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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. Brilliant!
  2. Played more last night and figured this out. Tap left touchpad for parties (which now work!) Hold left touchpad for option to return to title screen. Playing some more tonight, I'm really enjoying it! Never had a problem with Walker's.
  3. Be good if we could get a wee n-europe crew going. Yeah I couldn't quit back to main menu either,I'm guessing this will be addressed in a patch. You can quit match search and try again, that's what I did. Played a wee bit tonight and came first - mainly due to the fact that I managed to Fulton extract an opponent with a 600 bounty on his head. I came first in our team with 1500 points. I'm now at level 5! Let's hope some of the Destiny zombies at least give it a go *runs for cover*
  4. Managed about an hour last night and it's bloody impressive and fun. It ran pretty flawlessly although it wouldn't let you create parties. Why are only 2 of us playing this? a shit ton of people got the game! I also really like the FOB mode too. The game overall just offers a ridiculous amount of content.
  5. If you bought the day one edition don't forget to redeem your code for an XP boost!
  6. Remember Metal Gear Online is available tomorrow! I'm so excited!
  7. He's busy admiring the view, there's a lot to take in.
  8. No they were all shit, I'm amazed they made 3 of them and Christ knows why they made a collection out them.
  9. He's the strong silent type - I like that in a man.
  10. Listen to the tapes, you literally can't get him to shut up
  11. Wowzer! Strangely aroused!
  12. Anybody trying the new freemode events later tonight?
  13. LOU Online is fantastic and something I still play regularly.
  14. This looks awesome - I just hope that now we have more users we get some online playtime together. Online Heists on here got about as much attention as a nuns fanny.
  15. I feel sorry for this guy....
  16. I'll just leave this here...
  17. Can't wait until October 6th for the multiplayer, it looks fantastic!
  18. I have a turtle beach P4C and they are under £20 and work well!
  19. What a lovely video - genuinely emotional.
  20. Good solid review from IGN
  21. Probably get a patch too.
  22. Mine arrived from Shopto this morning as well but had to go out (damn you real life!) anyway back now and ready to play!
  23. Driveclub News
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