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Everything posted by bob

  1. I think all the popular vote will be added at once or something.
  2. I meant the hall of fame song, it was fantastic!
  3. Why can't I vote for this song!?
  4. Poodle Strudel currently winning for me.
  5. Now Cyprus are channelling Chad Kroeger!
  6. Holy shit, Poland got Weird Al!
  7. Wow, Sweden really don't want to risk winning it twice in a row.
  8. Hungary was pretty good! Azerbaijan and Belgium were both classic Eurovision.
  9. I weighed myself at work the other day, and I'm 97kg apparently. I don't really know whether I'm happy with that or not. I don't have any weight goals really.
  10. We're currently in London, and are trying to get back in time for this. Hopefully we'll make it back before it starts, and order pizza to eat with it.
  11. Urgh. Trying to book a rental car for my trip to Canada, and all the companies are trying to charge us Drop Off fees which are like 150% of the cost of hiring the car. It's infuriating. Also, the amount of extra taxes and fees and charges that USA and Canada have on everything is annoying and confusing.
  12. This is such a shame. MadDog will always be remembered by me as the head coach of MadPool FC, the Xpert Eleven team that Bob was so closely modelled on. I have many brilliant memories of his in that game, and in the football threads in general. Definately sign me up for any condolence efforts as well. Signatures would be quite hard to do, but just printing our names seems a bit impersonal.
  13. The Northern White Rhino?
  14. It was a *nice* public toilet as I already mentioned.
  15. Yeah, I'm not sure what people expect with films these days. Sure, this probably won't win any Oscars, but that doesn't mean it won't be enjoyable.
  16. I went to a curry house in Leeds that used to be a public toilet. It was nice.
  17. Yeah, the ones that end up online are the ones that a lot of people have already passed on. You need to be in contact with the estate agents directly so they phone you with new houses!
  18. I need something to give to my hamster as bedding, so would gladly take them off your hands.
  19. I didn't realise you could have themes. I now have a festive Christmas one.
  20. Other than uncreased sweatiness on my morning commute, summer is great. And I agree, everyone just looks healthier and happier.
  21. You just wanted to name drop the fact you were at a BAFTA event didn't you?
  22. I'm not going to do it, this time.
  23. As someone who is completely meh about the lore, it still looks fantastic.
  24. Progressed to the part where you get the grapple in Ass Creed: Syndicate. It feels a bit....underwhelming if you've just come off playing Just Cause. Very limited. But i suppose they get marks for trying to mix things up a bit. It also feels a bit cheaty, since AC is a game all about climbing, and this cuts out a load of that. Still, never mind. I don't have to use it i suppose.
  25. Can't wait to see how it looks. The first one looked incredible, imagine what this one will be like with 2 more years of development!
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