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Everything posted by bob

  1. It looks like he scratched that guys head in frustration. Arguably not straight red, but it's definitely a weird thing to do.
  2. Fuck this game. Seriously it's just so shit sometimes. I had a to choose to charge between two guys, so i choose one (pretty much at random, i only managed to guess half the interview questions) and all I get is my boss yelling at me for choosing the wrong guy. No explanation as to why he's the wrong guy, or what I did wrong. It's just such bullshit. This game winds me up so much.
  3. I'm in two minds, but I suspect that the FOMO may win though in the end. I may actually buy it and hope I end up playing it due to the Switch's portableness, but I similarly lack enough local people to play it with.
  4. Geez, someone needs to update their bots.
  5. So i've developed a sort of love/hate relationship with this game. I love bits of, and i'm definitely going to finish it, but oh my god the interviews. Why are they such bullshit?! I just think the game is really good in every other aspect, but it just falls apart during the interviews - they really pull down an otherwise excellent game. You just feel like you have no input in how they play out other than random chance. Arseface.
  6. So, this free week of online. Does that mean we get a free week of the totally awesome NES games as well? Or are they not included in that bit?
  7. Are you suggesting that the previous tenant was Dave Benson Phillips?
  8. Maybe it wasn't gunk in the first place, and was in fact gunge all along?
  9. Actual footage of @Hero-of-Time leaving for work in the morning.
  10. Considering these games are a few hundred kilobytes each, I'd be disappointed if it wasn't!
  11. If I look at the list of trophies and the Platinum requires you to complete the game more than once, it can fuck right off. I don't understand why anyone would complete a game and then want to instantly start again from the beginning. If I see that multiple playthroughs are a necessity, then I'm less inclined to bother with any of the other trophies, since I know that the platinum isn't attainable anyway.
  12. I bought the book but haven't read it yet. Not sure whether to read the book or watch the film first.
  14. I don't play any games that would require it at the moment, so I'll not bother for now.
  15. Really enjoying this Daily Mail headline generator: http://www.qwghlm.co.uk/toys/dailymail/
  16. It's more the way I throw a pretend drop beacon into the middle of the office, and then stand staring at the ceiling tapping my foot.
  17. I keep getting these odd looks at work when I put on my vaguely Spanish, slightly Italian accent.
  18. An interestingly traversal system is something that can elevate a game, I think. It's one of the reasons why I live the Just Cause series. The gameplay itself could just be another open world sandbox game with explosions, but the way they make it so much fun to traverse across the map with grapple + parachute + wingsuit makes it a joy. Playing a different game after JC3 always feels like a chore to get around when you have to walk on the ground like a chump. Spider-Man is the same presumably. It could so easily become a chore to "go here, fight this, come back" but they way that you get there makes it interesting for much longer.
  19. Didn't see anything that I'm likely to buy. Maybe Animal Crossing if I think I'll be able to put enough time into it when the time comes.
  20. Hopefully they add some sort of cranial add-on that makes you forget that the last 25 years happened, thus making a library of NES/SNES games seem like a good deal.
  21. Watched the first episode of Iron Fist S2. Pretty good so far, but do they not have any American actors anymore? Seriously, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, and now the newly introduced Alice Eve character - all British putting on American accents?!
  22. I've continued with this for a bit. Hoping to finish it off before I buy Spider-man. It's still pretty good, but the bits that are holding it back are really too fiddley. The questioning is still bullshit. I've maybe got roughly half of them correct, which is barely better than dumb luck. Just finished the murder desk missions culminating in the Also, the way you have to repeat whole sections of the game if you fail a mission, with UNSKIPPABLE cutscenes! How are they a thing in 2018?!
  23. I don't normally get FOMO, which is good because I normally tend to buy games and play them several months after the hype has died down (currently playing LA Noire). However, I really want to play Spider-Man... I can see me breaking pretty soon...
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