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Everything posted by bob

  1. For the record, I thought your storylines went a bit shit when you left military school and went to work on that ranch.
  2. For a minute i thought you meant a bathroom shower, and i wondered how anybody could be so stupid as to get trapped in a shower fully clothed, by accident.
  3. C-c-c-c-combo breaker!
  4. Managed to get 30 mins of gaming time this evening. So i fired up Wind Waker HD. But it had been so long since i played it last, i couldn't remember what i was doing. I knew i had done one of the wind/earth temples, but couldn't remember which one i had left. I had no idea where the second sage was, and the damn lion boat was no help. Spent 20 mins just sailing around at random hoping to find something helpful. In the end i had to look it up on the Googles.
  5. Pfff, don't you know your card details off by heart yet? Amateur.
  6. You're not really revealing a brand new mode if you don't give details, are you?
  7. Still a bit unsure about this. Their decision to take out local coop makes me not want it, but I might get it second hand if the single player does look that good.
  8. Very sad. I love Newsround as an kid. Don't remember it being that scary though...
  9. Going to see The Man from Uncle tonight. Can't wait! But I will.
  10. Yeah but if you spend the vouchers in a restaurant, they're worth quadruple. Using them for double just feels like a waste of money after that.
  11. I bought two fucking vases today. Admittedly they were gifts for people, but still.
  12. bob

    Star Fox Zero

    My hype levels remain at 'don't give a fox'.
  13. The best part of the Pokemon video is definitely the guy pretending to be Squirtle at the end; dry humping pidgeottos back.
  14. Pokemon Opening recreated in GTAV
  15. Whose team isn't Chesterfield?
  16. I ate out alone a lot when I used to go to conferences. It wasn't all that great though. I don't think I'd do it regularly, as it seems like a waste of money to spend on myself.
  17. What if there are two doors?
  18. No. No changing your predictions. You'll lose Internet points if you do.
  19. I'm more than partial to Galvanise myself.
  20. Well maybe my commenting in it has given it a little boost, and all the rabid Chemical Brothers fans will come out in force now.
  21. Maybe this is why we don't have many new music threads...
  22. It's 50/50 for me at the moment I'm afraid. On the one hand, I like the sound of pillaging Moogle in Zells bedroom, and drinking cocktails, but on the other, I'm getting married in Somerset on Saturday.
  23. Fuck sake. Put Courtois in my Fantasy team, and then that happens.
  24. Geez, again? Stop proposing to people dude!
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