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Everything posted by bob

  1. bob


    My favourite Scully quote: Peralta: "Scully will fake a medical emergency." Scully: "Don't need to fake it. Always having at least one." Peralta: "Great."
  2. Who knew there were so few players in the Premier League called Bob? Makes picking a fantasy team really difficult.
  3. Friends topping the list is impressive seeing as it only went on Netflix at the start of the year. Friends, Scrubs and Brooklyn Nine Nine (NINE NINE!) are the shows I watch on a constant basis, so I done my part. [emoji3] Friends is such a good show to just put on in the background, so I'm not surprised it's popular. They need to add a random episode button though.
  4. Defo one of the worst feelings in the world is ducking into McDonald's for some cheeky nuggets and seeing the breakfast menu still showing.
  5. bob

    Indie Games

    Gris reminds me of gristle, which isn't a particularly beautiful thought.
  6. There's no way that bundle will be available for more than 30 seconds after it is released. After that, it'll only be found on eBay for several hundred pounds.
  7. I dug out Spider-Man 2 a while back when I last had my Wii plugged in, (it's in my top 10 games of all time), but damn them graphics have not aged well. In my head it looks just like the new one, but in reality..... it seriously does not.
  8. He'd better be fucking wearing purple.
  9. I searched out the spoiler, and I didn't know who it was.
  10. That Fantasy website is trash. The search function for finding players is terrible. You can't search through first names, only surnames. You can't sort them alphabetically for some reason. And Rob Green doesn't appear to be in it?
  11. Excellent! All looks very swish. Nice and expensive. What's the name of your road again?
  12. When I was 6 or 7, I watched a film where someone in a swimming pool drowned when the top surface turned to glass while they were underwater; I think it might have been Friday 13th? Either way, I was terrified that while I was sleeping the covers would smother me, and so I had to keep one arm out at all times to stop it.
  13. Kinda hot in these rhinos.... ...WARM!
  14. Saw Ant Man last night. It's pretty good! The best part was the mid credits scene though!
  15. Well I hope you liked and shared. Each one will equal 1 prayer.
  16. Tom Hardy is terribly miscast. Whatever accent he's trying to do is just awful. Still, the rest of the film looks alright.
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