin will give you your money back (i think), but for CrossCountry, it has to be 30 mins delayed, and you'll get 50% of your money back. It has to be 60 mins delayed or more to get the whole thing back. 60 mins! A whole hour delayed before they even consider giving you your money back! Ridiculous. However, even if it is this bad, i would recommend everyone to attempt to claim, whatever their journey, if it is delayed. The more people who try might make them realise they need to do something about the late trains.
  11. Controversy!!!!
  12. That's ok, again, thanks for trying. I realise how difficult it must, i have enough trouble reading academic papers when they're in English! My girlfriend has a friend in Japan who she skypes with occasionally, so i might try her and see if she can help.
  13. Exactly, if we can tempt more of these pseudo-people in, the forums will be booming with activity! Albeit full of posts like "Hey guys, i really want to share with you the love of mine for ideas and creativity. Let's be friends for enternity and the buying of consumer products!" But who cares right? At least we won't be lonely....
  14. That's ok, thanks for trying! I realise you'll probably have to be fluent to search through...
  15. Yeah Flink, if you were a troll, you might notice that Mokong wrote 'inturders' and take the mick out of that. So don't do that. It's not big and it's not clever. Or funny. lolturd.
  16. Don't forget 'Boccia'.
  17. Yeah i'm pretty sure that's what they said earlier in the film; that's why they built it in a drain...
  18. He may have just leapt out once the Bat passed the bridge, and swam away...
  19. Hello, I know a few people on here know a bit of Japanese, and i was wondering if anyone was competent enough to do a small favour for me. Basically there is a scientific paper that i have for my PhD, which is in Japanese....i think, it might have some Chinese thrown in. I don't need the whole thing translated, i just need a bit of information from it. The paper is here, and what i need to know is what they used to make their rough disks rough. I.e did they use sandpaper, grooves cut into the disk, etc. As much info about this as possible! Any help possible would be appreciated! Thank you!
  20. Apparently your body can fluctuate in weight by up to 5 pounds in a week, so i wouldn't worry about it.
  21. Don't you mean YOLO? YOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!111!!!!1!!1!!111one!1!11 I'm afraid to say i don't remember you (did you change your name?) but welcome back anyway. All mid-life crisises are awesome regardless of when they happen. My dad had one and bought a sportscar. Then he moved to Kenya and had to sell it....
  22. Aaah i've got Aaliyah stuck in my head now....
  23. I like having them, it's like having a pet parrot or demented gran, who occasionally spouts total nonsense at you.
  24. Wow. That is a ridiculously helpful post! Thanks dude. To be honest, i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing (although your post went a long way towards helping that). There are just so many numbers and stats and emails and shit flying around, it's the most complicated game i've ever seen. I literally spent ten minutes trying to get to my team page the first time i logged in!
  25. No! We need new members, and these two may be the best we get...
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