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Everything posted by bob

  1. Yeah, but this trailer is more for people who've already seen it, so they want you to be all like "oh yeah, i member that joke!", "That bit was awesome!" and "I completely forgot that the Black Order were in this film, so inconsequential to the plot were they!"
  2. There can't be that many people left who don't know the ending by now tbh. I can't wait to see this again, it was so good. Really wish I'd been to see it more than once at the cinema.
  3. Urgh. Why is Self Destruct even a move. Thought I'd teach my Tank/shield Golem a new move since Flail was a bit shit, and got Self Destruct. Useless move, because the AI just uses it at inopportune moments to take down low level Pokémon, and I lose my party shield. So I'm farming high level rock Pokémon to change it to something better, and my Golem learns fucking Explosion. So I Farm another high level rock Pokémon and it relearns Self Destruct! Arse face.
  4. I'm going 3-3, Brazil progress after penalties.
  5. I have a sealed copy of Yakuza 0, does that count?
  6. I've not played RPG Makers 1-1004, will I still be able to follow this?
  7. I just went and checked my Nintendo only list in the other thread, and there are loads of inconsistencies. Should have checked it first, but never mind. Seeing as@Nicktendo is never going to finish the other countdown, the whole thread is trash anyway, and we can throw the whole thing away.
  8. Fair play to Maguire though - he dived and then instantly admitted to it.
  9. Colombia are dirty as fuck, but McGuire clearly just kicked that dude in the head!? It pisses me off at how bias the commentators are when it comes to England. I understand that they obviously want England to win, but try and be professional for 90 mins. "Oh yeah, Maguire just catches him accidentally - he obviously didn't mean it"
  10. Cyberpunk didn't even show any in game graphics did they? Or any proof of anything innovative? I mean, I'm excited for the game, but it seems a bit premature.
  11. Don't have sex with either of them!
  12. I think I've got three. And one of those is from a Telltale game.
  13. It's nothing to do with it being mature, it's because it's more than double the price of the other versions, due to it being several months behind in releasing.
  14. I'm starting to see why nobody cared and why they didn't continue with this feature.
  15. Interesting. I wouldn't mind playing Black or White if they re-release it on the Switch.
  16. Need? I feel like that is too strong a word here.
  17. Didn't Xbox achievements system come out several years before that too?
  18. Couldn't they just add a higher difficulty setting and just bump all the enemy Pokémon up a few levels?
  19. I briefly considered buying this, but looking on Amazon and seeing the PS4 version £30 cheaper means it's just never going to happen.
  20. Happy birthday Appropriate Thought-out Acronym!
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