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Everything posted by bob

  1. OK so I was half right. The best kind of right.
  2. I think Happenstance literally said the opposite.
  3. bob


    Ol' Tone was such an odd character. He seemed like he should be about 40 rather than a high school student, and as such seemed a bit out of place. I got a bit annoyed about his 'wise mysterious dude' schtick, and thought it was great when Clay called him out on it. Was a bit annoyed at how they seemed to lean towards setting up a second season rather than tieing up all the loose ends of this one - made the ending a bit unsatisfying.
  4. Well football fans (and northern ones at that) tend to be working class and therefore will vote for Labour. They also tend to be young (and that goes for anyone on internet forums) which means they will likely be more liberally minded. It's not that shocking really.
  5. If you're into fart jokes, you should find this funny. If you're not into fart jokes, the Funny Stuff Thread probably isn't for you since you don't seem to have a sense of humour.
  6. I have a feeling that the results on this poll will be woefully unrepresentative of the country as a whole, but it's still worth a look. I'll be voting Labour. I'm also in a Conservative area, and I think it'll probably be the same again, but I might as well vote with the party whom I agree the most with.
  7. bob


    Has anyone else here watched 13 Seasons Why? My wife said that everyone at her work had been watching it, and it was really good - worth a binge. I wasn't really sold on the trailer, it looked a bit Pretty Little Liars to me, but we sat down yesterday and ended up watching 9 episode, and then the final 4 today. It's really addictive. Anyone else?
  8. It's not just the cost. It's weird that we are so far into the consoles life and they still haven't specified what this weird app thing is that you need to talk to your friends?
  9. What do you have plugged into the TV? Mightent you need another PS4?
  10. For me I can't see it being before Christmas (if they've even got enough stock by then). E3 should be exciting though - I hope they've got plenty to show off!
  11. I'll be getting one, and will be mostly a Switch + PS4 person (plus the odd game on PC). I'm waiting until there are enough Switch exclusives available that i want, that I can't get on PS4.
  12. How to vote the Tories out. This website tells you who to vote for to get the Tories out in your area. Unless you want the Tories in, in which case vote for them.
  13. What are everyone's predictions for t' FA cup? I reckon it's going to an Arsenal - Tottenham final, with Tottenham winning (and Arsene resigning straight afterwards).
  14. The problem with Labour forming some sort of coalition with LD is that LD say they will overturn Brexit while Labour will go ahead with it. That would be a very difficult government to have.
  15. Watched Episode 18 last night. So so good. Especially the last scene. Shit going down! I kind of hope they keep the Framework story lines running into season 5 (if we get a season 5 (we had better get season 5!)), as it's too interesting to just last for a third of a season.
  16. bob


    At least you only have to deal with two genders in French/Spanish/Dutch. Who decided that a mouse was neither male, nor female, and they needed a neutral gender to describe it?!
  17. This makes no sense. Why bring out the NES mini, make far too few, discontinue it 6 months later, then bring this out? Are they going to do the same thing? What's the point? They clearly don't want to make money on it. I thought one of the arguments for discontinuing the NES one was that people would then buy stuff on the Virtual Console for the Switch, but then this makes no sense.
  18. bob


    What is it supposed to sound like? I want to chuckle knowingly at it.
  19. Ol' TRESemme doing another U-turn! For realz though this should be interesting. I don't see anything other than another Tory win.
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