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Everything posted by bob

  1. Whenever my PS4 is being noisey, I just make a similar noise at it, but louder. Eventually, it gets embarrassed at my superior fan noises, and stops.
  2. Happy Brooklyn Nine Nine day everyone!
  3. Wake up this morning, check my phone, and there's one new photo on it from last night. It's a doozy though.
  4. I'm at a weddings and I'm the drunkest I've been in a long time. See adeer though!
  5. Why would anyone lie about being older than they are? In actuality, we're even older.
  6. Timesplitters 2 was amazing. Spent many an hour playing the multiplayer with my friends. It so many cool modes, like the one where you change size based on how well you're doing, or the one where an army of monkeys helps the last placed player. Ice Station was such a badass tune as well (wait for 1min20secs and turn the bass up loud):
  7. The outrage on that last one is hilarious. What a bellend.
  8. I think you've fundamentally misunderstood how trains work.
  9. I liked the one with the Beastie Boys in it. Which one was that? The titles are all so generic. I thought that the cast all had some pretty good chemistry going on, even if I never really liked Pine as Kirk. Seems weird that the last one bombed though, I didn't think it did that badly.
  10. I actually had never seen Iron Giant until about two weeks ago, when I saw it on a plane. It's very good.
  11. Just saw this new range of minimalist classic dvd covers in Tesco. Pretty cool no?
  12. Wow, he's a big star. I wonder what kind of budget they'll be working with.
  13. Oh man, this looks so good. I don't know if I'll be able to resist it for very long...
  14. Got someone in to do our dining room floor, and were pretty pleased with the result. They managed to level it as best they could despite one side of the room being a few cm higher than the other. Unfortunately, in the process of digging up the concrete hearth (which they then boarded over), the fireplace fell off the wall. It was apparently just balanced on some bricks. So now we'll have to redo the fireplace as well. On the plus side, I get these cool snazzy booties to wear while the floor cures.
  15. Yeah, I wish that they would at least pretend that they hadn't already completed the DLC content before the game is released.
  16. bob


    Anybody watch 'Safe'? Once you get past Michael C Hall's dodgy attempt at an English accent, it's pretty good. My wife and I binged it in three nights.
  17. I hope you put money on that...
  18. I don't see why you feel the need to ask why he needs to ask why people are asking for folders? Maybe he just wants another 10 page discussion on folders?! Gather[mention=448]Dazzybee[/mention],@Ronnie, etc, let's go. We're doing this.
  19. There's no way Donkey Kong isn't a fantastic dancer. His down A move in the original SB was literally just a breakdancing move. Look at his funky self -
  20. It's certainly an interesting direction they've gone in. I really like the artwork and the videos, but not really sold on any of their latest singles. I'll still buy it though.
  21. I went on holiday and listened to nothing but the Hamilton soundtrack for two weeks. I now have this weird amalgamation of the whole thing in my head and I can't get it out.
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