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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. Yet another update!
  2. You'll all be singing the chorus!
  3. Now £15.99 in summer sale on PS Store.
  4. I finished this yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a good lengthy game that's tricky in places too! If you liked Resi 4 you'll love this. 8/10
  5. Does this help?
  6. When he takes off on the gas cannister!
  7. Some cracking pics on Neogaf - but this is my fave.
  8. I'm looking forward to this on PS4 more than No Man's Sky.
  9. No thread for this? New trailer - looking good!
  10. It's a 9 from me, one of the best racing games I've played. It's the only PS4 game I've platinumed (so far). I've lost so many hours to this wonderful game and hopefully when the private server update comes into play, we can have race nights!
  11. Got this today for £18. Up to chapter 4 and it's very good.
  12. Haven't posted any news in here for a while but this is a biggie! Drive Club is patched again and they have more in store for us including private servers which means we can have an N-europe Driveclub Tournament!
  13. Sad sad news.
  14. This should clear things up Anyway,back to games : peace:
  15. Why answer this question if you clearly don't have a clue what your talking about? Anyway if you buy UK blurays which all have BBFC certification they will 100% play on your UK PS4. Driveclub is my fave racing game of all time, I'd recommend getting the season pass for a shit ton of content!
  16. I'm keeping out of this, I'll stick to the Other Consoles thread.
  17. @Fierce_LiNk your supposed to put it on the controller.
  18. No, that was the last one.
  19. 10th of November release date!
  20. Awww come on Flamey, don't be bitter you can start an Xbox One memories thread instead.
  21. £26.86 at shop to right now!
  22. Hmmm, from the creators of Amnesia, I'd forgotten about that.
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