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Everything posted by bob

  1. Saw it. Loved it. Best bit was Nightcrawler trying to count to three.
  2. I am in Edinburgh that day, so my presence will not be there. I am sorry.
  3. Apparently he was in Last of the Summer Wine?! For eight years!? What?
  4. Well, I don't expect there to be an clear trend in the sort of games everyone buys, but i just noticed that between the three people i mentioned, there was a definitive line that could be drawn. I just wondered if anyone else could sum up their taste in a similar way.
  5. I've still never had a five guys.
  6. I thought it was an all CGI film, until they showed Belle at the end.
  7. I sent a letter into N64 magazine, and they spelt my name wrong when they printed it. So the next time I sent a letter, I signed my name wrong, and they fucking corrected it and spelt it right! Damn magazine trolls. I've got about 75 issues of N64 magazine at my parents house that I've not done anything with. Probably just keep them for nostalgia value until I am forced to throw them away in 20 years.
  8. Ewan McGregor could be good, could be terrible. Dan Stephens is an odd one though. I wonder if they're going to modify his voice when he's in Beast Mode to make him more...gruff.
  9. I was having a discussion with a couple of mates, about the type of games we enjoyed, and it became clear that one of them really only played games with engrossing stories - stuff like The Last of Us, Heavy Rain, Telltale games etc. He didn't really ever play anything else - and was a bit snobbish about games that didn't have a story. The other guy mainly likes RPG's - stuff like Fallout, Skyrim, stuff where you level up and spend hours questing - and anything shooty, although he doesn't play online shooters at all. Myself, i haven't really identified what kind of game i like. I don't think story-lines interest me much - i tend to gloss over cutscenes, and forget all the names and things, but i like games that you can pick up and play, as i don't get lots of time to play. Generally i think i like games with interesting mechanics, or games where you have loads of choice to play in whatever way you like - mostly open world games. I like exploring interesting environments and generally mucking about. It's weird that for three people who are really into games, we don't have that much overlap at all. So what do people here generally look for in a game, first and foremost? Gameplay, graphics, competition, replayability, voice-chat?
  10. Progressing through this slowly - just cleared the second area and working on the Thames now. It's still really good, although i've had a couple of weird glitches. One time i was struggling to kill Spring Heeled Jack (he was a couple of levels above me, and i just couldn't wear him down), so i climbed out of the basement where he attacks you and went to find some dynamite or Rook members to help. When i got back, i looked down the hole to see him, and he just....died. Weird. Maybe the game felt sorry for me because i was too shit. Still, it's really addictive - i love how much stuff there is to do.
  11. That sucks man. I can't get them wife interested in games, but we go to the cinema pretty much every week. It's great!
  12. I don't disagree with the sacking, but the way they did it was harsh.
  13. Oh my word! Who ordered these feels? I certainly didn't. Fantastic episode though. This season is hotting up!
  14. I am 29, but feel way older. This weekend I went to a 1 year olds birthday party, and a national trust property.
  15. Yeah it's great losing weight vicariously through other people. I feel great!
  16. That's worth a try. I did what Drahkon said, and it works, but it's a faff pulling up the menu to turn off the controller, during which the blu ray continues to play, so you miss stuff. I might just set up a USB cable near the sofa so I can keep the controller plugged in when watching something.
  17. I was thinking about playing Overwatch, but I've not played Firewatch, will I know what's going on?
  18. I really don't mind the black character - she seems to have pretty good comic timing.
  19. bob


    This is the most middle aged thread we've ever had.
  20. It would make sense for all the leagues to have the same number of teams, I reckon.
  21. Pffff. Remember who you're talking about. I bet he completes it in like two days.
  22. That's about four years worth of games for me.
  23. A Good Tip. Yeah I normally split everything up and hide it in various pockets, bags and socks. And check everything obsessively every few minutes. And keep an eye on every shifty looking person.
  24. Yeah I'll be taking a fair amount of cash anyway, and I can always use my debit card and swallow the one off fee for doing so. Fingers crossed it does work though, it's always a bit of a stress having to take wallets full of cash out each day to pay for everything when on holiday.
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